Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Kitty Maker™ (MichCouttens Collab)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Welcome to the Kitty-Maker™! This is going to be a series of collab-artwork pieces between @dacoutts and myself.

What is the
Kitty-Maker™, you ask? You simply fill out the request form below and we'll draw your character...

... As one of the Nakam! A
s per the prerogative of the Kitty-Maker™.
Dacoutts and I hold supreme overlord over what we'll draw and what we just aren't feeling at the moment with the fabulous Kitty-Maker™. Don't feel bad if we might skip you- its probably because we saw something silly to do (Like cover Scardrac in pink, fluffy yarn) and went for that instead- That being said, we're picking these out of a hat and generally choose them at complete random!

-Request Form-
IGN: michcouttens
Character Name: TzeKela
Short Description: Some people say its Tzemik. Some people say its Akela. Really, it depends on what side you're looking at...
Character Profile and/or Skin:

Current Projects:
-Cake and Wenches
-solusrequiem with Ashna
-Man5791 with Barroes Meletial
-Naelwyn with Naelwyn

Current Hatbox (We'll choose randomly from this):
-icefire120 with Athryl
-larsteuni with Sankera
-GLaDOS101 with Archaeus Fronte
-gabythedinogirl with Viktor Sylvain or gabythedinogirl with Salheira Rain-River
-bettemus99 with Arganaer
-Squidzoid with Josef Mandovi
-Sir_Ashington with Alanna Marr-Rhett
-ironassassin with Elmond Engem
-Scardrac with Scardrac
-WarWolf1 with Kharn Sicarus

Hope you enjoy the Kitty-Maker™!
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Bwha- you got me on the last one.. Gr.

*Slips envelope into company mailbox.*

Character Name: Ashna Khovr
Short Description: Gloomy, Determined and Irritable. This one likes to keep to herself at times... Enjoys her alone time...and books. [Edit: Oh right. Description. Greyish-white Hair, Dark Skin~, Violet eyes, An upsidedown moonshaped scar on her left cheek, A grey tatoo on her left forearm. Uh- free reign to both of you, really. Enjoy drawing~!]
Character Profile and/or Skin:
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The Alchemist
Retired Staff
*clings to the thread, holding it close* SO LOVELY.

Character Name: Athryl Mithtanil
Short Description: A proud man who loves life. His life is his work. He is constantly experimenting. His intelligence and pride match no other, but his love for others is equally there. He spends his days in his lab, working with his students and he's friends to find different solutions for problems. [Tall, red hair, green eyes, pale skin, a white streak of hair on his head.]
Character Profile:
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
-Request Form-
IGN: larsteuni
Character Name: Sankera
Short Description: A friendly elf that likes all people and is friendliness himself, he also is the lord/king of Golden Bay,
He wears a green jacket with blue seems and his windblown/combed brown hair
Character Profile and/or Skin:


Dark Council Elite
IGN: planar_infinity
Character Name: Archaeus
Short Description: An armored man with two fancy scabbards clipped at his left hip.
Character Profile and/or Skin:

The first quote in my signature.
