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Tybalt Rhett | King of Marr


Lord of Altera
+Updates across the board.
Relation updates @bettemus99 @Ddaug02 @Landem

Various updates to other parts of his profile. A few added negative personality traits, entire rework of his goals. How he views people in general.
One hidden thing on there. And maybe some other things I forgot. @Michcat

Also on the firh post for skills, if you look under psychological ones there are several changes. Will update even more as things are learnt :p


Lord of Altera
A black Steel Cuirass covering the torso. Chainmail shirt underneath. His leggings are Boiled Leather.
Plate armor refers to the entire set and the closest thing that was in the middle ages to reinforced leather was boiled leather. @Tybalt


Lord of Altera
Plate armor refers to the entire set and the closest thing that was in the middle ages to reinforced leather was boiled leather. @Tybalt
Reinforced meaning metal backing behind the leather. Which is a thin layer of metal.

Doesn't matter, he has full plate anyway. Usually wearing that if any armor at all. Perhaps leather, or a single chest piece. Depends on how dangerous of a place he is going to be going to how much he's going to want to be able to move around.


Lord of Altera
What can I say, Justice isn't always something that the People love. ;)
Ehh, that wasn't as much justice as it was murder and assassination mate. But this ain't the place to discuss that, so if yea wanna continue arguing that hit me up a PM ;)


Lord of Altera
And this is something I really wanna debate about Man *looks at disagree* do tell why~ as I'm rather OOCly tired of appearing to be the aggressor of all this conflict. Which, I and Marr never have been. We react to what others do....
If you look at the people who have died, and the fights that have occurred. You'll see that Marr was the ones reacting to the instigators.

And if it's about Violet. Tybs was all ready to do the dual, till Someone came into Azerport, done some unwise things, and almost caused war. Nor, was Tybalt going to answer to Lavoyard justice over Violets death when they would not allow Peter to answer for his..

xD, and if yesterday's occurance was over Violet, Ardy was there. Who was the actual one to drown Violet. And yea seemed pretty okay letting him walk away. So I doubt that was the true motive. Or just something to justify what your characters been wanting to do for awhile.