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"Humble Citizens of Azerport..."


Lord of Altera
I think in this time of political turmoil and tense negotiations Marr needs a different kind of leader. Someone outside, with fresh ideas and a new direction...
Someone not afraid to promote free whiskey and lie ins for all...
Gannet for leadership!


Lord of Altera
I think in this time of political turmoil and tense negotiations Marr needs a different kind of leader. Someone outside, with fresh ideas and a new direction...
Someone not afraid to promote free whiskey and lie ins for all...
Gannet for leadership!
Gannet for president-2014


" The great sun does not guide the family of Lavoyard.. Lavoyard hides behind the illuminated titans of the Rising Sun. Let this clear your head.. "


Lord of Altera
I did miss that part.
I've not been in Marr very long, I don't know everyone in the house, the politics or the history behind it.
I just don't see why a light hearted joke should get a response like that =/


Lord of Altera
Upon the message-boards of the Crossroads, yet another poster hangs. Embossed upon it is a slightly fudged Seal of Marr, boldly sticking out right on the top.

Scrawled upon the rest of the parchment reads;

"For now have I discovered the location of the King of Marr! This information shall be sold to the highest offer. Find me within this crossing of roads, at Sunrise
-Phydeoux Was Here"

( This can be found in-game at the crossroads )
someone took the notice! D:


Yū Yi
Tybalt was was elected so Tybalt=President
Violet=Daughter of Original King
Violet=True Queen
True creator of Azerport = Jeroxia L. Wolfheart.
Daughter of true creator = Amethyst G. Azerwind
True queen = Amethyst G. Azerwind.

Just kidding guys, but if I didn't get tricked OOCly into giving Azerport and Twilight Falls away and that made me quit as Amethyst and make her leave for a journey, it would still be mine.

Though I am happy that I gave it to Tybalt since it has become so big and beautiful. :D It went slightly different than what I planned, but I like it. ^^

I wonder how many knows the real IC story of how the ownership of Azerport has went from owner to owner.


Yū Yi
As far as I'm concerned, Marr took it over during the Arcturian coup, since Azerwind were vassals of Arcturus at that point.
First Azerport were estasblished by Jeroxia, who then let it be led by another person. He then later decided to revoke that power and gave Azerport to Amethyst as a birthday present. (Best. Present. Ever.)
Amethyst then had control over Azerport, but soon after she got Azerport, jeroxia went on a long journey and that left Amethyst with both cities and it was difficult for her. Jeroxia only came back once and it was for a short time, where Amethyst still had full control of Azerwind and she later concluded permant power. Arcturus noticed that and proposed their help in trade with vassalation. (Not sure if I typed it right)
After helping Amethyst for some time and she kept getting more stressed by the power she had, Amethyst then let Arcturus take care of all controlling in trade for still having high rank and the title "Lady of Azerport". Soon after that Arcturus took full control over Azerwind and both cities, where Twilight Falls were left alone and is now a ghost city and Azerport were under their control.
Then Marr appeared and went "against" Arcturus and got control over Azerport. Soon after that Amethyst decided to leave for a journey to regain herself.

After this I suppose alot of people know the story with Marr.


Lord of Altera
Which means that Arthorius, the legitimate emperor, Amy's mentor, still has some legitimacy towards the ancient noble titles, yes, mokwar?


Yū Yi
Which means that Arthorius, the legitimate emperor, Amy's mentor, still has some legitimacy towards the ancient noble titles, yes, mokwar?
In some ways I guess, but Amy also has some and she isn't permantly gone. ^^ (Amethyst would actually have the strongest legitimacy as she is the true heir and lady of the city, but what's taken is taken.)
But I think it would be difficult to claim that as it's hard to be king/queen over a people who doesn't see you as one.