Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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my character bio (well what he can remember)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Prolog part two

The Tunnles

After being chased by the mob away from the familiar forests of my mothers home, escape to M'ker my fathers home became imposible. So they shelterd in a cave for a night. Upon exploring further in the next morning my father found a tunnle to the long forgotten Cave of Harmony. A majestic underground forest with beacutiful carvings and sculptures depicting the history of the two citys up until the start of the war many years before. Here my prants lived happily for many years. Then I was due to be born so a doctor was needed. My Father turned to his old friend Lequars A respectable doctor of the no questions asked sort. my birth went smoothly, and I lived happily in the cave for many years untill a group of miners who had belived doctor Lequars tale of the riches of the cavern, they had good intentions no-dote, unfortunatly the mob that followed them after the news had spread didn't and we had to flee the cave. My mother got out safely with me and manged to give me to my grandmother Quersa, a very kind unpredudist women, my mother then left trying to get back to my father. I don't know If she made it or not but she did return to the cave where she lies still under millions of tonnes of rock. My grandmother was a kind person who was liked by everyone, unfortunatly I was not every where i went I was stared at wisperd about. When Quersa died things got worse much worse. One of her wishes was that my aunt Quaterds should look after me. Unfortunatly Quaterds and her children despised me and saw me as a blot on creation, since they couldn't murder me I was beaten and locked in a small dark cellar. One of the most joy filled days in my life was when they, finaly, threw me out. with my fathers journal from which most of this information is sorced and very little else...

My fathers journal also reveals to me my birth name: Callum Jerques Fyfes Deery.


Loyal Servant of Altera
My journal year one


this is a account of my first year alone, in it I shall draw atention to paticular events because a journal for every singel day of those years would be impossible.

For the first few weeks I kept running climbing trees to sleep in eating fruit of the trees. I was very lucky that it was Spring. Then something made me stop and to this day I don't know what it was. I decided that a tree house would be safest in the elven fasion similar to my home in the cave of harmony. A square of branches tied with vines, was my floor and others for the roof and walls. And so spring past into Summer and Summer into Autum and then winter came. winter was hard with starvation being a constant threat, fortunatly deer like animals with thick woolen coats and many different colours, paticulay blue, grey and gold, romed the forest floor which where peacefull and not frightend of me, so I used them for meat and their coats for warm clothing. Then one week there was snow at my roof. and I was traped until my roof silently began to bend inwards...


