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Addressing Concerns

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Morgan Freeman

Staff are too strict when it comes to lore and many times are just rude about it.
The Staff Team must be strict with lore to maintain a coherent world and prevent others from damaging immersion. This strictness is by design and will not be changed. To accept lore for reasons other than validity of content would be a disservice to the community.

The complaint of rudeness is valid, however the Staff Team very much needs to be shown specific examples of this when it happens, as it is difficult to fix a problem you do not know you have. At this point in time the Staff Team will simply have to assume that something offensive has been said and endeavor to be on watchful guard in the future, but with specific examples the Staff Team will be able to work precisely towards the issue and not overlook any points.

Some staff are too quick to ban people for silly reasons
There are frequent bans, yet it is difficult to see any that are for silly reasons in the recent banlist. After closer inspection of this complaint we can only assume the intended message was "Banned players are not given enough warnings prior their ban". This issue has been realized and we will work to fix this. True playing with bans that would result in 'silly bans' often are not recognized as a proper ban, due to these people being swiftly unbanned.

Generally many staff seem to present themselves as better than the players and dismiss things they say.
Generally is a vast term, however, we believe this is not a very common occurrence, incidents like this should be only a few per staff member. Once the incident is reported, the staff member is informed of their mistake and can continue on with their work, any consistent and repetitive behavior like this would result in a demotion.

Another point of note is that it entirely depends on the conversation topic, and the knowledge of both parties. Staff members are either picked for their knowledge or learn about it while doing their jobs on the server, so they might know more about a subject than others and appear to be showing that knowledge off or ignore what others say. If this is a problem we would prefer the issue to be reported as it happens so the staff member can improve their method of posting, to prevent offending or upsetting people in the future.

Staff do not take criticism or differing-opinions well and even when it is given other players will jump on them and attack the person who is just voicing an opinion.
We are aware of a recent subject that appeared to take this turn in the discussion. We do not want to give the impression of ganging up on people, but we also do not want to restrict the opinions of all the staff, they are not all one mind and should not have to act as such. However, due to this complaint we have compiled a few ideas to prevent threads from being 'ganged up' on from staff.

Mich and Naelwyn seem to rule the server and what they say goes.
I do appreciate this complaint, for the point of getting to clarify this detail.

The Management is a team. They work together to support this server and each other through every job, each management member has their own section to take care of and these particular pair happen to have the two 'loudest' jobs of the server.

But please, this does not mean that any one of the management are in charge of the entire server, they all do their even share of work to provide quality lore, events, plugins and website, along with a lag-free server.

Staff do a lot of things without consulting the playerbase first.
Like many things in the world, movies, games, television series, spoilers are not appreciated among those trying to enjoy the story. Under the lore, spoilers would result in very boring campaigns if everyone knew the outcome and every step of the enemy or allies. We encourage teamwork and exciting roleplay by keeping these things private, so players are able to discover things others have not, or have changes happen to their characters that others would not know about.

As for out of character decisions.. they are decided promptly amongst the management team, allowing for more opinions would run in circles with debates and discussions. Within the interest of productivity, consistency and efficiency, keeping discussions within management is the most preferred method.


Legend of Altera
* First, bows to Morgan Freeman, kissing his feet. Second, he lights candles for the god of Hawkeye, the all knowing. *


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
lag-free server
*Laughs* Yeah sure... Upper Port Silver by the Silver Serpent brings my computer down to 5fps. It's so bad I don't RP up there. My lag may be more extreme than others but I know as a fact I am not the only one who suffers from this. I've heard various reasons to explain this, but no facts. Could solid reason be given for this perhaps be given? Such would be appreciated.


Retired Staff
Just gonna stick my personal two cents in here - this does not represent the staff in any way.

Some staff are too quick to ban people for silly reasons
What often looks like a quick ban is in fact the result of several days to weeks of deliberation amongst staff. We have watchlist threads for troublesome players where we gather logs and evidence when they break rules or misbehave, and a ban is very, very rarely done on the spot and is never done for emotional reasons. When a person is banned, there's always been a great deal of discussion about it.

Mich and Naelwyn seem to rule the server and what they say goes.
Michcat and Naelwyn are also among the two most visible players in the community. Observational bias, folks. The management team is often busy with the backend of things (e.g. paying for the server and managing inter-site stuff like voting), and it just so happens Michcat and Naelwyn are the mouthpiece of the management as a whole.


