Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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MrDingir - Aplication [Approved- solus]


About you
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?


2) How old are you?


3) Where are you?

Guadalajara, México

4) Have you read our guides yet?

Yes, sir!

5) Introduce yourself!

My name's Fernando, i'm about to start studying Medicine at Universidad de Guadalajara.
I used to play in a band but i left.
My favourite thing about medicine is the fact that i will be able to help people and keep them healty in some way, that's my motivation for the job.

I have a few hobbies, like play the drums, play videogames such as Minecraft, World of Warcraft, Borderlands, MapleStory and some other RPGs
I like the RPGs because you can make another "you" bassed on an epic story, that's pretty much it.

6) Got any examples of your work?

Yeah, like i said, i was the drummer of a band, so i have some videos if you want to watch them.

7) Did you explore our world prior to your application?

Just the temple to be honest.

8) Referrer: (Optional)


About your character

Krothus Borkul


Around 30




7 ft. tall, red skin, big tusks, long hair with a bun, dark yellow eyes, big muscles and shattered armor pieces.

The test
"Remember when we were younger and used to traika fikez'eki until one of us were on the ground?" - I said - "Yes, brother, those were real great dems... We were so close to eachother..." - Said Kromm, my older brother - "But then iakz was sent to the wak" - Said Kromm looking down - "Yes brother, iakz know you had to go, you were lertif, iakz missed you so much, you were away for almost frike years" - I said, throwing a stone to the water - "Yes... but all that is gone now..." - Kromm said, looking at his stumped arm - "Iakz can't take an axe anymore since mey arm got swerkza... I'm not an useful soldier anymore..." - "Don't say that!" - I yelled - "You are mey mentor, iakz want you to traika mier, that's why iakz was asking you about when we were younger. You have always been ui figure to follow for mier... Iakz want you to traika mier now" - I said encouraged - "Forik trak, it has been a birgx dem since iakz was able to traika you." - Said Kromm - "C'mon iakz know you can do trak" - I insisted - "Ok then Krothus" - Said Kromm - "Iakz will help you with the things iakz can, but first... tell me why" - Kromm asked - "Well, i'm thinking about to travel all over Altera, but you know iakz don't have a good temperament" - I explained - "And iakz also love the blood taste on my lips, so... iakz thing it would be fun to kill some humans on the road" - I joked about it - "Alright then brother" - Said Kromm with a fiery voice - "Let's do this at the Earkzian way" - He called the clan, and we started to fight all day long.
A few days later, i woke up and saw my brother sitting next to me, he took something from his bag and handed it to me, he said - "You know we're not believers, but this brother, this helped me get back home alive" - I saw it and it was a wolf's fang - "It's the fang of uix ancient wolf" - He said smiling - "I kiazed him myself and took trak" - Said proudly - "But what's the cool thing about this?" - I said laughing - "You kiazed everybody with this fang or what?" - I joked - "NO! You orc head" - He shouted - "This thing is mey lucky charm" - He said kinda offended - "And iakz want you to have trak" - Kromm insisted - "Ok, ok, don't get so mad, iakz was joking, you know, brother, i'm not into that kind of stuff, but i'm very superstitious, so if you say that works, trak will work for iakz too" - I put the necklace on, In sign of respect for my brother. - "How did you know that the wolf fang was the thing that kept you alive?" - I asked intrigued - "Iakz don't know Krothus, maybe trak was only luck, but still pretty cool" - He responded - "And where did you get this from?" - I said - "Well, iakz wasn't ever the "bad" guy... I met some people out there, when iakz was traveling" - He told me - "Iakz met from humans to capariis, iakz was more sociable. You know that not everyone wants to fight?" - He said kinda surprised - "Iakz was o.k. with that, as long as they didn't treat me like a slave" - He joked - "They gave me their respect and so did iakz" - That surprised me... A lot. - "I met an old human once, he told me about the great gray wolf that lived in the mountains and the fear that the people had for him. So iakz decided to be ui good guy and... well, you know what happened" - He said laughing - "So, not all the living beings in Altera fear us?" - I asked - "No, brother, some even invited me wine barrels and food! Hahaha" - He was sincere, i couldn't believe it - "You know what? You should start your adventure on the Northern Kingdoms or the Sorrowlands, iakz know you will do trak pretty well, iakz know some people there, iakz know you'll make trak very well" - He got up and say good bye - "I'll miss you brother, but now it's your turn to be uix adventurer, try not to kiaz everything on the road, hahaha!" - I stand up and hugged him.
Now i'm ready for my adventure. Altera, get ready for the Krothus's riel!
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Hello. Clever use of the Earkzian language- it shows you've taken the time to look at the Lore. However, I'd like you to focus your test on something other than bloodshed and killing. You'll be interacting with a variety of people and I want to know that you'll be able to immerse yourself into the world. Show me a different side to your writing. Your Test also needs to reach the 400 word minimum. Re-edit your post and I'll have another look at it!


Hello. Clever use of the Earkzian language- it shows you've taken the time to look at the Lore. However, I'd like you to focus your test on something other than bloodshed and killing. You'll be interacting with a variety of people and I want to know that you'll be able to immerse yourself into the world. Show me a different side to your writing. Your Test also needs to reach the 400 word minimum. Re-edit your post and I'll have another look at it!
Done, i hope you like it :)


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Ello- One small issue I'd like you to fix- Currently there are no magical artifacts that can make someone feel emanated power just laying around. And magic cannot be earned via backstory. Go ahead and re-edit your post to fix those sentences that lead to that idea, and I'll have another look.


Ello- One small issue I'd like you to fix- Currently there are no magical artifacts that can make someone feel emanated power just laying around. And magic cannot be earned via backstory. Go ahead and re-edit your post to fix those sentences that lead to that idea, and I'll have another look.
It wasn't magic, it was his superstition, i read they were very superstitious on the lore, so i decided to make it that way, but i have already changed it, i hope this time it's ok :p


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Nothing wrong with superstition- but always be careful with the words used!



I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our Tome of Citizenship. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.(very useful, by the way.)
Altera survival guide
Tome of Citizenship
How to create your character profile
How to find a town
Server Rules
How to use titles
Rules for Roleplay
How to use the forum
The Players' Handbook
Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points. It's very important. As a new player, once you play you may be tempted to "test" out an x-ray mod... don't do it! We have a zero tolerance policy for it.

1) We have active members of staff monitoring players suspected of using X-RAY. We have extensive logging capabilities which also highlight to us when X-RAY is suspected. Anyone caught using X-RAY mods or Transparent Texture Packs will be permanently banned without appeal.
2) Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.