Loyal Servant of Altera
Journal Year 2


Supporting the roof was my only real option and so I did with branches that where lying around, from part of my failed attempt at building a fire. I was lucky that there was a few big sticks but I had to wait for the roof to almost collapse before the branches where long enough to support the roof. This also ment that I had little room to move, and so I settled down to wait for the thaw. I'm not entirely sure what happened next but I think the cold got to me because I driffed off to sleep. I woke up in a small room with a window, a door and very little else. When I looked out of the window, all I could see was nothingness endless nothingness. where as when I opened the door there was, Paradise, an every shifting Paradise, constantly changing as if it where trying to aline its self with some everychanging law. I shut the door and started to consider what I should do. I could stay, which at first seemed the better option until it came, and then the was trying to leave, which looked impossible as I didn't know where I was. Then it came the pain, the anger, the grief. When it came I made up my mind and fast. I had to escape. I would not let it torcher me again, because thats what it was, torcher. I had to step outside. It was strange Paradise several times I had to jump the cracks as the world re-shaped. For the first time I notice that Paradise was shrinking, braking a way into the void soon the house was gone and so I headed to the hill in the center of Paradise and the only constant point. When I got there it was the only place still in existance in Paradise. Then I saw it the fire shrouder by it, the pain, the anger and grief. I had a choice: endless falling or fighting through to the fire. And so into the fire I ran.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Journal part 3 Demons The fire didn't burn me, but the darkness did. If anything the blue fire healed me, returning the will to fight to my broken body. Then I realized the darkness was killing the fire, killing me. Then I saw the faces in the darkness and the fire, my aunt, cousins, the mob and another, in the darkness and in the fire, my parents, grandmother and many more unrecognizable ones many of which I recognize now. Then I started to fight the darkness kicking out at it, punching, doing anything I could to keep the fire alive, but I knew that I was fighting a losing battle and Death was near. Then I lit one of the sticks I was carrying and swiped at the darkness, it recoiled and with a few more swipes was gone. I go back there sometimes to fight the darkness and glimpse the future.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Journal Part 4: Burning
After returning from Paradise I wandered around for a few days, until the fire came, the all consuming fire. It came out of no where, on one of those hot sticky summer days, the sort when people ly around get drunk and do nothing, well not on that day, on that day the fire came, it consumed all in its path, the rivers dried, the ancient oaks obliterated, until the fire consumed its self. It was a few hours later when I found them, the fire starters, the "questers" of greatness. When I found them I made my desision, I would kill them, kill them all, one by one. I sneeked into their camp just after a gostly mist had desended over the carcass of the forest, silently I killed the one man who wasn't drunk or asleep. Then I armed and armoured my self from thier supplies, takeing two swords, bow, arrows and some chain-mail armour made of a strange metal. With my swords I killed half a dozen of them pileing up thier bodys in the center of thier camp. the few left, including thier leader and his guards hid in the biggest of thier tents, I rained arrow after arrow down on them, each finding its mark, due to some ansestral skill, until only the leader remained. I wanted to see the terror in his eyes and in his fat face. I stabed both my swords into his chest, but only after I had brought him to his knees with a few choice blows, I heard him beg for mercy, but he was beyond my mercy, he had destroyed my home, tomany times had I lost my home well not this time. I took what I needed from thier camp and set of to find a new, unburn, part of the forest.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Journal Part 5: Home. This part spans a few boring years consisting of sewing, training and darkness. I decided, after a few days, to use a large cave as my home. On the 5th day I found it, a nice spacious cave with signs of pervious in habitation, show by numerous cave paintings and a harth. So with what I had saved from the fire/taken of the questers, including a loom, bedding and a harp, of,although I did not know it, extreme importance. I'm not entirely sure why I took the harp, maybe it was sentementality for my mother used to play the harp. So I settled down to finaly live my life in peace. It was a few years later that They came, the coruption worshipers, they came on one moonless night and lit thier dark fires and painted more cave paintings and then they began the sacrifice. I think the sacrifices, if thats the right word, where twins of similar faces to mine, I was going to leave them be lt them do thier sacrifice until I heard the coruption priest's chant it went something like "to bring coruption sacrifice the cross-breed twins on a moonless night..." This made something inside me snap, why wouldn't they sacrifice them selves for thier coruption. I hit them hard and fast sliceing through the priest while the others where still in a trance. then chaos ensued the worshipers going mad with fury and ripping each other apart, I brought the sacrifices to the back of the cave cutting down those who attacked us leaving the twins I went to finish off the last of the worshippers. Once the slaughter was over I returned to the twins, a boy, neyfens, and a girl, roquen, with a similar story to mine. We traded storys they stayed for a few years, in which we taught each other so many things. Then the forests and mountains started disappearing until eventually the twins where driven mad and started fighting each other, this I now understand is the effect of coruption, The harp revealed its importance then, unable to break-up the fighting, I played the harp, which had calmed them in thier various states of anger and dispare, The affect was instant, they stopped fighting, the harp also protected the cave from coruption, but even the harp wasn't strong enough to defend us forever, and so using the harp we set of in coricals down a river, not yet corupted, when we got to the sea the storms started, terrible dark storms in which I almost lost the twins. Then we went over the waterfall the churning water seperating me from the twins and, more importantly for the universe at large, the harp.


Loyal Servant of Altera
(out of character) Is this ok R.P. wise? I.E. does it work with server lore, I'm perfectly happy to write a couple of short stories to explain the cave of harmony, twins, the harp and the coruption worshippers if needed.


The Anime loving Brony
If you wish, but you should check with Fitz before you decide to write about any major, lore wide event, but if it's some cave in a forgotten part of Altera, with a bunch of maniac's, that's fine. As long as there is no godly power's granted to you or the twins, you should be fine.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Journal part 6 Altera I washed up on a beach about half a mile off Port Silver, I managed to stagger onto the docks befor I past out. once I awoke, I met my first true friend, Madman, together we made several attempts to reach Darkwood, a town to the far south west of Altera, when I finally made it to Darkwood it was with out Madman who had gone to study wizardry or something. When I did get to Darkwood I met Jak an elfin farmer, I must admit that at first I was afraid he'd chase me out, but that is not how Darkwood works, I asked him how to get accept into Darkwood, because I had little experience of people, he told me to collect wood until the town mayor Lord VanGarrett which I did and I was soon accepted into my current home Darkwood. Next came a strange event, many weeks later though, involving a deserted village, a marked cave and an obsidian block..


Loyal Servant of Altera
Journal part 7. Trouble. The obsidian appeared after me and Jak's expedition to the deserted village to the west, followed by the marked cave, in which Jak disappear, The cave runs right under Darkwood, as me and Lord VanGarrett discovered in a later expedition. The obsidian appeared outside the woodcutters shed first, but from there it spread like a virus and fairly quickly a town council was formed to deal with the crisis, for demons in Darkwood was the last thing we wanted. An expedition was sent out first to the deserted village, then the expedition swept round and entered legions town, which was deserted, so we tried to nick the libray, but it was too heavy so we returned to Darkwood. Life continued as normal until one morning the world switch. At first I thought I was back in paradise, but then I met the others, not from Darkwood, but from Altera, I had met some of them on my way to Darkwood. Then Darkwood returned and normal life resumed.