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Hollowworld Team Fortress 2 Team?


Lord of Altera
I've made a steam group for it. But you have to ask Danie or Billybob about it, as I made them the new leaders.
I haven't heard from Billy, but just so you know I've only spent about 30-40 hours on Tf2 so it may be more beneficial to have someone more experienced as leader.


Lord of Altera
I've been playing for a while but I don't think it would be a good idea to make me leader... Just saying
Also, I haven't heard from billy yet


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get on, but I'll join if you want. I'm a good Combat Medic and Heavy.


Lord of Altera
I wouldn't want to lead but I can start adding people to the group if you want and help get things organized as an admin


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I've been playing TF2 for 67 hours... I'm not bad at all. The playtime doesn't matter. The skills does.
Agreed. I've seen people who have spent tons of time and money on the game that think 2fort is the only good map in the game, and the best strategy is pipe bomb spamming the bridge. ugh.

Also, I'd like to throw my hat in, seeing as this looks like a nice casual group. I'm good with pyro, spy, and soldier, terrible with medic and sniper, and about average with the rest.

My steam name is FlabberMcFizzleJerky. Please add me, and if there is a hollowworld steam group please invite me as well. Thanks!
Hey im pretty good at sniper and pyro, Im willing to join the team if you want me on it.
Edit: My steam name is ThePsychGamer, and i am also Good medic, and bad demo, Soldier, spy. Scout, heavy Engineer im ok at but not really good with. I have about 24 hours on my sniper with the heatmaker.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Oh, also if anyone was wondering my general skill level in tf2, I think this screencap should speak for itself:

The sad part is I don't want to play any more cause then I'll lose that awesome number. heh.