Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Too many heroes (and more)


I think I might like it here
i dont really wanna barge in but isnt roleplaying supposed to be almost like real life in medieval times. like... um... really things unexpected happen like someone robbing you. and when does a overpowered hero get robbed?
like lets say i am a person who owns a bank. and then someone comes with weapons and starts robbing. i feel that is alot more fun then slaying a demon. cause if you wanna be a hero like that. go play the legend of zelda


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
i dont really wanna barge in but isnt roleplaying supposed to be almost like real life in medieval times. like... um... really things unexpected happen like someone robbing you. and when does a overpowered hero get robbed?
like lets say i am a person who owns a bank. and then someone comes with weapons and starts robbing. i feel that is alot more fun then slaying a demon. cause if you wanna be a hero like that. go play the legend of zelda
This server is also fantasy roleplaying, but it does not give players a license to be a crazily powerful demonic demi-god whose aunt was the Kraken and whose father was the most talented mage in Altera. :p


I think I might like it here
i agree with you there. there shouldn't be a thousand mages and a thousand kings and queens everywhere. i went on a roleplaying server. i could not find one blacksmith to sell me stuff. blacksmith where the only ones who could make iron and above. i was stuck with stone tools and leather armor. while a bunch of diamond demi-god blacksmiths roamed the land looking for a trouble and ones looking to stop evil. really the thing on the roleplay server with the classes like blacksmith only being able to make iron and above. was supposed to push people to be regular people blacksmiths and sell armor and tools iron and above. but instead there where dwarf kings and stuff like that.


That can always be a problem. But here I've seen plenty of little shops an black smithing stations. We don't really have many kings... There's nobles every once in a while, but not many royal people. Actually playing royalty can be annoying, havin to do the things royals do. We do have a lot of knights and heroes though...


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
That can always be a problem. But here I've seen plenty of little shops an black smithing stations. We don't really have many kings... There's nobles every once in a while, but not many royal people. Actually playing royalty can be annoying, havin to do the things royals do. We do have a lot of knights and heroes though...
It's not just the title that defines good or bad character though.
There is a clear class divide in Altera, a feudal system, one might say.

In the early Middle Ages in Britain, the social classes were generally sorted like this;
Royalty (Kings and Queens.)
Nobles (Lords, Ladies, Dukes, Duchesses etc. Often related, or somehow connected, to royalty.)
Knights/Vassals (Owned bits of land granted to them by their representing Lord.)
Freemen (Merchants, Travellers, anyone with their own trade to support themselves.)
Peasants/Villeins (Worked for the Nobles, payed taxes, owned little, died.)

Every single one presents unique and engaging roleplaying possibilites; for example knights can engage in struggles for honour and titles, whilst peasants desperately to bring in enough money to feed their families. Although magic and fantasy are, at times, brilliant for roleplaying opportunities, people often forget that everyday trialscan be just as interesting as fantastical ones. There are plenty of events with curses, corruption and demonic spirits, but people tend to forget things like tournaments, feasts and struggles for money and food.
Another thing to consider is that being a knight or a king does not necessarily make you a hero, and being a hero doesn't necessarily make you a knight or king. As long as a character is sustained, and there is a level of depth to their roleplaying ability, even the most questionable character could be played well. Unfortunately, whilst trying to create an "interesting" character, many people take this concept and think they are being imaginative when they try to choose the flipside. By playing an "exiled king living the life of a peasant" or "a simple peasant who is remarkably talented at swordsmanship" you are not really usinjg your imagination, and it is far more challenging and fun to develop a normal character, than to continually play as a "special" one.

Okay, I've written another small essay, that's me satisfied for the next 24 hours! :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I tend to not put much thought at all into characters... I start out as a diplomat, develop a sense of cruel humor, and build a Dungeon... Bam! Mori the Diplomatic Dungeon Keeper is born...


