Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Town ^^ Redcap Crossing


Loyal Servant of Altera
OK ive finally wrote stuff down i am so lazy!
this is edited from the original thread
this is some rp and backstory for the town
ive by no means completed this ive so much on this jumbled in my head pls ask questions so we can make the story more rounded and complete

God of: fungi, mushrooms, mooshrooms, mushroom soup, visions and extrasensory abilites, netherwart ( its like a baby fungus, so cute ! )
Symbol: a redcap on a mushroom field
Colours: grey, red, and mushroomy sandy ish color

Motto: Perception creates reality.
2nd motto : Everything like a fungus, slow and soft. But poison if you consume too much.
apparently i cant copy and paste a whole lot so ima make posts to amend this : /


Yeah or I could just copy your buildings in the new biome, shouldn't be very hard ;]


The Watcher
Must resist urge to pillage this small defenceless hamlet... damn my pirate instincts!


Loyal Servant of Altera
apparently i cant copy and paste a whole lot so ima make posts to amend this : /[/quote]

this is info just for people to know ooc only!
the mushroom god called the Felicitous Fun Gi is a young god in altera. he came into existence after he was worshiped so fervently that his existence was reality. While deep in libraries studying history of the original earth before queen grief we have discovered old tomes and documents ( insert head shop advertisement )( insert super Mario brothers cover from Nintendo!) showing statues of mushrooms ( his holy symbol- and image) and his original high priest ( mario) lawl ;p have you seen a fungus guy from eq2? that's how im seeing the mushroom god. his creation was so amazing and splendid! the energy created from the worship spawning him happened as king steel king cherbert and king lars had to move us again! the magical energy in the air from the move msut have made the conditions right. he was there in a ... big bang... of every color imaginable like a glitter rainbow and light, like a tnt funbox. this creation is mimicked in the traditional wedding clothes worn at a ceremony by the couple. in the new world theyve found for us the Felicitous FunGi inserted himself and created for his followers THE MUSHROOM BIOME OF AWESOME. we acknowledge the other gods just enough to be neutral, but the mushroom god above others. sometimes people come to the temple on the island to pay their respects to the mushroom god. We have a trade agreement with shipwreck cove. they provide all of our bones that we make into bonemeal to grow our mushrooms int he mushroom farm (practical and rp good- hostile mobs don't spawn in mushroom biome)


Loyal Servant of Altera
apparentyl i cant copy and paste a whole lot so ima make posts to amend this : /
what people know in char
those folks over there who worship the mushroom god so much more than all the other gods sure are a strange bunch! They eat so much of that damn stew i swear they live on it alone! But if youre craving a bowl the town inn sure has a good recipe!
in respects to mooshrooms- you shall acknowledge they are sacred animals not to be killed! you can sheer the shrrom off the moo but dont kill the moo! mooshrooms are a gift of life if you starve simply take a bowl to the udder and ye shall be given food. these animals are creation of the Felicitous FunGi he made to help provide for his children! ( kinda like give a man a fish or teach a man to fish )

in regards to the town proper : we need to get more citizens


Loyal Servant of Altera
A Map Of the Temple
when you go down the stairs there is a foyer with the sacrifice... i mean offerings!... room to your left, and to your right is the transport room in and out of the town. down more stairs on the 2nd lvl is Contemplation Square where you can roam amongst mushrooms and consider life, on either side of Contemplation Square are 2 alcoves with private worship rooms. pls close the door behind you so you can be alone with your thoughts and prayers. Soft wool has been provided at the cardinal directions for comfortable kneeling. in the very back of CS down more stairs is the main communal prayer chapel, Sermons will be announced here.


Loyal Servant of Altera
The tourism office is also open.
Soon to be available pamphlets are:
Coping with Grass Withdrawls
Behaving Around Mooshrooms
YES! It Is OK To Go Out At Night
Eating Your First Magic Mushrooms
Hymn Book of The Felicitous FunGi
Information on Immigration
The Mushroom God and You: Information on The Faith
A Fun Day! A Tourists Landmark Guide


Loyal Servant of Altera
more knowledge in char
The largest island is named Clotho. This is the island which houses the Temple the lighthouse and all homes of Redcaps Citizens.
The 2nd island is named Lachesis. This is the island that is home to the Inn and the mooshroom stables.
The smallest island is named Atropos it contains the Library and the Tourist Offices.


