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Naming New Beverages for the Merry Mead


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Winners are the Following:

Lake Vera Energy Extract (Lake Vera)
Aeroch Nor Rockslide (Aeroch Nor)
Storm Brew (Stormhold)
Riddle Me This (Riddleport)

Mushroom Tea
Ice Nine
Glowstone Shiner
The Mustached Gentleman

Replaced Guest Beer with Black Sheep Bitter


Non sum qualis eram
As loremaster, I would feel criminal if I did not give the full story now that my brief idea has been selected.

Ice Nine:

Ice Nine is a very hard Mixed-berry liquor, refined by Freeze Distillation.

A simplified way to understand how this works is that when you freeze an alcohol, the water freezes first. One can then remove the frozen material and have a more concentrated drink left behind.

As might be inferred from the name, Ice Nine goes through this process nine times. This has the effects of both highly concentrating the alcohol, as well as giving it a non-trivial concentration of methanol, to the extent that multiple imbibings of it at once are dangerously toxic.

It is either served hard, with Ice straight from the distillation process, where it is colourless, and can quite quickly knock the socks off of anybody, or filtered, in a cocktail mix with a blend of fruit juices and water, which give it a lovely sky-blue appearance and a nice deal less toxicity.

In both cases the drink is extemely sweet smelling. Both versions have a very sweet initial taste with a hard, bitter aftertaste, much more prominent in the straight version.

[Methanol ingested in large quantities is metabolized to formic acid or formate salts, which is poisonous to the central nervous system, and may cause blindness, coma, and death.]


Lord of Altera
In other words, you might want to consider drinking responsibly.


That's a good question, thanks for reminding me.

Does dying via drunkenness allow one to be revived?


Retired Staff
Kay, here's the debrief on Energy Extract.

Energy Extract

Energy Extract is water. Plain and simple, no alcohol, no chemicals. However, this water has been heavily exposed to direct contact with a fully-powered high-energy beacon. As a result, the water takes on an odd glowing, sparkling appearance, and becomes magically potent.

Consuming Energy Extract will overcharge the body, and people will find wounds healing much faster (broken bones take 5-7 Minecraft days to fully heal), and they'll feel wide awake and more fit, as well as feel naturally more energetic. The energy gained is supernatural in nature, and can be spent on powering magic spells, though amounts greater than a liter must be consumed to perform a spell with any impact beyond lighting a candle or warming a drink. It can also be used in feats of athletic or even mental prowess, as the energy siphons into whatever high effort process may be occurring.

Overconsuming Aether Extract causes the body to go into a hyperactive state, which can lead to muscular tearing, heart attacks, and total organ failure as the body is unable to cope with the vigour of itself. There is a very thin line between overconsumption and being able to do significant magic. The state of overconsumption can be relieved by expelling the energy, as it innately does not belong to the body and can be rejected in the form of magic to those that know how.

Other side-effects of intense overuse include premature aging and massive, widespread, rapidly developing cancer. The healing effect is simply high-speed cell division, and overstimulation can lead to the negative effects of said division. When cancer develops, drinking energy extract will cause the energy gained to siphon into the cancer and make it develop faster.

Long-term consumption can lead to addiction to the substance, as the body becomes more and more dependent on the liquid to provide energy. Addicts are lethargic and fatigued until they consume the water. As the addiction spirals downwards, addicts will find the water becomes a physical necessity on par with oxygen. The body will be unable to cope without the liquid's energy boost, and eventually addicts will become comatose, before dying of exhaustion even when lying still.One does not have to overconsume to become addicted.

The energy contained in the water decreases over the course of roughly 4 days, each day passing reducing the power of the water by about 1/4th. The water, when in the field of the source beacon, maintains full potency combined with the beacon's own harmless energies.

Note: Currently, only the positive effects are known, due to low spread so far. Don't metagame knowing about cancer.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Riddle Me This: Riddleport's very own moonshine. The name comes both from the location of the distillery, and also for its mysterious flavoring. The alcohol is clear, but depending on the batch may taste like watermelon, blueberry, cocoa, peach, or a number of other flavors. However, one constant is a strong but clean alcohol aftertaste and a quicker than usual inebriation (The proof is generally much higher than standard spirits, but not quite as high as Ice Nine).

Now to build a distillery.... :p