Start out as a peasant, develop a mild obsession with fire and magic... Find a Pyromancer insane enough to teach a former murderer how to murder people even better with fire... And bam. Basil the Pyromancer is born... So, don't have to be a peasant or something of that nature... Just don't be overly... Cliche.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
So, don't have to be a peasant or something of that nature... Just don't be overly... Cliche.
But the point is, your characters still have relatively humble beginnings, and they gain skills through roleplaying.
A lot of new players turn up on our doorstep and two days later seem to be deranged shadowy murderers seeking revenge for the tragic deaths of their parents... Example;

Victim: "Hail, friend!"
Immersion Killer: "...Hello............" *shadows go around him*
Victim: "How are you today, sir?" *frowning slightly*
Immersion Killer: (btw u dont no im a sir u cant see my face) "How dare you?! *sobbing* My family all drowned at sea when I was five and pirates attacked our ship!" *his eyes glow purple*
Victim: "Oh... Um... Well, I... I'm sorry to hear..."
Immersion Killer: "Then I survived hundreds of bloody battles and became a master of the sword so I can find and kill bandits and pirates!"
Victim: "Oh, how terrible.."
Immersion Killer: "DIE, CURSED BANDIT SCUM!!!" *shoots a fireball, knocking them out*
Victim: *tries to get up* (You can't really do that, you know...)
Immersion Killer: (dude i said u where unconsious...) *stabs him in the chest*
Victim: (But, you aren't really supposed to decide people's actions for them, it's like metagaming.)
Immersion Killer: (no cos im part shadowdragon and im a desendent of that gondalf guy in harry potter so it would probably kill you)
Victim: (...)


The Arbiter of the Gods
All right, fixed that major problem... I couldn't look at the thread title without twitching before xD

But seriously now, the heroes bit has been balanced out by the roll thing..................................
I'll try not to swear on my opinion on dice. To me, it's like a peasant capable of blowing up a man in full suit of well enchanted armour just by sheer luck. Also, have you seen the amount of spam and confusion it creates? So now not only do we have "heroes" or "villains" but we also have heroes and villains who between each action roll a dice... And in a situation such as one I had earlier today I couldn't make out what the Nether was happening because there were either 5 different discussions going on or major spam out with dice... I'm not trying to put you lot off using dice, but don't expect to come up to me, say "swings his sword at Polo", use dice and stop me from bursting out laughing or saying "Go to Nether".

Other than that, we still get heroes assassins, even amongst the more experienced players. I won't mention any names here, but what's so exciting about being an assassin? Guys, Assassin isn't someone from assassin's creed. They didn't tend to have enemies because it's not wise to be an enemy of an assassin, but what they also didn't have is any sort of thoughts of their own. Assassins were trained to dream of honourable death, no more and no less. They were fanatics who felt that death is their final reward.
The way I see people loving an assassin is; "Oh look, he's got awesome white robes and awesome white hood with bean stains all over them! And he's got some fricken knives! He's so cool! I wannit!!!!!"
I mean, seriously... White? White is the most useless colour to camouflage in unless you're thinking of snow. In the desert I'd expect someone wearing pink over white (seriously, creamy pink is probably one of the best camouflages in the desert), and at night you'd obviously wear black if you're someone with some evil thoughts of murdering someone else.

Next topic of discussion; Not playing peasants and/ or not knowing your place on that pyramid thing called the hierarchy.

I don't blame you for not playing peasants. Especially hardcore peasants, who were basically slaves. However, you can make a very interesting peasant no matter how to look at it. Also, it may be worth mentioning that Altera in general swings towards feudal system... If I was to see a peasant, as a lord, telling me to shut up or generally being a little slimy bug under my boot, I'd squish him. End of.

