Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Gear Town] Skiadro

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Lord of Altera
well, i think i've got a rather good idea, about 1/5 of the building should be stone (cobble + brick), 3/5 wood and the rest is whatever else.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Dayum, this town looks epic! But its full D: Oh well...
In character name : Bronn Silverian
Username: Benijim
RP age and race: Age: 19 Race: Human
Why you want to join the town: It looks so cool! I cant express how awesome it looks!
How active are you: If Goldfish was not very active, and Shark was active. I would be a whale.
Anything else you'd like to add: Hi


Lord of Altera
In character name : Tyler Gilmour
Username: MP_unique_Jon
RP age and race: Human and 39
Why you want to join the town: Because technology fascinates him. He wishes just to be a part of that type of thing.
How active are you: Very. i'm on almost every day for 1h-7h
Anything else you'd like to add: Baby bunny


Lord of Altera
Right, need concepts for the following,

Medium house, large house, Blacksmith, The furnace/boiler and the gear workshop


Lord of Altera
For the boiler, something along these lines (but with less iron).



Ignore the buildings in the background. I started on a server, then realised my mistake.


Lord of Altera
I'll think of a design for a large house...
Probably won't be the best so don't depend on it to be brilliant...
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