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Minecraft 1.4 Feature List


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Alright guys, I've made a patch changelog for all to see, because as this thread gets bigger people have to look continuosly for pictures and whatnot. Here's the full change log so far for Minecraft 1.4 version:

Important: Very little information has been confirmed, this changelog is not 100% accurate, but it will give you an idea of what to expect!
Release date: September/ Halloween, possibly October 31st
Full Changelog:
  • New boss mob: Wither. The wither. The wither is a boss who attacks neutral NPCs (Pigs, chicken, etc, endermen and squids do not count) and the player as well. He launches a skull projectile which causes a "wither" effect similar to poison, which can kill you and turns your health bar black, making you incapable of seeing how much health you have. After a certain amount of time he becomes invulnerable to arrows. The wither has the ability to devour blocks, and throwing a potions which harms him will cause him to eat a 3x3 block region around him. After he reaches the phase where you cannot harm him with arrows he is unable to fly. It has been confirmed that you will be able to spawn this mob by placing skull blocks in a certain pattern.
  • New mob: Villager zombie. This mob has a 10% chance of spawning where a normal zombie would spawn, and he doesn't simply spawn outside villages, he can spawn anywhere. A zombie villager can be cured by throwing a potion of weakness at him then using a golden apple on him, thus allowing you to make your own villages as long as the villager has housing space. A regular villager becomes a zombie if he gets killed by one. NOTE: the golden apple does NOT get depleted when you cure a villager. Only the potion of weakness does
  • Zombies can now spawn with armor and weapons, the effects of the weapons & armor are the same as the player: They can do more damage, and take less as well.
  • New zombie attack animation
  • Added Baby Zombies. These are faster than regular zombies, and can also equip items. They don't spawn naturally, they only spawn when a baby villager is killed by a zombie.
  • Zombies can now equip dropped items by the player and pick up dropped items as well
  • Stairs now connect according to the pattern they are built for, if you place stairs in a corner with other stairs, they will change accordingly. This allows the creation of mini-pyramids, and more.
  • Added potatoes.
  • Added carrots
  • Added cooked potatoes
  • Added poisonous potatoes
  • Added golden carrot
  • Added carrot rod. You can craft it with a fishing rod and some carrots, this allows the player to control a mounted pig. The pig starts at a slow speed, but as he walks, he gains more speed, reaching up to 5 blocks per second (Confirmed).
  • Added Night vision potions
  • Added Invisibility potions. These potions will hide the player (Not their armor though) and create a bubble particle effect around them. You can also throw it at a mob, rendering it invisible.
  • Added plant pots. You can craft them with 3 bricks then place them on any block. After placed, you can then use a plant on it. Cactus in pots do not harm the player. It is possible that arrows will be able to break pots. Also, pots break falling sand/gravel similar to torches.
  • Added decorative skull block. You can get this block as a very very rare drop from skeletons, and they are required for spawning the wither boss. It is said that you will be able to get more mob heads as rare drops, but this has not been confirmed.
  • Added cobble walls & mossy cobble walls. These act exactly like fences, and can be stacked. Wooden gates placed in the cobble walls lower themselves to fit in, and torches can be placed on the stone walls.
  • Added Beacon Block. This block can be placed as a pyramid top to provide the player with a certain buff, the pyramid bellow the block must be made of iron, gold, diamond or emerald. The better the material the stronger and longer the effects will last. When active the block will cause a beam of light special effect, and can be used in the nether as well. It is known that the sprite is not final, and the block model may change in the final version.
  • Added command block. This is a block which allows map makers and server administrators to execute a certain server command when this block is powered by redstone, for example if a player steps on a perssure plate which is connected to a command block, he can be teleported, or given certain items, or even kicked/banned.
  • Added Item Frames. Similar to paintings, you can place these frames on a wall and then place items for display. Items in the display can be rotated, and you can also place blocks. Compasses, clocks and maps will also function when placed in a frame. Unlike paintings, you can place item frames next to each other at a 90 degree angle.
  • Added wooden buttons. These buttons are easier to craft than stone buttons and can be activated by arrows.
  • You can now dye armor
  • You can now dye dog collars
  • Zombies can now drop iron tools, potatoes and carrots
  • Modding API released. This allows multiplayer servers to use single player mods. The possibilities are... endless.
  • VSync and fullscreen options added to the video menu
none yet


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The minecraft API isn't completed as far as I know, the last time I checked the gitHUB repository it was not published :eek:


Real life redstone crafter
Imperialemperor said:
The minecraft API isn't completed as far as I know, the last time I checked the gitHUB repository it was not published :eek:
The API is online on gitHub. It's just slim... Very slim...


I think I might like it here
Yeah that's what I thought, so far a few block coordinate classes were uploaded to the API, but from what I've seen the entire API will be released in 1.4 :)


Settling in Altera
i thought of a way to guide piggies like a week before they did it wasn't so technical just a piece of wheat and a saddled pig then they took it and changed it so they couldn't be claimed of stealing my ideas "I always feel like somebodies watching me"


Settling in Altera
i just heard that the wither *boss* is something that has to be achieved in by putting together the new skelly heads (and that there might be more than just skelly heads) into a certain order and that the amount of them you can have is endless but the heads are rare drops for killing stuff


I think I might like it here
i just heard that the wither *boss* is something that has to be achieved in by putting together the new skelly heads (and that there might be more than just skelly heads) into a certain order and that the amount of them you can have is endless but the heads are rare drops for killing stuff
  • Added decorative skull block. You can get this block as a very very rare drop from skeletons, and they are required for spawning the wither boss. It is said that you will be able to get more mob heads as rare drops, but this has not been confirmed.


Lord of Altera
I would like to add something: Ive heard they are planning to add a ''Thirst'' bar into the ''Hunger'' bar too. This sounds epic. More challenge, More survival!


Burner of Worlds
The wither boss drops a Nether Star which is an essential ingredient for crafting beacons. When a beacon is a placed on top of a pyramid of blocks it emits a beam of light into the sky and provides a temporary buff to players who are near it. The more levels the pyramid has the more effects can be applied. The primary effects are Speed, Haste, Resistance, Jump Boost, and Strength. See