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Black Ops 2


Lord of Altera

The game has been out for a few days now, and I must say that it does not feel like MW3 or BO1. It feels like a new game, and that is good. Previous CoD's had the problem that they didn't feel different. Honestly I think BO2 is amazing, even though I didn't think so before I actually got to play it.

One big thumbs up for Treyarch is that they actually added alot of stuff to do into Zombies mode, for example, in Black Ops 1, you had to pay for every map, only one map was free. ~15$ for one map for exception of Rezurrection DLC which was pure zombies DLC.

After these few days, I really recommend this game to any previous CoD fans and to any players new to CoD series.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Must... not... rant.... about how terrible the game is........... like every... other Call of Duty.... From 4 on...


Zalenfal Guardian
I don't like Call of Duty.
That being said, I have bought every game since Call of Duty 4 and will continue to do so.
The only aspect from the Treyarch line I enjoy is zombies, and quickscoping from the Infinity Ward line.
That is all.