Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~Now Accepting Nakam Applications~


Lord of Altera
So, seeing as the six month rule has been repealed, I will now be accepting applications from any and all who wish to create a Nakat character.

Quick run down of what a Nakat is; it is a member of the Nakam race, which are bipedial feline folk from a frozen forrest covered island far from the Northern kingdoms.

If you would like to create a Nakat character, please follow these steps~

STEP ONE (1): Click -{Here}--{Here}--{Here}--{And Here}- and read EVERYTHING. Every. Last. Bit. All FOUR threads. This is important, because of-
(it's also a good idea to watch these threads, as updates are made often :3)

STEP TWO (2): Write a fairly lengthy backstory (About three to five paragraphs, each around six sentences long. The longer the better :D) explaining who you are, what you do, where you come from, and how you got to the northern kingdoms. All this must pertain to the lore, and I will not hesitate to call people on their faults.
Please cover the following topics in your bio:

Fur coloring:
Eye color:
Pads and nose color:
Identifying marks:
Weaknesses and fears:
Religion (if he/she does not follow the standard Nakam beliefs):
Backstory (Three to five paragraphs, please.):

Of course, if you have one little thing misplaced, I'll probably just correct you :p
Even so, I am looking for bios with some actual thought applied to them, please be thorough and detailed with your writing.
PM your bios to me, and include Michcat in the conversation as well.
Bios placed in the comment section will not be accepted.
I will provide a quick lore-test to be sure you've read and understood Nakam lore clearly.

STEP TWO POINT FIVE (2.5): You must gather the signatures of three non-Nakam staff members within the server to present to the lore team to prove your role-playing ability.

STEP TWO POINT SEVEN FIVE (2.75): your bios will be assessed by the lore team after being screened by me. Let this motivate you to write more :3
Once you get the OK from them, I'll provide you with your own Nakat skin, via step 3.

STEP THREE (3): Once you've got my OK, please either take a base-skin (if you feel competent enough with your skin creating skills) to edit, or write me a fairly detailed explanation of your Nakat's appearance. Since we are a singular race within the world, I'd like to keep our base-appearance somewhat consistant. I will be more than happy to provide you with a skin :3

STEP FOUR (4): Join server, stay in character, find way to Kavdam ^w^

I look forward to seeing all the great new Nakam bios in Altera~ :3

~NOTICE: All new child Nakam applicants will not be accepted. Children being under the age of 12.~

~NOTICE: Because it's difficult to obtain the knowledge required to play a Nakat, I'd like to request that anyone applying not have alternate characters. While some exceptions may be made for this, for the most part, alternate characters prevent one from developing as much as it could, and I'd really like to reserve the Nakam for those who wish to set themselves apart from others with their depth of personality, and writing/RPing skills ^_^~


Lord of Altera
I thought the idea was to remove the fact that you need to be on the server for six months, not the fact that you need approval...
Though I could be wrong...


Lord of Altera
Mark, the Nakam have been around for about six months now, this isn't a race proposal, it's a notice that I'll be taking applications for characters :p
Click the second link in the original post to see all the Nakam lore stuff.


I have a character that I enjoy already, although the Nakam really appeals to me..
I was thinking of making a Nakam character and playing two characters for a while, and then deciding which one I like best? Would you allow this?
As well, it says three to five paragraphs.. if I get into a writing mood, could it be more than five paragraphs?


Lord of Altera
As well, it says three to five paragraphs.. if I get into a writing mood, could it be more than five paragraphs?
The longer the better!

I have a character that I enjoy already, although the Nakam really appeals to me..
I was thinking of making a Nakam character and playing two characters for a while, and then deciding which one I like best? Would you allow this?
The only reason why I wouldn't advise using a Nakam as a temporary character is that it is by no means a shallow RP, there is a LOT of lore to remember >_>
But, so long as your bio's good, then I'm sure you'll get the OK from me ^_^


The longer the better!

The only reason why I wouldn't advise using a Nakam as a temporary character is that it is by no means a shallow RP, there is a LOT of lore to remember >_>
But, so long as your bio's good, then I'm sure you'll get the OK from me ^_^
Alright, well, I really do want to try a Nakam, but at the same time not permanently give up the character that I have currently, in case a Nakam just isn't for me. As for the lore... well, I'll have to do a lot of reading and remembering!

*runs off to begin reading*


Lord of Altera
Well, just PM me your bio with all I asked in it, and be sure to include Michcat in the conversation. We'll take it from there :D


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Sorry, i must not have been clear.
They still have to go through the admin team, you just get the chance to do a primary screening.


Lord of Altera
Well, That's fine then :p
I'll just send their bio's off to admins and mods, once they get my Ok, then.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Start off by sending em to me and Itzza, but as I havent assembled the lore team yet, itll take awhile.


Lord of Altera
I'm asking for a first draft is all Xp
And 3-5 is just so people don't come to me with "hi, i am kat, i liek fish, i meow. i be nakat."