Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Town ^^ Redcap Crossing


Loyal Servant of Altera
the houses on Clotho are almost finished, i only have ... 3.7 to build still
after the homes are done i will start work on the library.
after that i will make the " grassy retreat" for tourists having withdrawls. after all, thatll make any nurses job easier lol
actually thats a good title suggestion...


Loyal Servant of Altera
The Work on the Library has started! a BIG THANKS!!
to vanGarret and darkwood
to alail and witches brew
for donating a LOT of suagrcanes!!!
everyone give them hugs!
and come visit the library


Loyal Servant of Altera
work on the bridge has started, the design has changed i think for the better ( when its finally done )

also i am now accepting donations of sand and gravel to fill in the tower ^^ leave them in the chest at the front of the bridge :heart:


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey there, I want to apologize for taking a few mushrooms the other day, if there is anything I can do to make up for it, like if you have in town shops I can buy from, to right what has been wronged then let me know via pm in game, thanks.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey there, I want to apologize for taking a few mushrooms the other day, if there is anything I can do to make up for it, like if you have in town shops I can buy from, to right what has been wronged then let me know via pm in game, thanks.
O HO HO you have already been hawkeyed and put on my KOS list buwahahaa
jk ty for the apology, its fine i replanted what i found, but i only found one... there was more... ?


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh, for some reason I thought we were talking about a small mushroom. Their was only one big one, damaged already, but I won't argue. Hopefully my pic of a corgi pup will help ease the tension. And if not... I could link you to a song...


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh, for some reason I thought we were talking about a small mushroom. Their was only one big one, damaged already, but I won't argue. Hopefully my pic of a corgi pup will help ease the tension. And if not... I could link you to a song...
hawkeye doesnt lie ^^
corgis shed
and what song


Loyal Servant of Altera
aww... I'll try and find a better dog...
Also, okay,
< I'm the guy singing hehe, my friend composed the music, and I wrote the lyrics and that's his youtube.


Loyal Servant of Altera
BIG THANKS and hugs for ninjatangerine who donted a whole lot lot lot of cobble for the tower at the bridge!


Loyal Servant of Altera
haha I wrote that song for a girl but not my girlfriend, but that girl is now my girlfriend lol. Also I have a yorky/shizu, I don't know if that's manly ._.


Loyal Servant of Altera
another update!
the bridges are done!
the stairs around the tower are done !
ty aug and cubey for being the 2 most best geometry genius' in existence!
i :heart: you 2!
stairway down to the mushroom farms and grass retreat is also started!
considering making a lil fishing dock also on the outside stair down....
after the whole thing here is done itll be the mooshroom stables next!