Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mount and Blade (Warband)


Legend of Altera
:heart: Warband
Does get a bit repetative and multiplayer is hard but quite the blast.
Can't wait for M&B2: Bannerlord!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Rhodoks are the best faction, no argument. Even if you go as Rhodoks and do nothing, they still wipe out Swadia quicker then Chuck Norris punches a bad guy.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Rhodoks seem to be the first nation to fall when I play as Swadia...
And Swadian cavalry is superior to anything Rhodoks may possibly imagine...

I now play with my own faction though, Sarranid archers, Nordic huscarls and Swadian knights. I lose up to about 10-30 people when I'm attacking to three times larger army so~


Loyal Servant of Altera
Anyone want to play some now?
I mainly play on the ZHG seige server!
Name: WilliamWallace
You'll often see me with random classes xD
I'll bo on their now, just ask for 'Benijim'