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Black Ops2 TranZit zombies tips


Lord of Altera
I think zombies does take strategy, I myself am a consistent 40+ wave player with shotgun emblem. I tend to run at the diner, though you can run pretty much anywhere with a wall gun even the farm (though I have to say the remington certainly seems to be the worst wall gun). The reason my favourite place is the diner is simply due to there being plenty of room to run, an ok wall gun and a teleporter, so if someone goes down I can start porting round to get to them (though the teleporters can be cruel sometimes and send you everywhere but where you want to go).
The only thing I don't like about zombies is the glitchers (I fail to see the fun in playing a survival game that you cannot die in) and rage quitters (at some point everyone has to go down or die, so why leave a game because of something that is inevitable).

If anyone ever fancies a game anytime let me know. ^_^ I'm always up for playing with anyone regardless of rank.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
An alternate strategy to Alex's (justshadow's)

Keep stocked with a turbine. (built at Green Run)
Use mystery box. (necesarry for good guns like ray gun/RPD/ HAMR (especially HAMR))
PaP is good, but a secondary objective.
(playing with 4 people who you know)
Leave one person (preferably with a ray gun) at the secret lab. (1 man with a ray gun can handle all the zombies at the lab by himself up to about round 20)
Use this person when PaP is desired.
Follow the box! The box guaruntees enless ammo so long as you have money. Take the bus/street lamps to whereever the box goes.
Turbines act as distractions. Drop one in the mist, and the Denizens ignore you til its broken. Use this tactic to explore the cornfield. (for when you wish to kill the electrical homuncolus.) Also useful in a pinch if over run by zombies.

loops are your friend. Best ones on the map are in the town, the two elevated holes in the wall of the bar, and of the room with juggernog.
Juggernog is all important.

Zombie shield useful in a pinch, and the diner is fairly defendable. (mp5 is also quite good. )

SRM = no.


Lord of Altera
Two good guns to get from the box are executioner and DSR.
PaP the Executioner to Voice of Justice and add the extended barrel. This with double tap and head blast at close range is an instant kill up round 32 (head shots only).
PaP the DSR to the Dead Specimen Reactor and add the iron sights. This with double tap and head blast is an instant kill up to round 42 (head shots only)

Once your Voice of Justice becomes ineffective trade it out for the Galil and PaP it to the Lamintation. This + the DSR should enable you to easily reach 42 with no problems. Should you find ammo becoming very low trade one of the guns out for a wall gun and PaP that (I like to use the MP5).
Then its just a case of using your main gun until its empty and switching to your wall gun until the next max ammo. As long as you don't make a mistake and trap yourself you can keep going and going until you get bored. Wave 60 is always a good target to aim for but takes around 8hours+ depending how quick you manage to get through the waves.

I personally don't like the raygun which is why I haven't included it. But you are free to adapt this strategy as you see fit. :) Beware though, using a raygun/explosive gun will cause you to loose head blast (double damage to headshots) which will mean it takes more ammo to kill them and therefor more time.
To get head blast you need to get over 80 head shots and then get 2 headshots with one bullet. Thereafter if you get more than 15 kills without 1 being a headshot you lose the perk until you get a double headshot again which, after wave 36, becomes very difficult to get.

Advised places to run are: 1 person at bus depot, 1 at tunnel, 1 at diner, 1 at farm (or 1 at power but that is only advised for advanced players). Remember to ensure everyone has tombstone as it is a real time saver.

There is a lot more to the strategy but I would rather people change it round to suit their play style.
Have a nice day. ^_^


Legend of Altera
My advantages and disadvantages list for the raygun.

Easy to play with gun.
Kills good.
is epic

Doesnt improve much when upgraded
Kills only good till round 16 and upgraded 18
If you get hit and then shoot yourself and jump down from a building you die. (with jugger)


Lord of Altera
Why to Pack A Punch (once) any gun (that you are able to use)

- More ammo
- Larger mags
- Slight powerboost

What this means:

- You can keep your guns longer (more ammo)
- You can keep up your ongoing rapetrains (don't need to wait next to a box)
- You can make them last longer (larger mags)