Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Too many heroes (and more)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Hello Mrs Grief.
As you may be able to see we are discussing the meaning of life.... aka the thing you try to destroy...


I think I might like it here
I'm just an Adventurer and Blacksmith. I work my forge until someone asks me to be a party member on their journey. I'm not on this server yet but on my last one I was the same thing and It was really fun to work a forge and accompany people into dangerous lands, get treasure, and return to normal life as a blacksmith. :)


Valonyx said:
I would like to agree to the tenet that everyone starts low and gradually goes up. Starting as a dark overlord or a mighty Archangel seems pretty unrealistic to me. For example, three guys log on for the first time and start Roleplaying:

-hail friend!


-who are you?

-ah, me? just an humble blacksmith, and you?

-The Warlord Kurad II, king of all the south.

thats ruining the RP and also can be seen unfair by the two other players. Yes, my character is the Grand Master of the Golden Crusade. No, i was not that ''powerful'' when i began. I had to post large threads, gain supporters, get money, resources, etc. That was only why i dislike those starting too high. But, i agree with the fact that the richest, most experienced and well reknown players can be considered as kings, archangels, high-bishops or whatever.
So 5 days after joining you announce yourself as the "grand master" of a paladin order that promises to vanquish evil from Altera... Great character development.


Lord of Altera
So 5 days after joining you announce yourself as the "grand master" of a paladin order that promises to vanquish evil from Altera... Great character development.
1. It is not a ''paladin order''.

2.yeah, and? It worked. I putted a lot of work into the Crusade, and what if my character, before i started playing as him, was about to create and become grand master of the GC?


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
1. It is not a ''paladin order''.

2.yeah, and? It worked. I putted a lot of work into the Crusade, and what if my character, before i started playing as him, was about to create and become grand master of the GC?
What if my character, before I started playing as her, was about to become possessed by demonic spirits that give her supernatural powers?
Not really a valid reason... You're supposed to develop only some key aspects of your character in their past, and hone their other skills/tackle their other goals in game through roleplaying.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
So in your opinion, how long does a player have to be on this server before he can assume a leadership position of an organization? I don't quite see the problem behind a player taking a title of leadership so long as he put the time and effort into building an organization up and running the thing. If it only took five days, then that's amazing.

Now, that title means as much as the organization itself does. If you built up a great group in less than a week of arriving here, and that group becomes a major force on the server, then that title is awesome. If the group was hastily thrown together and is barely active and the faction is generally treated as laughable, then the title is equally laughable.

Honestly, as far as the server goes my little group and I have been pretty isolated, just building our little town so I wouldn't know either way.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
So in your opinion, how long does a player have to be on this server before he can assume a leadership position of an organization? I don't quite see the problem behind a player taking a title of leadership so long as he put the time and effort into building an organization up and running the thing. If it only took five days, then that's amazing.

Now, that title means as much as the organization itself does. If you built up a great group in less than a week of arriving here, and that group becomes a major force on the server, then that title is awesome. If the group was hastily thrown together and is barely active and the faction is generally treated as laughable, then the title is equally laughable.

Honestly, as far as the server goes my little group and I have been pretty isolated, just building our little town so I wouldn't know either way.
I am not adverse to new players taking on large roles if they are fully to committed them, but the point stands that no matter how much effort has been put in to these positions/organisations/projects, many people will see it as a hasty move. There is also the far more prominent issue of getting this to be realistic in RP.
Fair enough people are willing to put time into these things, but if they dive into them straight away, it makes little sense in the world that our characters live in. Specific time limits on leadership roles would be very restrictive, but to wash up on a shore with nothing one day, then to be spearheading an influential organisation the next just seems a little exaggerated.
I am not here to throw insults at the Golden Crusade, nor do I have anything against Valonyx, however people do need to remember that the same effort that goes in out of character should be put in in game through role playing and building a reputation over time, for a better roleplaying experience for everybody concerned.

Over and out.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
That's just how it works sometimes. A relative unknown that only spent one term as a US senator is now the President. Charismatic and driven people can get things done very quickly if given the tools and some luck.

I agree, a roleplayed ascent to greatness would be nice, but sometimes the "man with no name" comes strolling into town and flips the status quo, and that can also lead to great roleplaying as well.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
That's just how it works sometimes. A relative unknown that only spent one term as a US senator is now the President. Charismatic and driven people can get things done very quickly if given the tools and some luck.

I agree, a roleplayed ascent to greatness would be nice, but sometimes the "man with no name" comes strolling into town and flips the status quo, and that can also lead to great roleplaying as well.
True enough, but if we all played the charismatic driven people, the server would quickly descend to chaos. I will quote the title of the thread: "Too many heroes"

*buys a briefcase and tucks it into bed*

I rest my case.


Faelin said:
True enough, but if we all played the charismatic driven people, the server would quickly descend to chaos. I will quote the title of the thread: "Too many heroes"

*buys a briefcase and tucks it into bed*

I rest my case.
Cherry, will you marry me?


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I agree, not every single person can do what Valonyx did. We both know though that if everyone did try to become a leader of a faction, no factions would be made, and no one could claim such titles.

Kinda defeats itself.


Lord of Altera
I don't want to take anyone's place or take over the world. I just want to do some nice RP. Sorry. Sorry if some think i did something bad by creating a nice organisation that wants to fight evil. Sorry if you judge that i should shut up and stay in my corner until i have enough of your ''experience'' to take an active role. All i want is to have fun. Thats what im having with quite a lot of people. the only thing i want is that you judge the Golden Crusade by its lore, its organisation and its acheivements, and not by how much time its leader is here or stuff like that.

Thanks for your attention.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I don't want to take anyone's place or take over the world. I just want to do some nice RP. Sorry. Sorry if some think i did something bad by creating a nice organisation that wants to fight evil. Sorry if you judge that i should shut up and stay in my corner until i have enough of your ''experience'' to take an active role. All i want is to have fun. Thats what im having with quite a lot of people. the only thing i want is that you judge the Golden Crusade by its lore, its organisation and its acheivements, and not by how much time its leader is here or stuff like that.

Thanks for your attention.
As said, I didn't come to this thread to rant at the Crusade, so I'll keep it brief.
1. Everybody wants to do nice RP, fair enough.
2. You have a good idea, and are highly committed to it. Also fair enough.
3. The fact that the organisation fights evil is invalid, many evil/chaotic organisations make excellent RP. By challenging them, there will be more excellent RP.
4. Being shut up in a corner is precisely the opposite of what I am saying. Things should be discussed, planned and initiated in RP, with others to develop the idea, and therefore the characters too. Not just planning on the forums.
5. Everyone on this server has an active role. Every single player contributes in their own way, it just depends on how they choose to present it.
6. Of course you want to have fun, as do all players. From the "hardcore RPGamers" to the noobiest demigod assassins. You have succeeded in finding like minded characters and formed a group to share ideas. This is good.
7. On no account would I ever judge an organisation by it's leader's activity. The Lore is very well thought out, and their achievements, I'm sure, will be numerous. However, some people will be annoyed at how the Crusade just appeared out of the blue with little actually said and developed in game.

Likewise, thank you for your attention.

*rereads, sighing* That was supposed to be brief. Honest...