Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Minecraft 1.4 Feature List


Burner of Worlds
I agree. I've said since early, early beta that we need more construction blocks besides the single workbench. Our dwarf fortress members will know where I got the idea from, but we should have construction blocks for each kind of thing - the standard workbench makes sense for carpentry, while metalworking needs an anvil or something similar, a culinary table or something similar for food, ect ect.

Maybe I'm the only one who finds making bread at the same place I make dynamite a little discomforting. I dunno.
I did this in my minecraft-inspired game. I had a carpenter's bench, a forge, etc.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Making tools with a hammer and anvil could even increase the tools' durability/efficiency.
Which makes much more logical sense really... A stick bound to an iron blade isn't going to last nearly as long as one made properly in a forge.


Lord of Altera
Awesome ideas, but still. Minecraft is Minecraft. No matter how much realistic blocks or new crafting styles we get, Minecraft will never be realistic.


Magus of Nothing
I don't know about that Cami... I'm pretty sure when/if thirst comes along a mod that makes it very close to realism will be possible. An increase of block-breaking times, a very limited inventory, no fantasy mobs (Skele's zombies creepers etc) and all the crafting block that have been suggested prior to now.


King's Hand
I'm pretty sure when/if thirst comes along a mod that makes it very close to realism will be possible. An increase of block-breaking times, a very limited inventory, no fantasy mobs (Skele's zombies creepers etc) and all the crafting block that have been suggested prior to now.
Nice mod-pack idea. ;) Could be interesting for a short time, if breaking time wouldn't be totally realistic.


Lord of Altera
Minecraft is very unrealistic.

Why? Well, the best example is that you can carry so many blocks, ebough to build a castle >.>


Magus of Nothing
Ok, fix the problems of blocks... right... Well scale the player up to the size of a giant and the blocks become smaller and therefore you have a greater sense of realism. This actually also solves the issue of inventory space. As a giant you could surely fit many blocks inside your pockets.


Settling in Altera
they also confirmed that they will release the update on if not before halloween so everybody get ready we gonna have a lot of fighten to do plus the new wood place mechanics are beast