Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Trials of a dwarven slave.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Day 28 of Vengeance...Day 1 of Life

You see a field of snow. Dead bodies lie by the dozens, blood soaks the ground scarlet. Elves eyes gaze out into the wasteland, glazed over in terrible death. In the center, a lone dwarf rests on his knees. He does not move, yet he is not dead. Blood runs from wounds all over his body. Ice hangs off him like a mountain. He has nothing left. No life. Waiting to die. He sits there for hours, staring into the storm, waiting...waiting.

He remembers...his parents...his life...his hatred...all a dream. Why matters it now? He cares not. Let death come.

Just then, he remembers something Aaron once told him.

"We all experience pain. Old Aaron lost everything. Family, friends, money. All gone. So, what did I do? I rebuilt it all. Life is precious to those who have only life. Don't waste it."

The dwarf thinks for a moment, then rises painfully to his feet, and walks off into the storm. There is life still in this one.

The adventure is over...but life has just begun.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
Ok, thats the end of this series.
I'm going to begin on another soon, about his wandering to find a path among the world and his coming to Altera.
Possible romance too.
Im going to also release an edited version of this story, streamlined, comment free, and with some new passages to flesh it out. Maybe even a backstory of his childhood.
Comments are MUCH appreciated, I need critisisms people! Tell me what you want to see changed, inserted, expanded upon. I plan on rivalling Fitz's work here!

(Love your work btw fitz)


Sparkly purple member of the team
I have a suggestion.
Write more! More, I tell you. Now.

*Alaila points to the corner of the thread*
That corner is mine. I make camp on the threads I like. Sometime Itzza brings tents and Danie plays violin. Get used to not having peace and quiet around unless you feed us more of your story.