Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Wrath of the Western Winds


Lord of Altera
Nerp, But I have heard about it from alot of Marrians that they enjoyed it, people on the forums seemed to enjoy it, and I enjoy that people we're happy about it, and I really like the concept of it
Oooh! Yeah it was pretty fun. :D Trekking from Azer to Tam to Xroads on foot was really fun too, all dat paranoia.


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff
this was an enjoyable side event while I lasted.

Since I live in Florida, and I base Azerports environment off of my area, I think for every hurricane that hits Florida this year I may RP one appearing ICly for craps and giggles xD

And we have a long hurricane season ahead of us!
We can organize some kind of weather system IC becuase if the two are both prone to hurricanes and heavy storms it makes sense the two would experience them at the same time.

were you there? :confused: I'm confused
We had talked about it in the player event skype