Loyal Servant of Altera
proposals- it is common to give your partner a woven crown of the softest peat sprinkled with pygmy mushrooms in a variety of colors in accompaniment with a proposal. Proposals are very private affairs and it is tradition for the couple to immediately go and stay away from town for a week after agreeing to marry. Naturally when your child disappears you can imagine how mothers go insane planning weddings... especially bc they know they have to wait a week to gloat. lol. after the week of joyous exile there is always a huge festival upon retuning. after this one week of bliss its no longer private, it's very very public. the festival is thrown by the whole town and the whole town attends the weddings. there is no what we call receptions but rather the festival is kinda the pre... reception. this works ok bc engagements are very short. usually no more than a couple months- tops. this time up until the wedding is forced separation. once again the whole town participates in keeping the couple apart. over the years it has developed into a small understated happy game everyone plays, trying to keep the lovers apart until the wedding. the history behind it is to make the desire so great that is was thought to bless the couple with increased chances of conception on the wedding night. the couples family's prepare the new home of the couple in advance and after the wedding there is a ..."walking reception" its like a parade through town and everyone parties as they walk the newlyweds to their home for their honeymoon. The reason the homes are prepared in advance by the family is because once the couple enters their home they don't leave for a week. got it ? proposal- gone a week- separation for duration of engagement- wedding- in house week-.
weddings- most weddings are held in the chapel but some are held outside on seasonable days, and a smaller few of very devout pay for a grove to be cleared inside the mushroom farm, these groves are alight with glowstone dust sprinkled on the ground; everything glows like a sunset. everyone gets married in the same clothes, yet every dress is different- there is a fitted bodysuit that is a magnet and then they are showered in a rainbow of sand. this creates an affect of a liquid prism that sparkles as the person moves. both parts wear robes like this there is no masculine or feminine way of dress. after the honeymoon week the sand that fell on the floor on the wedding night is swept out the front door of the home. it is said that the longer you see the rainbow sparkling on your doorstep the longer and happier marriage you will have. naturally some... extra caring... mommies have tried to set up windbreakers near their babies home lol.


King ForumStalker
I honestly love this town and the religion behind it, so i'm gonna post some constructive criticism.

Please, please, please! Paragraph and capitalise where necessary. This town deserves more residents but people don't like reading walls of text!


Lord of Altera
Proposals: It is common to give your partner a woven crown of the softest peat sprinkled with pygmy mushrooms of various colors in order to propose. Proposals are very private affairs and it is tradition for the couple to immediately leave town for a week after agreeing to marry. Naturally, mothers go insane planning weddings once it is discovered that their child has disappeared—especially because they know they must wait a week to gloat.

Engagement: After this one week of bliss the engagement is made public. A festival is thrown by the whole town. There are no true receptions after the wedding, only the festival before; because engagements are very short—usually no more than a couple months—this works perfectly. Until the wedding, the whole town participates in keeping the couple apart. It is a tradition that has developed over the years into a little game everyone plays, trying to keep the lovers apart until the wedding. The idea is to make the desire great in the hopes of blessing the couple with increased chances of conception on the wedding night. The couple's families prepare their new home in advance and after the wedding there is a "walking reception," which is a parade through town where everyone celebrates while they walk the newlyweds to their new home for their honeymoon. Once the couple enters their home, they don't leave for a week.

Weddings: Most weddings are held in the chapel, however some are held outside on seasonable days. When this happens, a small, devout group pay for a grove to be cleared inside the mushroom farm, these groves are alight with glowstone dust sprinkled on the ground—everything glows like a sunset. Everyone gets married in the same kind of clothes, yet every dress is unique; there is a fitted bodysuit that is a magnet and then they are showered in a rainbow of sand, creating an affect of a liquid prism that sparkles as the person moves. Both bride and groom wear robes like this, there is no masculine or feminine way to dress. After the honeymoon week, the sand that fell on the floor on the wedding night is swept out the front door of the home. It is said that the longer you see the rainbow sparkling on your doorstep, the longer and happier marriage you will have. Naturally, some "extra caring" mommies have tried to set up windbreakers near their babies' home.

I have conquered the wall of text! :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
i no good at typing :( if the internet was a piece of paper and i could scan it up here then itd be better :(