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Merfolk F.A.Q. [Outdated]


Loyal Servant of Altera
A beautiful and wonderful guide to the mystery, charm, and danger of the Merfolk.

1. What is a mermaid?

Mermaids are water spirits that drown men, typically depicted with the head and torso of a girl or woman, and the tail of a fish. They may lure men to their death by their own sylphic beauty, or with glimpses of underwater gardens with buildings of gold or crystal. Mermaids can attract and hypnotize humans with their enchantingly beautiful, soft melodic and seductive siren-like singing voices and tones. They are also blamed for heavy flooding that destroys crops or villages. The mermaids are eternally young, and they sit in the water and comb their hair seductively.

Alternatively, mermen are mythical male equivalents and counterparts of mermaids – legendary creatures who have the form of a male human from the waist up and are fish-like from the waist down, having scaly fish tails in place of legs. Mermen exist, but are in far shorter numbers than mermaids, and, rather than luring common races to the sea, attack full force (usually with a spear or sword of some sort) to hunt their prey.
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2. Culture of Merfolk

Merfolk are a very mysterious race and even the most persistent and determined scholars fail to gather much knowledge about them. Merfolk are very hostile towards other races, but to their own kind they are a close-knit family. As such, a whole community will help raise and look after a merchild. The merfolk are a matriarchal society, the women viewed as more important than men.

Mermen go out on their own at only 10 years old, and teach themselves to survive on their own, returning after 10 years to protect their community and find a mate. During this time, mermaids are also taught to hunt and hone their singing ability, but do not have to leave the community.

The merfolk are also a monarchical society as well, faithfully serving their queen and king. The ancient and royal house of Oceana is the ruling family of the merfolk.

Merfolk are adamant on celebrating festivals and religious ceremonies. Most merfolk worship Sallanna, their original creator.

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3. Biology of merfolk

Merfolk are a race of their own, created from the goddess Sallanna (Goddess of fertility, love, family, and sex). Their upper half resembles that of a humanoid and their lower half resembles a fish.

All Merfolk boast a high magical and physical resistance due to their scaly reflective skin. Mermaids are natural born spellcasters and fierce fighters, akin to piranhas if they are in a pack. Mermen have a very dulled sense of magic, with mermen sorcerers being very rare and little stronger than even the weakest mermaid. They do, however, make excellent fighters favouring armour and weapons, contrasted to the fangs, claws, and bloodlust of a mermaid.

Merfolk have great singing voices, but it is predominantly the women who possess the best voices, the women utilize their charm, beauty and dreamy voices to lure the common races to the sea, literally a lamb to the slaughter.

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The bad side of being a mermaid:
•Needs water to survive, becoming dry will result in fatigue, dizziness and fever.
•If a merperson becomes too dry, they will die slowly and painfully.
•Mermaid activity will increase at night due to lower temperatures.
•Bright light is the mermaid's natural enemy. Due to evolving and spending almost their entire lives in the dark watery depths, they only come out during night.

Example of a mermaid attack on a PREPARED crew:

4. Merfolk in Altera:

The royal house of Oceana is the most prominent mermaid family in Altera. The mermaids of this house are the most powerful (and dramatic) of all other merfolk. After the recent death of the past Queen, there was a mass struggle for power within the Oceana family. The victor, Nimue, is a vicious and merciless mermaid, taking the right from her elder sister, Abbey Mirabelle.

Previously stationed in the mermaid paradise of Siren's Call, the island was ruined by human and elven inhabitants before the corruption could even touch it. Now in Exodus, the merfolk are spread out, but a rally has been declared by Nimue to unite the merfolk together again and build their paradise once more.

Current Merfolk:
Nimue Oceana
Mirabelle Oceana
Sirena Oceana
Itzza Oceana
Tritton Oceana the II
Lei Clearwater
Acarva (RP profile needed)
LunaMoore (RP profile needed)
neverendingdawn (RP profile needed)
Peder (RP profile needed)


Lord of Altera
Nice lore! :D
Although things seem to favor the females much more than the males, but I suppose that goes with it being a matriarchal society.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Nice lore! :D
Although things seem to favor the females much more than the males, but I suppose that goes with it being a matriarchal society.
That's what I wanted. Mermen weren't mentioned in as much myths as mermaids. Plus every other race is a patriarchal society so I wanted a change. :)
I also used lore from similar myths, like the Morgen, Siren, and Melusine.

Wow.. Looks like a lot of time and effort was put into this :) (I'm not being sarcastic!)
Lots of forum hunting and wiki searching and using my own mind. :I


Loyal Servant of Altera
also i would like to hear the rp story behind how nimue got the throne instead of abbey the eldest


Loyal Servant of Altera
Don't come on my thread with your dwarven nonsense!!! This is fer the beautiful merpeople only!!


Lord of Altera
*Was going to do another post on how this is well written and actually, even for mermaids/people/whatevers, pretty good, but, after that comment, feels there is no need anymore.*