Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

Zvezda - Whitelist application [Approved - Tantara]


1. Your Minecraft username: Pohpohpoh
2. Age:21
3. Gender:Female
4. Country:United States of America
5. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time?
Yes I have.

6. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?

I like role playing I think it adds immersion into the game and makes you more of a character then a semi-robotic static player. Yes. I have roleplayed in a few other games as various character from the House Maid of a psycho kid to a simple farmer who set out to just grow the most crops out of anyone in the village.

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.
I am a college student studying music education who plays video games in her spare time. My interest include Music, obviously, Aquariums, and martial arts(Specifically Brazilian Jiu-jitsu). I enjoy roleplaying games especially in such a free environment. The idea that I can climb the corporate ladder, so to say, and go from a lowly villager to a high ranking knight or even better and own my own town is kind of exciting. I understand though that like Minecraft itself it can seem arduous at times but rewarding when you finally achieve what you want to achieve. I have played a lot of Roleplaying games throughout my life and I always enjoyed the aspect of playing through a story or being a part of one. Every time I play a RP game I always get to the end and become upset because their is nothing more of that story but with online games there doesn't have to be an end. An online roleplaying game offers A new story everyday with twist and turns or just a more static relaxing chapter to unwind from the insanity of the last one or a rise to something even more exciting then the latter.
I am a skinny girl with long blond hair and green eyes with a hazel colored halo around the iris. I used to go to the beach a lot but now I don't. I live in Florida and I have played many games from Counter-Strike to Skyrim. My favorite TV show is a toss up between Dr.Who and Shin-Chan(The vulgar dubbed America version). I also like arcade style indie games like Realm of the Mad God. I also love pixel art and fascinating structures weather natural or man-made. My favorite alcoholic beverage is Long Island Iced Teas... I drink them like they are candy. Although I can only drink like 2 of them. I'm also really paranoid about posting pictures of myself online because I have a fear they would be all over the internet... I'm not sure if that would be considered a phobia.​

8. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
Sorry, no pictures.​

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
I like your website. The interface is very smooth.​

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?

11. How did you find out about our server?

12. Have you voted for us?



Resigned Admin
Could you add more to question 7? We're a tight-knit community and we like to know who we're adding :)
Add a little more content to 7 and you're in: nice application


Resigned Admin
I meant a bit more content; you're fine now though.
Before you do anything, I really recommend flipping through the Altera Census to get a feel for the possible towns in Altera. When you start, you'll spawn in the town of Brustenburg. Use the Altera Survival Guide to find your way to Port Silver and the docks there to start to visit towns that you'd like. You've got to live in a town on this server, so its beneficial to know what sort of town you're looking for when you start.
Also, please read the rules one last time on the wiki tab to make sure that you've got a handle of things. I'd like to put an extra emphasis on the anti x-ray rule. Any use of black magic will be discovered.
Feel free to pm myself or any other mod/admin with any questions that you may have. Users with a red name in-game are moderators or admins.

On that note, I'm having trouble whitelisting at this moment so I'll ask an admin to do it and get back to you once it's done.

Welcome :D