Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Abbey Mirabelle Oceana - The Mermaid Queen's Tail

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
abbeyvie said:
I love the scenery, for is exactly what I imagined. :) you put a lot of detail into the docks and I love it, but you are right about your characters being 'okay'' so keep practicing them :) I expect another drawing from you for maybe some past parts ;) ;)
Gotta...keep... Practicing....on....faces. Problem is I love doing the background and scenery, which is why you can only see the tail of a mermaid in the blood tide picture


Lord of Altera
You know, only liking a thread doesn't auto-watch it for you.. So shadowsmalls might not even know about us chatting about him..

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
abbeyvie said:
I really didn't know what to write at the moment... so this might be edited when I feel like fixing it..
It's really just a filler.. I didn't write much because I kept getting distracted.. I also need some help..

1. What was your favorite part? 1 reason?

2. Tell me what to write about! And yes this is a question!!

EDIT: Me won't fix it until I get helps..
1. Stupid answer: the part with me in it
Serious answer: When abbey finds the island, don't know why
2. Stupid answer: Dragons
Serious answer: Continue with your train of thought with sarus and don't let it pull into writers block town! I've been stuck there for weeks


1. The part about all of it :3 1 reason: Its all so epic!!!!

2. You could write about your lovely trip to Uliima! ^-^


Abbey Tail, aye, I know of her.
'Tis one of the most smartest and best music players, the Mermaids be.
I went around to many people. Dwarfs, Humans, A naked man named Robin...
...but they all say strange things of ta Mermaids.​
So...I committed Suicide and visited Abby Tail.​
And ya know?​
I know I have a dagger tipped above me head...but it was 'ta best thing I have ever done in my travels, ever since I killed the man who killed me family.​
And that....was a long time ago, aye.​
Say what ye like of Abby Tail, and 'ta Mermaids...​
...but remember 'tis.​
The worst creatures who walk and swim are the legged folk'.​
Aye...Mermaids be sometimes nasty, but all the same, friendly is yer were there friend.​
(Read Gromm Wake, on the Fourms)​
( Abby, why not do a story about da daft legged man who entered your home and offered himself? Ye know who I mean )​