Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Artsy Fartsy Time!


Lord of Altera
So... My Internet has decided to call it quits again. Looks like it'll be a while. In the mean-time, enjoy this embarrassing picture of me.image.jpgYup... That's beauty right there.
"Because you're worth it"


Lord of Altera
The internet is still down. :(

If this helps anything, here's my stepsister and I singing horrible karaoke.

Edit: The file is too gosh giddily clang big for my phone to send it. Will upload tomorrow.
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Lord of Altera
Hello all.

Sorry about my absence. Recently I've moved with my Mom up north and its a little hard to get used to. I will get back into posting my art in the middle of spring break.
I estimate that things will get back into schedule again. (..Soon..)