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Inactive Calliope Phaedrus


Legend of Altera


Calliope Phaedrus

Reason or Meaning of Name: Calliope is a latinized Greek name that means 'beautiful voice, which I found fitting for a silver elf, and Phaedrus is the name of a first century Greek philosopher that sounded elven enough, and meant 'bright'.

Full Titles: Baroness (She has no land anymore.)

Reason or Meaning of Title: She used to be a marchioness, as the daughter of a Duke and Duchess, but was disowned for her kinder opinions on the lower-to-middle class of silver elf society. This left her as the lowest of nobility.

Nickname/Alias: None

Key Information:

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Race: Silver Elf

Social Status: Disowned Marchioness, possessing the title of Baroness.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 182.88 cm, 6'.

Weight: 62 kg, 136 lb.

Date of Birth: Waterday, Twenty-first of Winterfeast, 2229, Year of Rest.

Homeland: Inalona, a now-ruin that was a coastal city.

Previous Homes: Thiil.

Current Home: Wandering again...


Build: Lithe, but curvaceous. She is training again, and her muscles have returned.

Hair: Dark, close to true black, similar to other silver elf nobles. Sometimes wild, sometimes brushed.

Eyes: A silvery color, similar to other silver elf nobles.

Skin: Very pale, nearly white, as typical for silver elves.

Identifying Marks: Two circular symmetrical burn scars on her hands.

Appearance: Standing tall, shoulders and spine straight. Due to her somewhat lethargic appearance, however, she is not imposing, especially considering some elves are nearly seven feet tall.

Hygiene: Well-kempt, takes a bath every two days, making sure to be clean.

Voice: Somewhat lower than average, soft, and quiet, like most other silver elves.



Everyday Clothing - A yellowed shirt worn under a leather vest, yellowed pants, one glove on her right hand, and a few pieces of steel armor bound by red ribbons and sashes. Also, the outfit includes a nice pair of leather boots.

Winter Clothing - Her normal attire, worn under a thick dun-colored fur coat, and another leather glove on her left hand.

Formal Clothing - Clean white shirt and pants, with a red sash worn under an open dark blue hoodless cloak embroidered with silver-colored thread to cover the stitching. On the back of the robes is a mystical symbol embroidered with the same silvery thread. (Not yet made.)


A dark oak staff varnished orange to darken the color. It is very sturdy - it could take several hits from an axe to break it. It is somewhat heavy, but she is skilled enough to use it correctly. She bought it from Kublai Kull's carpentry shop, so it has KC engraved into the top.

(Her sapphire encrusted steel halberd, Coruscantis. It is actually just sharp steel, with the sapphires letting it carry enchantments extremely well. It is enchanted to be durable and to keep it's edge. The shaft is pine. However, it is lost.)

Prized Possessions:

Her aforementioned halberd (Lost)

Pendant with a lavender sapphire on the end, wrapped by silver wire, which is bound to a silver chain. (Remade)

A blue tinged black statuette of a equine and insectoid creature, with raw ruby on its neck and head and oval cabochon cut amber for eyes. It is made from dyed sandstone. (Previously kept in vault)

General Inventory:

A full black-and-white chess set bought from Kublai's Carpentry for 35 emeralds.

A set of dice bought from Kublai's Carpentry for 2 emeralds.

Two large bags of unground coffee beans.

Three small boxes of trail rations, full.

One large water skin, full.

Jewelry making tools.

Ingots, cords, wires, and chains of silver, gold, steel, and iron.

Various gemstones.

Glass bottles for alcohol.

An iron bucket.

Flint and tinder.



A kind, loyal with very soft fur. She is a relatively young cat. She is an Aegean cat, native to Minovia. Her name means progress and advancement.


A strong, white and grey horse. He is a Thoroughbred horse. His name translates to strength.

Qualities and Flaws:

Strengths: Her quick wit, scientific knowledge, and staff.

Fears: Needles and scalpels. Obviously, this makes her dislike hospitals and doctors.

Weaknesses: She is often tired from staying up experimenting with her brews. (Not alchemical, alcoholic.) She is occasionally too generous or frivolous with money, enough that she might not have enough money.

Intelligence: High. She is a scholar, and as a noble had a very good education. She is a quick learner and has a good memory.

Languages: Common and Elvish, learned during her childhood.

Profession: Jeweler and brewer, though she doesn't actively work on those. She used be a papermaker, but quit, since she dislikes that job.

Ethics and Motivation:

Personality: I'm not very good at this, so... INTP-T.

Religion: Silas

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Short Term Goals: Retrieve her weapons.

Long Term Goals: Move to Minovia and find a job there.



Place: Thiil

Pastime: The sciences.

Food: A particular noodle dish that her brother always cooked for her.

Drink: Coffee. It doesn't matter how it's prepared, but coffee. No milk though. She is disgusted by the though of drinking the milk of a different species, like a lot of silver elves.

Color: Purples, especially heliotrope.

Animal: Aegean Cat

Least Favorite...

Place: Inalona

Pastime: Unnecessary physical exertion.

Food: Turnips (Which, unfortunately for her, is one of the things that Silas represents.)

Drink: White tea. Despite that, some people like it, so she knows the recipe and keeps the ingredients.

Color: Bright yellows.

Animal: Wolves of any kind, domesticated or wild.


Loved: Her brother, her cat, and science.

Trusted: Faris Daeron, Arsenios, and Silas.

Befriended: She hopes that Athryl Mithtanil thinks of her as a friend, as she thinks of Athryl as one.

Liked: (Most) Thillians.

Neutral: Most deities.

Unsure of: -|-

Wary of: -|-

Afraid of: -|-

Disliked: Jishrim, Visage, Skraag, and their followers.

Hated: Her father, Theodosius, and her mother, Aelia.



- = Currently going down in skill.

| = Currently stagnated, not going up, not going down.

+ = Currently going up in skill.

Hand-to-Hand Combat

[x-x-X-x-x-x-x-x-x-x] [3/10] |

Medical Expertise

[x-x-x-x-X-x-x-x-x-x] [5/10] |

Wireworking, Gemcutting, and Gemsetting

[x-x-x-x-x-x-X-x-x-x] [7/10] |

Staff Usage

[x-x-x-x-x-x-X-x-x-x] [7/10] +


[x-x-x-x-X-x-x-x-x-x] [5/10] |

(To shorten the list.) STEM

[x-x-x-x-x-x-X-x-x-x] [7/10] |

(Also to shorten the list) Humanities

[x-x-x-X-x-x-x-x-x-x] [4/10] |
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