Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[] BrettGrell - Application [] [Approved- solus]


About You.

Minecraft Name


Eastern USA

Guide Progress
Mostly, yes. I'll probably be referring to them a lot throughout my application, as well.

Hello, all! My name's Brett, and it's a pleasure to be introducing myself to this server.
At home, I work with a large number of exotic insects and arachnids, breeding/selling/and just keeping for the fun of it. I love to be outside, anything from swimming to hiking, to just sitting under a tree and writing. Most of my hobbies revolve around the keeping of different animals, but I also find great reprieve in writing and doing other casual art forms. Anywhere from sculpting with clay to making very simplistic fractals on my laptop. I plan to go to college to further my knowledge in zoology, hopefully one day opening a business revolving around breeding and conserving various animals.

I play a multitude of other games, but Minecraft being one of the most prominent. I have a decent collection of Steam games; the Bioshock franchise, Borderlands, The Forest, and Don't Starve being among my favorites. I prefer games that are open-world, or games that have an engaging story to them. I love the idea of having no limitations; the idea of freedom in a game is so refreshing, especially when you have a vast map and content to go with it. However, sometimes I trade away the open-world feeling in games for a captivating story line, or simply, a story that will keep me on the edge of the cliff, not knowing what to expect next - all while including personable, well-written characters.

World Exploration Progress
I'm not exactly sure how far I've gone in the world, but the introduction looks very promising, and I plan to really further familiarize myself with it.


~ ~

My Character.


Albinistik Alerol

22 Years


Albinistik is perhaps one of the strangest looking fellows you've seen to date. His skin is an imperfect shade of white, contrasting perfectly with his platinum hair. Two pink eyes are able to stare down anyone who might not find his short, skinny build intimidating. He has a sharp jawline and wide ears, with a youthful, yet somewhat emaciated, glow to his face. He stands at a not-so-impressive 5'6" and tries to avoid most, if all, confrontation. His looks and past rejections have lowered his self-confidence to practically nothing.

The Test.

Albinistik steps into the tavern, the wood creaking at his delicate step. The sound mentally reverberated, sending his heart racing, and causing his hands to quickly grasp the opposite side of his body. He always noticed the stares, and the demeaning glares that other people always cast across the room. The place was erupting in laughter and yells from the various types of drunkards that were typical of the drinking holes of this caliber. Most of the building was in need of heavy repairs, with the wood beginning to crack and splinter and most of the railings seemingly almost broken. Bottles of cheap alcohol littered the bar-top and floor, causing much of a safety hazard to anyone who wasn't paying attention. Albinistik threw down his head and made his way to one of the stools at the bar, the one at the very end of the room. His eyes scanned the area and carefully graced over anyone that seemed unruly. The pure sheen of his skin always managed to cause a commotion with a barrage of nasty side effects. He hardly managed to speak to strangers, and although he deemed it as rude, made it a habit to ignore the people that were curious about his looks. From the white hair to the pink eyes, everything about him was wrong.

A middle-aged woman dressed in a work uniform, obviously designed to be functional and appealing to the tavern's general audience, walked to the end of the bar and placed her elbows just in front of Albinistik. With her head resting on her hands, her eyes met his with an uncommon instance of sincerity. "How might I be of service, t'night?" He lifted his head slightly, enough to project his voice over the obnoxious blares coming from the room. A drop of sweat slid down his lower lip and hit the bar. "Just.. a small meal p-please." He cleared his throat and breathed through his nose. "J-Just something cheap." He grabbed a small leather pouch, bound with a black lace, from the pocket of his overcoat and placed it on the table. The pouch was opened to reveal a small hand-full of various copper and silver pieces. "All I have." The woman quickly made note of his pocket change and gave the most reassuring smile he has ever received. "Of course." She quickly turned around and swept her right foot across the floor, walking over to the chef's preparation area. He could feel the wind her skirt made when she left, treasuring the small breeze as it washed over his face and seemed to clear some of the sweat from his unnerving expression.

When the woman returned with a small plate, he forced a smile and gladly took it from her. Half of his change might have just been spent, but it was well worth it. The food was mediocre, though he wasn't expecting much more. All that mattered was that he was finally going to be able to eat a decent meal for once in the last few weeks. The smell of the warm meat made his mouth water, and fingers shake. He took his first bite and savored every morsel he could possibly put down his throat.
[538 Words]


Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read my application! Yes, Albinistik is a human affected by albinism. I was hoping this would be allowed, seeing as to how it is a naturally occurring phenomenon. I'm also aware of the limitations that his character would have to take during RP. [Staying out in the sun for too long, etc.] I do apologize for the very random and seemingly meaningless scenario, but I really wanted to display his traits and his current situation, being the poor, socially anxious traveler he is. If there are any problems, please inform me and I would be more than happy to fix them for you! Thank you.

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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Well done Test and application as a whole. I'm glad you know the complications in roleplay that may come with the character. Good luck and enjoy your adventure.


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Survival Guide
Tome of Citizenship
Commands Guide
How to create your character profile
Town Census
Server Rules
Using Titles ingame
Rules for Roleplay
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.