Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Bandit Threat


Lord of Altera
You should be doing that in-game though, would be interesting

and uh

Therry: *sits in Falandraal and goes fishing* *never knows about this poster*


Lord of Altera
How about you people stop emoting in thread and try to tear down a poster in true ROLEPLAY and see the outcome?


Lord of Altera
*a hired man with a crossbow with a high powered crossbow watches the next one just in case the other person shows up to rip it again, and if he does he will shoot him down*


Lord of Altera
If you can't log on and do it in roleplay so you can fully accept the consequences and prosecution, then don't do it by posts.


I've been doing my reactions to the posters in real roleplay. Don't rip them down if you actually can't.

Scardrac can be seen staring at the poster after a chat with Dax.

" Blood Serpents. Morna. " He gives a brief nod, his arms crossed across his chest. " Noted. Thank you, Marr. "


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Theres a messageboard at the Crossroads, where you can actually put up posters (written books) in-game! :D