Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Artsy Fartsy Time!


Lord of Altera
Everyone thinks I'm weird for wanting to stay home and eat Taco Bell for my birthday. Just gives me more time to doodle/play games.

PS: The PC 3000 rig woot is supposedly coming in 3-4 business days. I will post pictures when it is all built. :]
Everyone thinks I'm weird for wanting to stay home and eat Taco Bell for my birthday. Just gives me more time to doodle/play games.

PS: The PC 3000 rig woot is supposedly coming in 3-4 business days. I will post pictures when it is all built. :]
oboi, u betur delivr. Or ima haf 2 fnd a dif restoont


Lord of Altera
The adventurers gathered around the entrance to the creature's den. It was a long and perilous journey to get to their location; winter came in hard that year, and the creature was constantly on the move. The group seemed nervous, and for a good reason: they had never encountered a beast before.

The door slowly opened, filling the den with a wooden moan. A soon as they entered, a stench of Fresca soda and Welding Slag filled their nostrils with mixed results. (3 outta 2 people enjoy the fresh smell of Welding Slag in de' morning.) Balled-up papers covered the floor as balled-up paper tends to do. Each step was a crunch that could only remind the 'venturers of Packing Peanuts.. Or Cheetos.. (Whichever came first.)

Suddenly, a Monstrous Yawn tore through the darkened passage way. The beast was awake! It rolled lazily out of it's bed (Which was also beast-like in size) The party yelped in terror as they saw it stand on it's hind-legs, and then walk over to an also beast-sized desk. There it sat for a while until it spoke, "Oh darn, the Corruption has torn through the earth again.. Better get back on and draw stuff."

TL;DR: I'm back from my extended hiatus.


Lord of Altera
All jokes aside, I actually plan on trying to fit back into RPing on the server. If someone could throw a brick with a letter taped to it explaining how the stuff works with the things and why the world is covered being covered in FUN.... That'd be great.

(Or you could just PM me into the right direction.)


Lord of Altera
All jokes aside, I actually plan on trying to fit back into RPing on the server. If someone could throw a brick with a letter taped to it explaining how the stuff works with the things and why the world is covered being covered in FUN.... That'd be great.

(Or you could just PM me into the right direction.)
Harateth is bad
That silly corruption stuff is being annoying
Marriages are making a comeback
More plague
Yet more plague


Lord of Altera
Harateth is bad
That silly corruption stuff is being annoying
Marriages are making a comeback
More plague
Yet more plague
"Hello James"
"Hello Merideth"
"You know what could fix this horrible disease-ridden town that has red tentacle climbing out of the ground?"
"What have you come up with, James?"
"Marriage, Merideth... Marriage."
"It's so crazy it just might work!"


Lord of Altera
yes.jpg My iPhone is kinda finicky when uploading pictures and I'm not at the computer right now. I'll see if I make a pass for most of today by showing you guys my projects I've been working on.

Yes, that is a picture of me holding a sword while riding a T-Rex sculpture, both of which I made.

Yes, I'll get my doodling stuff together and stop posting stupid things.
Last edited:


Lord of Altera
Hey guys.

Sorry for the horrible lie of me returning. This got so caught up in the mix with a lot of personal things, involving me to have to sell most of my personal belongings and move across the country twice in the time between my last post and now. To be honest, I'm not even sure I know how to use my tablet correctly anymore.

What this means:
I'll try to stalk the forums as much as possible, but it will be a long time until I can get an actual computer. I hope by then, this community will still be going strong.

Lots of love and bad doodles,
This Person.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Hey guys.

Sorry for the horrible lie of me returning. This got so caught up in the mix with a lot of personal things, involving me to have to sell most of my personal belongings and move across the country twice in the time between my last post and now. To be honest, I'm not even sure I know how to use my tablet correctly anymore.

What this means:
I'll try to stalk the forums as much as possible, but it will be a long time until I can get an actual computer. I hope by then, this community will still be going strong.

Lots of love and bad doodles,
This Person.
Should be! Hope you can slide back in sooner rather than later. :)


Lord of Altera
Hey buddy, whatcha been up to?
I've been playing Savage Worlds in my new habitat. I can't get online much, due to lack of a well working computer. I'll try my best to take pictures of what I've been up to.

In the meantime, here's the character I help create for a new player.

Name: Edna Kramson


Build: Pudgy, but of average height

Age: Young

Edna was always the weird one of the bunch. She lived alone with her blacksmith father and older brothers who were training to be royal guards, so she never got to be a part of the female crowd. Instead, she worked hard with them life, slowly building courage and inner strength. With this new courage, came the will to learn new things. She knew that a travelling merchant brought books of foreign matters, detailing the almost forgotten arts of magic. Edna was intrigued by the idea of making something from nothing, and how energy could be "created" to benefit lives.
Unfortunately, things dabbled in incorrectly cause horrible effects
She paid the merchant every single piece she had in her possession for that damned book, yet she didn't even look back. As soon as she got back to her isolated home, she flipped through the pages, inscribed a rune into the earth, and said a chagrin silently to herself. Opening her eyes slowly, she immediately knew something was wrong. the earth around her was poisoned, the water stagnated, and animal life swiftly disappeared. Moments later, her only family returned to there now blighted home.
She was shunned from her hometown for being a "witch," which is a lot better off for her sake compared to others. Now, she wanders the roads not so travelled, not exactly sure where she's going, or why.

Agility: D8

Smarts: D6

Spirit: D4

Strength: D6

Vigour: D6


Arcane Background

Power Points: 10
Summon ally

(I typed this up when I was half awake, so if there's a typo, I apoligize.)