/rant off


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Other than that, we still get heroes assassins, even amongst the more experienced players. I won't mention any names here, but what's so exciting about being an assassin? Guys, Assassin isn't someone from assassin's creed. They didn't tend to have enemies because it's not wise to be an enemy of an assassin, but what they also didn't have is any sort of thoughts of their own. Assassins were trained to dream of honourable death, no more and no less. They were fanatics who felt that death is their final reward.
The way I see people loving an assassin is; "Oh look, he's got awesome white robes and awesome white hood with bean stains all over them! And he's got some fricken knives! He's so cool! I wannit!!!!!"
I mean, seriously... White? White is the most useless colour to camouflage in unless you're thinking of snow. In the desert I'd expect someone wearing pink over white (seriously, creamy pink is probably one of the best camouflages in the desert), and at night you'd obviously wear black if you're someone with some evil thoughts of murdering someone else.
One more thing about assassin characters, people don't tend to enjoy being told that you could kill them, but won't. It's irritating, pointless and frankly intimidating RP.
Another key thing to remember is that games such as Assassins' Creed hugely glamourized the assassin archetype, and made them into mysterious and tragic heroes, rather than the uncaring contract killers that existed in Ancient Rome, Europe, and across the world. Assassins generally valued money and reputation over honour and righteousness, so think careful about your characters beliefs, values and experiences before going all gooey eyed over the pretty white robes and shiny knives.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
All right, fixed that major problem... I couldn't look at the thread title without twitching before xD

But seriously now, the heroes bit has been balanced out by the roll thing..................................
I'll try not to swear on my opinion on dice. To me, it's like a peasant capable of blowing up a man in full suit of well enchanted armour just by sheer luck. Also, have you seen the amount of spam and confusion it creates? So now not only do we have "heroes" or "villains" but we also have heroes and villains who between each action roll a dice... And in a situation such as one I had earlier today I couldn't make out what the Nether was happening because there were either 5 different discussions going on or major spam out with dice... I'm not trying to put you lot off using dice, but don't expect to come up to me, say "swings his sword at Polo", use dice and stop me from bursting out laughing or saying "Go to Nether".

Other than that, we still get heroes assassins, even amongst the more experienced players. I won't mention any names here, but what's so exciting about being an assassin? Guys, Assassin isn't someone from assassin's creed. They didn't tend to have enemies because it's not wise to be an enemy of an assassin, but what they also didn't have is any sort of thoughts of their own. Assassins were trained to dream of honourable death, no more and no less. They were fanatics who felt that death is their final reward.
The way I see people loving an assassin is; "Oh look, he's got awesome white robes and awesome white hood with bean stains all over them! And he's got some fricken knives! He's so cool! I wannit!!!!!"
I mean, seriously... White? White is the most useless colour to camouflage in unless you're thinking of snow. In the desert I'd expect someone wearing pink over white (seriously, creamy pink is probably one of the best camouflages in the desert), and at night you'd obviously wear black if you're someone with some evil thoughts of murdering someone else.

Next topic of discussion; Not playing peasants and/ or not knowing your place on that pyramid thing called the hierarchy.

I don't blame you for not playing peasants. Especially hardcore peasants, who were basically slaves. However, you can make a very interesting peasant no matter how to look at it. Also, it may be worth mentioning that Altera in general swings towards feudal system... If I was to see a peasant, as a lord, telling me to shut up or generally being a little slimy bug under my boot, I'd squish him. End of.

/rant off
I now have an image of Altaïr trying to make clotted cream.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Actually... People Roleplay to have fun, relax, and enjoy being something they don't normally get to be, this can be anything from a simple student, farm or cook, to a town guard, to a royal guard, maybe even eventually work up to be the leader of some high organization.

My character started as a lowly jester,
Didn't your character blow up a building in some type of epic revenge-assasin-hero outburst? *

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Ok, listen. I've been on this server awhile (More than a year, yah!). This issue has been raised in the past....frequently too. The enevitable conclusion is that everyone gets their feelings hurt and no conclusion is met. The new players will be warned off of creating OP characters, and some people will feel guilty about their apparently OP characters and make new ones. The fact is that new players are divided into two groups. Those who create a cool character with a few unique abilities, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then, over time they grow more powerful. The other group starts out way OP and pretty much stays that way. The problem dwells in the fact that while characters may start out mundane, there is almost no way to avoid gaining some awesome power (unless you lock yourself away in the Southern wilds by yourself and never RP). I agree there are too many heroes/villians, but staying a farmer is more challenging than becoming the thrice cursed demon of the Abyss....ironic, that.

With all that said, some people do manage to create wonderful, complex characters without making them OP (unfortunately, they are outnumbered by the OP ones). It is a major problem, and one I have no easy solution to.