Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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erkenberken Application [Approved- solus]


1) What is your MINECRAFT username?


2) How old are you?


3) Where are you?

I'm from Scotland :D

4) Have you read our guides yet?

Indeed I have

5) Introduce yourself!

Not much to say to be honest, right now I've just wrapped up exams, trying to get to uni for maths and physics. I also play some guitar, and I love Lord of the Rings and the related stuff :D. I also love hiking, cycling, and fishing, but sadly living in the city means I don't do that as much as I like XD. Having a terrible laptop, I can only really play Minecraft and LOTRO, though I haven't played that in a while. If I had to live somewhere else I'd probably move to Norway.

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?

Yeah, I was in the spawn part, then I took the road to Port Silver and got lost XD I'll definitely be referring to the map in the future, the building all looked awesome though, especially in the texture pack.

About your character
He just goes by Sigmund.

Around 17-19





The test

"Time to get up" I admitted to myself, sadly. I was lying in a bed of Churoulta, underneath a wizened old oak tree. "But what shall I do first?". My stomach rumbled in answer. "Maybe deer?" I thought as I picked up my bow. I had been extraordinarily lucky to have a father that left such a fine weapon (and a quiver to go with it) just lying in the path of my daring escape. To be perfectly honest, I don't even remember why I left (though I do remember my father being unbearable to live with), but in my experience, being homeless isn't so bad. Not the first couple of weeks of course. I mean, I had a shot of bow when I was a child (before my father's drinking started), but moving targets in all sorts of weather? It was an absolute nightmare. Lived off berries mostly at the start. Even now, I need to get really close to my food before I can let off a shot. I've only had deer once, but I feel like today could be my lucky day.

Sometimes I come across some Forest Elves when I wander. I don't really know their language, but they're really nice, and sometimes they give me food. I wish I had been born an Elf, then I wouldn't have had an idiot for a father. Then I could live like I live now, just with some more comforts. Especially in winter, (it's always tough) I considered going back, even it was begging on the streets, just swallowing my pride and admitting I had just ran off in a bad mood... In winter I would have been dead if it wasn't for some Woodsman's Friend.

Most people, when they run away, they run away to sea. Not me though, just looking at the sea made me fall ill. Yes, growing up in Port Silver was hard... In more ways than one actually. I was never well-liked as a youngster, and my mother wasn't around (died when she gave birth to me, you see). So all in all, a fairly lonely childhood, maybe that's why I love the forest so much. Because I'm used to being alone.

Ah well, no use worrying about it now. Best to just enjoy the chirping of the birds. It must have been the end of Truebirth, maybe Sporebloom? In any case, the noise of the birds was deafening, and the air was heavy. The Season of Harvest had definitely arrived at any rate. "How could anyone want to live anywhere else?" But even as I was thinking that thought, I began to wonder if living in the forest was all I made it out to be. Of course, I love it here, but the nights were cold, the food supply was inconsistent, and my breath was terrible. Maybe I should like have a roof over my head and some company for once. But where? I could follow the Elves home, but I don't speak the language, and besides, they probably wouldn't accept a messy scruffy person like me. I suppose I better just keep walking and see what I come across...


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Just to help you catch up on Port Silver if you plan on making that a home origin- Long ago it was overcome with Corruption. Now it's home to many chaotic figures and the land is destroyed/in ruins. It's livable land, but a risky place to be. Good Test and Congratulations!

I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.