Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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And this is where my actual "art" begins at


The Arbiter of the Gods
So yeah, I used to have a thread of my artwork, but not only is it dead, the pictures on it are too shameful to be used for anything. Since then, I have been practising over and over again, trying to get human face to look correct. You cannot even imagine how many times I just scrapped my pictures simply because they were not good enough. But I think I eventually managed to start getting there. Please, say what's wrong with these pictures because I am always open for constructive criticism.
Again, criticise constructively and feel free to comment, rate and subscribe ... Sorry, wrong webpage!

To go to anything decent, go towards the last pages of this thread. That's where the fun starts :3


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
The woman looks like a sprite/character for an early 90's era game


The Arbiter of the Gods
Aaanyway, I may have accidentally got a little smarter, (Just a little bit :3) and drew this. I think it's better then most previous things though I'm still not perfect or Sally quality ._.
Please say it's ok.png


Loyal Servant of Altera
Some helpful criticism, you should try making the eyes bigger. Your shading and colouring are fantastic


The Arbiter of the Gods
I have just dusted off my printer with scanner built in. Of course, the scanner isn't the greatest, but I'm just trying to prove that all that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is not really my kind of drawing. It's more of me being forced into system by the constancy of the government, led by little or no people, who hide in the shadows, waiting to murder us or to control our minds!!!!!!
Oh... Went a little of topic there. Sorry. But anyway, I have been looking into buildings, especially older ones, so here they are!
Castle 1.png
This is my castle. Remember what I said about quality? It looks way better IRL ;)
Town centre.png
A little town thing I drew. Again, the quality is off, and I also feel like I went too hard on the contrast. The drawing is a little off to the right, making the perspective weird, but aww well! :DAir attack.png
This is yet another drawing of mine. It's an air attack on a train that carries a V-2 German rocket during WW2. The squadron of P-51s has encountered and attacked their target. I hope you can make out the line of the mountain to the left.

Again, sorry about the quality. It's the printer. But it's only a cheap scanner on a printer so it doesn't matter! I hope you like it! :D


The Arbiter of the Gods
I do indeed have a tablet. It's a Wacom Bamboo small, with just a pen to use. I
try to draw the cross thing and it helps in alignment. However, as I said previously, I always have trouble with eyes. I didn't actually try the nose bridge idea, so I might go for that.
I do use Photoshop and I admit it takes practice.... I have SAI installed but looking at Sally's use of it depresses so I stick to Photoshop on which I can also edit photos :p
Thanks for the advice and I'll be sure to use it. :D

Also, that thing about responding was a joke xD but thanks for responding anyway :D


Lord of Altera
Well, since I love your drawings, all you need to make them perfect is add a little shading and you're set to be awesome :)


The Arbiter of the Gods
If you mean the hand drawn ones, I actually shaded the hell out of them but, as I said, the scanner quality isn't exactly the best. You can kinda make out the shading in the castle drawing I have made.


The Arbiter of the Gods
You know, I really feel like today I have done some good art in school. Two pieces to be exact. I try not to focus on drawing humans only. However, I try not to focus on drawing anything in particular. I have noticed that if you try and draw the same thing over and over again, you will quickly milk that thing, putting in less and less heart into what you do. So, scanned pictures again, terrible quality again, but I hope you will like them :D
Notice that I have drawn these on A3 sheet of paper and had to merge the two halves using computer, therefore there is a line going through both of them ;)

I had to resize both of the buggers because they were rather large :p
SPOILERS: This is something I am planning for my RP character. I am yet to confirm it and stuff but it doesn't matter. I disbelieve anyone would get what it is anyway... yet.. :p

Battle of Britain.jpg
You may have noticed that I draw quite a bit about the war. Namely Second World War. Indeed that is correct, because I was interested in it before I even heard of Minecraft. I know a bugger load about the whole of Second World War. This drawing is one of Battle of Britain. I have drawn the Spitfire's bottom off by heart so I'm not sure weather it's totally correct. However, no matter how bigheaded that sounds, I think this is one of my best pieces ever :D

As usual, the scanner quality is what it is, and it's not nice, and in this case I also had two merge two scans together. I hope you enjoy these pictures which I have done altogether (both of them) within less then 3 hours of school. The Battle of Britain took me one Science lesson and Lunchtime (altogether, with other things going on, around one and a half hour) and that freaky picture of my RP char crying with blood with freaky eyes that is a spoiler of such took me around an hour :D


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well, I got the Spitfire's bottom view nearly correct. But that's not good enough!
Don't look at that disgrace! I'll change it as soon as I can :O

Also, last day of school tomorrow :3


The Arbiter of the Gods
So, you know the picture I have drawn? The one of Polo Hawklight with very weird bleeding eyes? I have coloured it in and I must say I'm happy ;)
Mutation coloured.png
The little lines on his face are actually hairs. So, if you want to know what exactly is going on here I'll make it a small puzzle for you guys to solve :D


The Arbiter of the Gods
Delete that post. Delete it now.... (THEY don't have to know see? :3)

Also, as I have stated this isn't confirmed and to be honest I have no courage to do so, am too lazy, not sure if such drastic change would work out with my RP char (also, I think more and more people would like to become something along these lines -_-) and simply don't know who to address to :p