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❅ Leila Artorius ⚔ Wanderer❅


Lord of Altera

Timber Wolf

What animal will you become?

Or what, you fear to become...

OOC: What animal does your character represent?​


Lord of Altera
[UPDATES:] A few things of the ordinary.
eight: Wulfe's weight would be around 132lb.
Favorite outfit: There are no current favorite outfits, but currently she wears a black cloak, and usual civilian like clothing underneath matched with gauntlets and plated braces.
Jewelry or accessories: Wolf's tooth necklace.
Build: People would describe her build as a defined look. Tight, yet packing a punch.
Eyes: Dark Green eyes turning almost grey.
Skin: Pale, as it is flawless. Wulfe is almost like a brand new body.
Appearance: Wulfe as flawless, and good looking as she is deadly, wears a black cloak around her body, baring civilian clothing underneath. Great leather boots, adding with leather guantlets/gloves on her hands/wrist. Plus the plated braces along her forearm. A sword belt around her hip, scabbard swaying at her hip with her sword 'Sword of Courage'. Her body, if found swimming or bathing, is likely found defined and lean, her body structure fit looking, and quite tight looking.

Overall personality: Wulfe is generally kind to those who don't disrespect her in assuming her past things, and hearing rumors of false truths. Only ever angry when pushed for many days, but with great patients, she is usually calm and found as a good conversationalist. Time to time, wulfe falls into depression due to past things, or things that have become a burden to her continuously.
Bad personality traits: Would be that of being drunk, or pushed to the limits from others. If someone she cares for is hurt, she would be upset, but reasonable in the spot. Only if one desires to put Wulfe to edge, the Wolf shall become apparent and hurt those who oppose.
Mood character is most often in: Wulfe currently shows a face of neutrality. But when shown the need to smile, she'll smile a lil'. She is usally kind and caring still, and when she see's someone who needs caring, she is there.
Character’s greatest joy in life: It brings her joy, when someone she cares for, smiles so much, or cares for her to always be around. Always counting on her for support and love. She'd always be there for them, no matter what.
Most ill at ease when: When things don't go the way they are suppose to. To the point she needs to take drastic measures.
Greatest strength: Having those who have her back, to know she will always be picked up when she falls down. Those friends and family that she still holds dear.
Minor regret: Having met Kopii.

Extremely skilled at:

  • Archery - Been practicing for over several years. (Though, this is something everyone types) Wulfe has her reasoning to go out every day and practice unless kept inside, or having something more interesting going on. (Archery isn't at all hard to learn. But it's hard to be precise)
  • Drawing - It's become really notable to herself that she can draw fairly good of people she met. She draws others just for the fun of things, because if found doing nothing, she draw's.
  • Swordsman ship - Wulfe has become apparent in the way of the sword, having been taught by Landir, Scardrac, and Lucius Artorius. All for a small amount of time, showing her ways of training, but has taken them to heart and trained ever since.
Drinks: Sometimes now. Due to past things.

▽△Physical body traits▽△
Naturally looks: Wulfe looks like a flawless elven woman, yet taking the look of a wandering swordsman. She carries around a satchel to give her that scholar look. She doesn't openly make herself obvious.


Lord of Altera
A superbly thorough profile. I am also flattered that my character made it on Wulfe's relations as her drinking buddy without actually drinking himself.


Lord of Altera

- - -

The winds howled past both their ears, as frost collected on their coats and cloaks. The wind was like a blade piercing your skin, reddening your skin and hardening your eyes to crystals. Wulfe and Tajay have ventured up Altera's snowy mountain in search for a location for Wulfe to some day build in. Upon reaching the top of a mountain, Wulfe paused, viewing a structure in the distance, as the windy snow cleared, and the high clouds passed, the castle came into view and Wulfe paused in beauty. Tajay reached after Wulfe, tugging at the rope they both tied to each other, after pausing with Wulfe in the sight of the structure in the distance. Both sore and tired, breathing heavy breaths from their parted lips. Frost stuck to Tajay's whiskers, and he couldn't look funnier, Wulfe with her snow hat over her elven ears, was lucky to not have them freeze off in the adventure, having gone over many rigid ridges, surpassing difficult falls with their ice-picks. They finally made it to a place for the night to where, in the morning they will venture to Vallee De Mai. Wulfe plans on using this fortress, seeing how old it was, almost buried in snow. She wants this, but not just for her. But for her friends and family.

- - -

Legit RP.



Lord of Altera
Out of a curious question, the place you're talking about in rp, is that this place?

In the middle of the mountains?


Lord of Altera
Out of a curious question, the place you're talking about in rp, is that this place?

In the middle of the mountains?
That's... Wait I don't think I can say what that is, but I don't think it's publicly available to own.

Is it this place? This seemed more likely:


Lord of Altera
- Wulfe has met her in Hells Ridge once, and she knows Evaine is Scardracs lover, as Wulfe had first met, Evaine, they hit it off to being friends, and ever since Wulfe's been wanting to meet her more and get to know eachother. Evaine is so caring and loving towards Wulfe, even in drunken state, Evaine takes care of the lil' Wulfe in her time of need.​


Lord of Altera
That's... Wait I don't think I can say what that is, but I don't think it's publicly available to own.

Is it this place? This seemed more likely:
View attachment 60263
wait, that place is the Solitarios castle.
I know that place. a dude lives there. he's never online, but his character lives there.
it's got some nifty backstory too.

is that the one like right above the warcamp?