Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Constellations and Major Stars


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
But no! :D
They sort of got over the idea that God isn't the Sun quite a while before that, since the Old Testament itself says that God created mankind in His own shape. And remember, Christianity would be the focus here, if we're talking Medieval Europe.

But enough about that.

I really do not think constellations should be named after Gods, mostly because people have physical evidence of their existence and would not need to personify stars and such.
But that's because they deprived from Greek mythology. Greeks didn't have the Old Testament. However, I saw numerous occasions where it was stated that this server is based of Medieval Europe. I really do not think naming the stars after gods makes sense, especially naming them word-for-word after gods, since as I said we don't need to personify objects as we are already fully aware of their physical existence.
"But no"? Really?

I see no issues with a culture evolving around personification of something unreachable and mostly unknown. I havn't seen an ultra religious focus in the setting, aside from player influences (which is pretty damn cool), and I have yet to see a solid group of astrologists. As far as I'm aware, there has been a grand total of ONE character who tries to apply science to the sky.

Mucus, your ideas would work just fine. In fact, it might be the damn best method for naming the celestial bodies - Having it emerge from RP or In-character methods.

The server gains its influences from many things, but first and foremost of those would be the roleplay and players upon it. Before I see people jump on this thread with "Oh but its not exactly medieval Europe!", It might be good to remind people how Soolerans, Dwarves, Elves, Caparii, Magic, Minecraft, the social niceties and attitudes of characters are indeed not exactly medieval Europe.
While it is always good and well to keep true to your roots and have a common ground, It is never good to stifle and cork a potentially lovely addition, give such is within reason.

Names for the skylights? Definitely within reason.

You should definitely bother. Let me know if I can help any.


Magus of Nothing
I think you misunderstood my point. I like the idea of naming constellations after the gods, just not the Sun and the Moon. It also feels a bit strange to give Shalherana just a single star, for me atleast.

Sun stays as Sun
Moon stays as Moon.
Gods all get an individual constellation.


Lord of Altera
[quote, post: 391370, member: 4788"]Just because Polo's pointed something out doesn't mean he automatically has a solution. :p

I'm sure there're lots of people that would like stars named after themselves, or their cities, or their houses. There may also be some suggestions from people that have something to do with the shape of the constellation, but remember: this is your lore submission. It's fine to ask others for help, but remember that you shouldn't only ask other people for it, especially if one of your suggestions may be flawed. You can always think of more! :)[/quote]
Yep! Thats why in the op I asked for name suggestions! I want people to feel involved with this!
I'm partial to the gods, but I'm(and I'm sure the staff/server) are wide open for suggestions.
Also I hope other folk start looking up and identifying and celestial beings they feel are important!


Lord of Altera
I am honestly 100% opposed to calling the local star "Sun".
That's the name of OUR star! (selfish)
Also I agree Shalherana deserves more than a star, but the relative proximity of the local satellite and that star sure lend to the story!


The Arbiter of the Gods
There are plenty of other pieces of fantasy that call the star "sun", because it's then easier to understand. I really see no reason behind changing the names.


Settling in Altera
Why not both?
I see no problem by calling them one name, maybe scientific, then another, mythological.
So, we can say, " wow, the sun sure is bright today "!
But I see no problem to joke around and say, " Jeeze, if Hareth keeps this up, he'll boil the sea! "
Mucus, keep up the good work, you'll change this server yet!


Lord of Altera
Dear Heavens! I sure would enjoy if Hareth burned hotter today!

But yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Especially since different cultures would likely have different names for the celestial objects.


Settling in Altera
Sallana has filled my swamp with gloom and squish beasts! Halt this at once!

See? That isn't so bad.
It also gives players a reason to learn the lore of the gods, to use witty things like this.
I'm using this so much in Rp cause it's beautiful :heart:


Lord of Altera
Sallana shines down brightly on me during my every journey!
She makes it easy for me to see my way at night!


Settling in Altera
I cannot wait for the day Hareth and Sallana shake hands, my great grand papa has told me it would happen one day!

/ Re-rail though.


Lord of Altera

Look up.
Can you see Her? Can you see her performing The Ritual to bring our loved ones back?
Shalherama's there! Just above Sallana!

See the hornshape near the treeline?
But it is not a horn, it is Shalherana's head and Her headdress.

Just above Sallana you can see Shalherana's arm, she's reaching Beyond to bring Them back.
Her other arm is coming towards us, bringing Them back.

She dances with Sallana, the two forever close.
They are close to us.

Yes, you can see her now!


Lord of Altera
I think this idea is beautiful! I will steer my character to astronomy to find you some more constellations.
Personally, I agree with Mich - stars and constellations should definitely be named after the gods! I could write so many tales and stories for them. And people could use them in RP, and different cultures could have different ones!
Sorry I'm rambling.
Keep it up Mucus!


The Arbiter of the Gods
I still do not believe the idea of naming constellations straight as gods makes any sense. I can understand naming them in gods' honour, but not word-for-word.


Non sum qualis eram
Actually kind of have to go with Polo here for the very simple reason that the gods don't personify the stars, but other things, and they are liable to get rather pissy if people get what they personify wrong.

Wait, nevermind, go right ahead.