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Tybalt Rhett | King of Marr


Lord of Altera
xD, and if yesterday's occurance was over Violet, Ardy was there. Who was the actual one to drown Violet. And yea seemed pretty okay letting him walk away. So I doubt that was the true motive. Or just something to justify what your characters been wanting to do for awhile.
*kicks off shoes and Reeeelaxes~*


Lord of Altera
Tybalt I thought you just said to debate this in a forum convo?
I said if he would like to debate, make a forum convo..- I didn't really want to argue. But he disagreed and left it at that :p and I like reason to go along with it :p especially since all of my disagrees and dislikes been given by the same few individuals over the past few weeks.

One character, Tybs met once, and actually helped in Heavens reach with the pirates, was in on it and tried assassinating him yesterday :p

And if your saying your bringing justice to my character OOC when I know exactly what he has done and will own up to every bad thing he's done OOC. As, I don't like OOC saying chars did something that they haven't.

What it boils down to is this.
IC say my character started something he didn't. Cool~ have fun~

But if you OOC spread that he started something and he didn't, I get a tad bit if not more aggravated.


Lord of Altera
I don't know about the whole assassination on Tybalt, but from Barroes' point of view, Tybalt and his soldiers were going around and acting like thugs. Additionally, when asked to explain, Tybalt really didn't say much about the whole situation. Barroes, being told that the "assassin" was actually the good guy, was led to believe that Marr was the perpetrator in the situation.And wielding a Tideborne crossbow after Barroes witnessed that whole Heaven's Reach raid, well, it wasn't a fantastic idea. Anyhow, Barroes thought it'd be a good idea to begin dealing with Marr, given the circumstances. Never OOCly said that you were the perpetrator, it's just that Barroes RPly thinks that. Hope that helps the situation.
Sure seemed to look that way.
And I Barroes remembered correctly, Tybalt actually busted his butt off trying to help Heavens Reach, :l even tho everyone he was trying to help constantly shut doors infront of him and gates.


Lord of Altera
+character is going inactive due to my charger completely going out. May be able to borrow my aunts charger at times but it will most likely be only for a few hours and rarely done, allowing me to get on here and there.

Assume he is in the woods to the east of Azerport hunting, or in the sorrows killing bandits or monsters to release his anger and quench his always rising insane bloodthirstiness


Lord of Altera
+character is going inactive due to my charger completely going out. May be able to borrow my aunts charger at times but it will most likely be only for a few hours and rarely done, allowing me to get on here and there.

Assume he is in the woods to the east of Azerport hunting, or in the sorrows killing bandits or monsters to release his anger and quench his always rising insane bloodthirstiness
only if Murdy could see him now, he would be like a son to him :heart:


Lord of Altera
Oh and also, how does Tybalt know any adultery was committed? He has literally only saw them in the tavern twice


Lord of Altera
Oh and also, how does Tybalt know any adultery was committed? He has literally only saw them in the tavern twice
Talk, Lucius and Ylva when they lived in Azerport... And before that I just assumed. Hes, rather good at assuming things like that.

Just happened to be right this time. He has assumed before and been proven wrong~