Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Town ^^ Redcap Crossing


Loyal Servant of Altera
there are some shops open now in redcap, the library sells used books for an excellent price! (((bookshelves)))
also the blacksmith has set up some chests for his wares on the tower roof

also when the mushroom farm is done ill be holding a ribbon cutting ceremony, itll be big ^^ ill announce that in the roleplay forums as id like to make an event of it, i have some things planned ....


Loyal Servant of Altera
I am removing the welcome package, for several reasons. Number one i dont want to feel like im bribing people to come here. Someone should want to join my town because i have a deep history, and well thought out story. I believe i have and still am working my best to give people the best info and backstory for them to develop a solid roleplay around. And secondly i do not want to be a "taker-backer" if i feel someone hasnt been in my town hardly any amount of time. Frankly someone leaving a town after a short amount of time and after having given them a welcome package makes me feel as if someone has spit in my face. It makes me a bitter spiteful person and i dont like the way that feels. So no more welcome package.