Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Katies Art thread - Accepting requests/freeart


Lord of Altera
I tried writing, and I loved it but I am too lazy for that and I love colors much more I guess.

Lol, around April time I started drawing, as I couldn't draw before.
I will (Shameful and embarrassed) my art that I did (with the same app I currently use for art) and somebody (my ex) said "I wouldn't even pay a penny for that." So being annoyed with him, I drew and drew more and eventually got better to the point he now asks me for art, and I'm like lol.. ;)

But yes, here is my moon and stars, hahaha

That's about my drawing skill freehand, right there. XD Or I can draw horses looking to the right. <_<; I'm hoping to get to that point with my novels, I've written and self published one, but trying to advertise for free is uh... Yeah. hard. XD


Lord of Altera
That's about my drawing skill freehand, right there. XD Or I can draw horses looking to the right. <_<; I'm hoping to get to that point with my novels, I've written and self published one, but trying to advertise for free is uh... Yeah. hard. XD
I read, a lot.
If there is a way to add it to my Kindle - I will read it.


Lord of Altera
Wow your paintings and drawings are really cool! Once my character actually MEANS something I'd love you to draw him!


Lord of Altera
"The feeling crushes over me like a wave against the shores.
My heart can not possibly love anything else as much as she,
A thousand gusts of wind take my breath away and I cannot imagine ever looking away from her"


I did my best, she is waaay too beautiful for me to draw, and her hair came out more purple on my computer so.. that makes me saddness.
But here is Sallana- my inspired of her anyway.

Gonna be redoing this soon, I'm not 100% happy.


Lord of Altera
"The feeling crushes over me like a wave against the shores.
My heart can not possibly love anything else as much as she,
A thousand gusts of wind take my breath away and I cannot imagine ever looking away from her"

View attachment 57529

I did my best, she is waaay too beautiful for me to draw, and her hair came out more purple on my computer so.. that makes me saddness.
But here is Sallana- my inspired of her anyway.
Lets play find the 'M'!


Lord of Altera
Here a new red panda gif

I am also seeing that I am not on the list even :(
Anyway, red panda's :D
The list doesnt really matter to be honest.
I am making my way through the thread asap and atm Im not feeling depressed to draw.
I only draw when I am feeling heavy depression:) ♥


Lord of Altera
Cause there has been a hiiigh demand in art which I never expected.
I ask that we at least RP once, (and not just cause you want art either) because I've been finding it exceptionally hard to draw people I have no idea about.
It's like, I wanna feel the emotions in the character but it's just a line on the page, I can't feel much movement to it..
Forgive me guys - all who I promised will still get art, but from now on I gotta think of my quality not quantity of what I get out for you guys. Hope you understand :heart:


Yū Yi
Cause there has been a hiiigh demand in art which I never expected.
I ask that we at least RP once, (and not just cause you want art either) because I've been finding it exceptionally hard to draw people I have no idea about.
It's like, I wanna feel the emotions in the character but it's just a line on the page, I can't feel much movement to it..
Forgive me guys - all who I promised will still get art, but from now on I gotta think of my quality not quantity of what I get out for you guys. Hope you understand :heart:
Alright ^^

I can not promise a good relation, but I can promise a good rp. :D
My character is stuck in renatus though.