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Black Ops2 TranZit zombies tips


Zalenfal Guardian
I agree with just zombies requires tactics of what you do multiplayer is blindly on your own doing the objective
Actually, multiplayer with tactics is far more effective than Zombies with tactics. If you have a team and are tactical in multiplayer, you will probably win every single game. In Zombies, there is somewhat a margin for error in which you can 'wing it'. However, Zombies still takes more skill.


Lord of Altera
Thats just bullshit, zombies is just running and running in circles, buying new items and shooting 30 bullets to one piece of flesh. It's fun, but it is absolutely not difficult.

Multiplayer requires skills. Let me give a proof: You might want to run around in MP too, but you won't get 2500+ kills like you do in Zombies. Without tactical skills, you wont get any points in MP. Just slashing for kills is ineffective, play the objective. If you play alone, don't go to tactical gamemodes or you might not do well. Use communication and teamwork to play the objective. An absolute truth is that even noobs can dominate if they communicate.

Everything you do in MP requires tactics and skills, playing the objective and staying alive requires tactics. You can play it without using any tactics, but then you most likely fail. Zombies has nothing to do with tactics, its just a run n gun session.


Lord of Altera
Zombies needs tactics too, otherwise you wont get uphgrader and tactics in MP are just found in clans
You do not know what youre speaking of.

lets start with the fact that I reach high rounds without any tactics.

Then we go to that tactics in MP are not just clans. I dont belong in any clan yet I still play through tactics. Ever heard of a word, "friends?" Those who dont use tactics in MP are just pure noobs with no skills. Those who use tactics in zombies are just idiots because running circles is not a tactic.


Lord of Altera
You need tactics to get the pack a punch in zombies, and lets justnstop discussing this
Youre from a different planet. What bloody tactics do you need toget 5000 points? there is a easy way:

1. Run
2. Find a Zombie
3. Shoot the Zombie
4. Repeat

There is exactly no tactics, and if you still cant agree then Ill just leave this convo.


Too be honest, someone that can get diamond pistols has too much time on their hands...

MP takes skill to be consistantly good. I rarely play with more than 1 person (me and a buddy). But usually its on my own. I play objective game modes yet still win. I only go for kills, mainly because thats how I find fun in the game.

Zombies...hmm..I don't enjoy it as much as the previous games. Just because of the lack of gameplay options, like theres no pack-a-punch on 2 maps and all 3 maps are really small unless you play transit which is far to complicated for me to enjoy.


Zalenfal Guardian
Too be honest, someone that can get diamond pistols has too much time on their hands...

MP takes skill to be consistantly good. I rarely play with more than 1 person (me and a buddy). But usually its on my own. I play objective game modes yet still win. I only go for kills, mainly because thats how I find fun in the game.

Zombies...hmm..I don't enjoy it as much as the previous games. Just because of the lack of gameplay options, like theres no pack-a-punch on 2 maps and all 3 maps are really small unless you play transit which is far to complicated for me to enjoy.
Fair enough.


Lord of Altera
I guarantee that I can get to higher rounds than you can in Zombies because I'm more tactical than you. There's no need to resort to name-calling and profanity. That just makes you look childish.
When I said that even noobs can dominate, it wasn't directed to anyone, it was my general opinion.

And yes, I am also sure that you can get to higher rounds than me, most likely because I don't like to run in circles too much.

@Spark, It took me about 20 matches to get diamond pistols. That was about 5 hours of gameplay.


Still, it's pretty impossible. That's like 500+ headshots, about 25 bloodthirsty medals, 50 longshots. In about 20 games....


Lord of Altera
I made a full stats check, road to diamond pistols took me

- 24 Matches of Headquarters (Mostly Hijacked and Nuketown 2025)
- Around 5 hours of gameplay
- 700+ Headshots (500 required)
- 25+ Bloodthirsty medals
- 50+ Avenger medals
- 50+ Long shot medals
- 50+ Survivor medals
- 50+ Double kill medals

I also earned
- Perk greed challenges
- Perk challenges
- 5 Marksman challenges
- 5 Expert challenges
- 5 Mastery challenges
- Total kills challenge & Total headshots challenge
- Secondary mastery challenge


So you got about 30 headshots on average in one game with a pistol...

Anyway rerail this is zombies talk


Lord of Altera
So you got about 30 headshots on average in one game with a pistol...

Anyway rerail this is zombies talk
Sometimes more, sometimes less, mostly every kill was a headshot, as I tried my best not to shoot into any other places than heads. KAP-40 and B23R were easiest, Executioner was quite difficult.

Anyway yeah, re-rail.