Retired Staff
*Laughs* Yeah sure... Upper Port Silver by the Silver Serpent brings my computer down to 5fps. It's so bad I don't RP up there. My lag may be more extreme than others but I know as a fact I am not the only one who suffers from this. I've heard various reasons to explain this, but no facts. Could solid reason be given for this perhaps be given? Such would be appreciated.
That'd be the very, very high number of entities like item frames and NPCs there are in that area. It's also FPS lag, which is a different beast from latency. FPS lag is entirely on your end, and can be fixed by turning down some graphics settings.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
*Laughs* Yeah sure... Upper Port Silver by the Silver Serpent brings my computer down to 5fps. It's so bad I don't RP up there. My lag may be more extreme than others but I know as a fact I am not the only one who suffers from this. I've heard various reasons to explain this, but no facts. Could solid reason be given for this perhaps be given? Such would be appreciated.
If complex areas of any server slow your computer down then it is down to the power capability of your CPU and/or GPU. It is likely if you had a local copy of Upper Port Silver on your computer you would suffer the same fps slowdown. This doesn't sound like the servers fault.

However, if other people suffer problems in this particular spot it could be a rogue entity glitch that admins should look into.

P.S And what Baron said.


Lord of House Hawklight
Ok, I just double checked, max clocked, with shaders I get between 120-180 fps in Port Silver, except near the Silver Serpent, where I get 11, there is something there that absolutely slaughters fps, and I'm not sure what it is.


Lord of Altera
Ok, I just double checked, max clocked, with shaders I get between 120-180 fps in Port Silver, except near the Silver Serpent, where I get 11, there is something there that absolutely slaughters fps, and I'm not sure what it is.
There are like 3-4 villager entities in there, along with 6-10 horse entities in the stable. Also, Athyrl's shop uses a lot of item frames, which are all entities. I think there are around 100+ entities within two or so chunks.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Regarding poor frame-rates;

*Laughs* Yeah sure... Upper Port Silver by the Silver Serpent brings my computer down to 5fps. It's so bad I don't RP up there. My lag may be more extreme than others
As Baron said, you cannot blame that on the server. A poor FPS comes down entirely to your own computer's problems (old outdated graphics card, bad CPU, etc). Your point is therefore invalid because there is nothing the Staff can do to fix that issue that doesn't involve them sending you money (which will never happen).

There are like 3-4 villager entities in there, along with 6-10 horse entities in the stable. Also, Athyrl's shop uses a lot of item frames, which are all entities. I think there are around 100+ entities within two or so chunks.
If you walk around the Palace, you'll realize there are actually a huge amount of "Silver Guard"s there, definitely far more than just 4. These entities must be rendered as well as controlled to look at the player/walk around, which means it takes up a lot more system resources than an item frame would. Also, you're above a huge city, looking around would require you to try and rendered all those blocks. Try going to Heaven's Reach, fly above it and look down, and I'm sure you'll notice worse lag there.

Your bad frame-rate is due to your computer, not the server. If you want to improve it, go buy new hardware or an entirely new computer. Blaming the Staff for FPS is like blaming IKEA because you tried making a table with tools made from paper.


Lord of House Hawklight
I just checked Heavens Reach, still easily 40 fps with shaders, and lower clocks than in Port Silver, it's specific to that area, I've noticed it a few times.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Yeah that area of port silver any time I ride anywhere near it on a horse I have to reboot mine craft. My computer can run minecraft well over 300fps but that area wrecks the game completly.

Also it is a brand new computer and a bloody good one too =L


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Ok, I just double checked, max clocked, with shaders I get between 120-180 fps in Port Silver, except near the Silver Serpent, where I get 11, there is something there that absolutely slaughters fps, and I'm not sure what it is.
If this is true then I think clearly you have a decent PC and the problem is more serious. Maybe there is a shit load of entities bouncing around underneath Port Silver caused by a worldedit at some point in the past?

@SallyPirate @Naelwyn @Michcat


Non sum qualis eram
Port Silver:

Settings maxed, shaders on (Personal recommendation - don't walk around and do things with these on except for screenshots)

30FPS Most places.
15 FPS in Upper District,
15 FPS in the Palace.

The more /things/ that exist to cast shadows the worse the effect becomes, and those two places are much more visually dense.

If I turn shaders off (All other settings maxed):

Over 30fps everywhere.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I have a decent enough computer to run MC, and I never get lag in the PS area at all. I usually have a good 60fps in the Silver Serpent area, even with all the entities. Not sure what is causing other peoples lag, but I seem to be a-okay.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
@the lag

I've removed as many item frames and entities as possible from that place (Cutting it down by 70%). I did this when the lag was first noticed, two months ago. Its not the Silver Serpent- There are tons of shops on that lane because of the SS (because the hospital got popular) and they are ALL decorated with item frames.

edit: I never lag there, not sure why...


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
@the lag

I've removed as many item frames and entities as possible from that place (Cutting it down by 70%). I did this when the lag was first noticed, two months ago. Its not the Silver Serpent- There are tons of shops on that lane because of the SS and they are ALL decorated with item frames.
Which ones? Is it my shop? I can remove them if it is a problem.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
If my items and frames were removed, I would like them back as some of them had valuable items in them.
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