Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Butcher


... is very scientifical.
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Well, she'll certainly give Nwalme more work, physicianish that he is~.... And, amusingly, BLarg's guesstimates dictate that he'll probably be the one keeping her alive when she sprints away from angry mobs.


Lord of Altera
Eminu never died, why would I have too...?

She was alive when Basil died (The second time) after he got turned into a golem for Legions plans. No one touched her between that time, and Eminu.. disappeared~
That's the same excuse that Waker had, without the Basil part. He said Jeroxia saved him... and healed him...


That's the same excuse that Waker had, without the Basil part. He said Jeroxia saved him... and healed him...
Hey, nononono, don't get back on this subject >,<
And it -never happened-.
Gods, does anyone read backstories? You assumptive...xD

And Eminu didn't die...
It's not that difficult to understand.
Am I the only one here who can't take a killer kitty serious?
It's partly because I've never Roleplayed with her >.>

But mich didn't rp as a eminu ghost.. wake did