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Tybalt Rhett | King of Marr


Lord of Altera
So Max has been forgotten, But im surprised he's not unsure about Garris, It may not seem like it but he will find the time to hunt down those responsible, and associated with Max's imprisonment and death.


Lord of Altera
So Max has been forgotten, But im surprised he's not unsure about Garris, It may not seem like it but he will find the time to hunt down those responsible, and associated with Max's imprisonment and death.
He remembers Max and knows who Garris is. Tybalt doesn't care to hunt Garris because he didn't do anything, not is he gonna tell him what happened. Altho, he is wary of him because he will inevitably find out. He will understand how Garris feels because of his own brothers murder. But it comes down to Garris or him, he won't care about Garris feels, he will kill him if need be.

Altho, Tybalt killed @RecklessSquid character, not Garris. Nor did he imprison him, the whole fight for Tybalt was sheer survival and he didn't know any of the attackers really, but that is likely to be overseen in Garris anger.


Lord of Altera
Hmm, few things need changing here and I need to update relations, they are horribly not up to date.

Also, maybe if I find he time I kinda wanna add a timeline of events since his story started. :)


Puppycat Herder
Staff member
Events Staff
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Retired Owner
Some interesting long term goals you got there


Lord of Altera
And...- Guhhh....- I must have made this thread with my phone because the alignment of the pictures is horrible.


Lord of Altera
*Checks relations* Forgotten Max already... :p
Well, let me be honest here. One of the reasons why I have not been updating is because I hit the max amount of words or characters you can put in one post and learned the real reason why people reserve posts.
And i am not looking forward to Rearranging all the reserve posts and etc. what goes where blah blah.

But I will, one day....