Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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HollowWorld in DayZ


Lord of Altera
Day 12 in the Tang Files:

Well, i had a bit of a journey today up North in head of Dubrovka, meaning leaving Base camp, which consists of 12 Camping tents, mostly filled with supplies, and a nice, warm fire, plus my Dirt Bike. Because, however of low fuel supplies, instead of taking the Tangmobil, (A truck.), I walked most of the way. During my travels I found quite a lot of loot, as well as killing a lot of zombies after having an awkward situation in which i broke my legs after falling off a Hay Bale (Standalone game, where are you.). Luckily, I made it to berezino where I looted the hospital to make sure I had back-up medical supplies. During my time there, I also found a van, FULL of supplies. After scouting the area, no one could be seen, i repaired the van to full 'health', and got in. After starting it, a group of zombies came towards me, and so, I ran over one, thinking, "Heh, I'm in a Van, come at me!".

Unfortunately, after running over the zombie the Van decided to blow up and left me dead.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well on the Lingor we have a lot of good stuff now =) hehe me and seano are the Bandits of our group =) we take out the ppl when .. rest are just runing around haveing fun =) come and play with usssssssss!=)


Lord of Altera
We are now at DEFCON 1

Our main base of operations was attacked by an overwhelming surprise guerilla force, all of our men stationed there were killed and both transport trucks were stolen with high amounts of weapons and ammo.
We have issued a formal delectation of war to the enemy.

This means we are now at war.
All Dayz players on the IL 74 Lingor server,
Get online and prepare for one hell of a battle...

All players not using the [HW] tag are now considered to be enemy combatants and are KOS.


Lord of Altera
Day 15 in the Tang Files:

Well, bloody battle that were, after finding a bus in the military camp in Mercadio, I bravely decided to loot the area to see what was there, and also see if I can get the bus up and running. After smoke grenading my way into the base, I found that the bus was fine apart from fuel, and, luckily there was a garage down the road. After telling my peers about this, they decided to come pick me up and loot the rest of the camp.

However, after being swarmed by at least 30 zombies, the crew decided to get the hell out, and ra back in the truck and ran, leaving me alone....

A day later, i found myself on the shores of a small city, with half blood left and only my mountain dew and Ak for guidance. Soon, I found a fishing boat and fueled it up, Tang had taken to the sea. Now living the great life on my boat, I am now fine, and am living off pepsi and heinz beans.

"See ya later, shiplords!"


Lord of Altera
Jag news:
I've been banned from driving due to several... accidents
Sooooo I'm forming my own DayZ team, where I'm allowed to drive. Yay!
Join me and we'll go places quickly... about 100kmph constantly... around corners and over bumps.


Lord of Altera
I was thinking of "The Road Warriors"
Have a Mad Max style mobile vehicle group.

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