Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ForsakenExorcist - Application [Approved - Ghost]


About me
  1. My IGN is| ForsakenExorcist
  1. I am 16 years old, but mature for my age.
  1. I live in the USA, particularly southern California
  2. Yes I did, I am very excited about it. The story line(what is included in the guides) is intriguing and I like how this is dedicated to true RPG's.
  3. My name, I go by J. I don't work at the moment since highschool is rather hard but it's worth it in the end. I love to draw, write, and I enjoy talking to people and listening to Music. As I said before, drawing is really entertaining to me and another love I have is for History. I find it interesting and informational. I like to play RPG'S, Shoot-em-up's, Horror, Strategy, and fighting. Other games I play are Alice:Madness Returns, COD, Naruto, Bulletstorm, Dynasty Warriors, God of War, and the Silent Hill games. I like art styles that are in Silent hill and Alice since it pertains to the horror aspect-whichiliketodraw- I like the FPS's because I find it fun focusing on something and gaining a high score.
  4. Here are some of my artwork, I usually draw on paper now since my tablet broke ;-;
    I'm so sorry for my art spam nsjdjka. Danny--draws is my old tumblr that I do not have access too, but you are welcome to go there to view my old artwork!
  5. Yes, I did look around but my mom bugged me to clean so I didn't get a good look.
About My character
  1. My character's name is Alek Turvex.
  2. He is about, 17-ish years old. I don't want him to be too old ;-;
  3. His race is The Elves, I found an affinity towards the Moor Elves so if possible, I think he would make a good one.
  4. I don't have a drawn up picture of him yet, but as soon as I do I will put it on my profile here. He is tall, around 6'2. He has black hair that is messy in the front, and long in the back. Some hair is occasionally on his shoulders since he doesn't do the best brushing it. He wears a long scarf around his neck, the ends of it is slightly ripped and it's a deep red color. He wears black pants that are tight along with black boots. He has a black vest that is made of metal. He wears elbow high gloves with plating on them. He has brown eyes, his skin is very lightly toned. Here is the minecraft version of him, I made it myself C:
  5. -It seemed as if nothing really was working in Alek’s favor today, he hadn't been able to hunt very well with his dulled knife. Of course, being tired and worn out from the constant fear of something wild attacking him in the forest made it a lot harder. He decided to just sit down and relax, of course keeping his pointed ears attentive to the sounds around him. Night was drawing close, the once cream orange sky fading into a deep purple. Even though he liked being alone, he did miss people’s company once in awhile. Instead of dwelling on his current thoughts, he decided to focus on what was around him. The forest was so lively tonight, he could hear the owl’s hoots and the cicadas cry. Alek laid down on the cold grass, his long black hair almost blending in with the dark green pieces of grass around him. He gazed up at the darkening sky, wondering how long it will be until he runs into someone hopefully friendly. He set his knife next to him, making sure it was in reachable distance just in case something happened. Like always, his serenity was not long but always maddeningly short. The elf shot up and grabbed his bag full of his goods and the knife next. He started to run in the opposite direction he heard the loud barking from, Alek wasn't going to risk a pack of whatever is out there attacking him. Alek slowed down after a good five minutes of running and rested against a tree to catch his breath. His sleek black hair was sticked to his face from the sweat that ran down his temple. Maybe just a rest, a full nights rest would not be that bad for him, he sunk to his knees and rested against the grass once again. He fell asleep to the sounds of the crickets.

    When he awoke, it was still dark and the sky’s hue hadn't changed as much as he thought it should. Alek sat up and rubbed his eyes and took in the sight before him. The moonlight lit up the area around him just through the leaves from the treeline. The light illuminated the dark forest, drawing out the once dark black to the soft tones it originally had. Even though traveling alone was difficult, it was moments like this that kept him going. He once again closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, exhaling and laying back down to the comfort of the moonlight."-
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The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Hey Jdog! The art you've posted is certainly impressive, but what worries me is that signatures differ from one drawing to the next, and on the last one it's a different watermark to a website altogether. There might be a logical explanation, but we do not take kindly to plagiarism on this server.

In terms of the rest of your application
, your test needs to be a minimum of 400 words so we can get a better understanding of your roleplaying skills :)


Ah, I know I often switch styles. My old tumblr does have more of my art, and you can see my more recent signature on there. The works I posted are what I've done throughout this year and worked on my signature, my sig is always JV and recently I started doing the cursive on it. I know it seems off but I really am telling the truth. ;-;
I'll re-write it if that's alright with you.

It seemed as if nothing really was working in Alek’s favor today, he hadn't been able to hunt very well with his dulled knife. Of course, being tired and worn out from the constant fear of something wild attacking him in the forest made it a lot harder. He decided to just sit down and relax, of course keeping his pointed ears attentive to the sounds around him. Night was drawing close, the once cream orange sky fading into a deep purple. Even though he liked being alone, he did miss people’s company once in awhile. Instead of dwelling on his current thoughts, he decided to focus on what was around him. The forest was so lively tonight, he could hear the owl’s hoots and the cicadas cry. Alek laid down on the cold grass, his long black hair almost blending in with the dark green pieces of grass around him. He gazed up at the darkening sky, wondering how long it will be until he runs into someone hopefully friendly. He set his knife next to him, making sure it was in reachable distance just in case something happened. Like always, his serenity was not long but always maddeningly short. The elf shot up and grabbed his bag full of his goods and the knife next. He started to run in the opposite direction he heard the loud barking from, Alek wasn't going to risk a pack of whatever is out there attacking him. Alek slowed down after a good five minutes of running and rested against a tree to catch his breath. His sleek black hair was sticked to his face from the sweat that ran down his temple. Maybe just a rest, a full nights rest would not be that bad for him, he sunk to his knees and rested against the grass once again. He fell asleep to the sounds of the crickets.

When he awoke, it was still dark and the sky’s hue hadn't changed as much as he thought it should. Alek sat up and rubbed his eyes and took in the sight before him. The moonlight lit up the area around him just through the leaves from the treeline. The light illuminated the dark forest, drawing out the once dark black to the soft tones it originally had. Even though traveling alone was difficult, it was moments like this that kept him going. He once again closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, exhaling and laying back down to the comfort of the moonlight.​

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Well if it is your work, I recommend making a thread in the art section! The rewrite of your test is fine, just remember that you can edit your post in the bottom left of each post you do, and I also recommend shrinking down your signature, the average signature on the forums is definitely not that big~


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.