Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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New title plugin

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Lord of Altera
I'm a little confused by Lars' response to Aux, so are we able to change titles after we've chosen one?


The Lunarch
I'm a little confused by Lars' response to Aux, so are we able to change titles after we've chosen one?
Go on here and read up on it, you should be all clear then. But basically, from what I gather, you can switch between them via a simple command.


Go on here and read up on it, you should be all clear then. But basically, from what I gather, you can switch between them via a simple command.
Correct. You can switch on the fly, but it's not recommended to keep changing roleplay character :p


Lord of Altera
This is awesome! later on, will there be quests (other than the villager - noble - knight ) to receive special titles too?


Lord of Altera
Thats a possibility yeah.
My thoughts were along the lines of say quests to visit every town or select sights in/across Altera (can pop an NPC in each town/site that have to talk to check in with) and get like: Pilgrim, Excursionist, Sight-Seer, etc.

That a) can get Older players out of their nitch and see some towns sights they haven't or don't visit
and b) give new players to Altera incentive to really check out all the towns to get a special title right off the bat.

just tossing stuff out there :)


My thoughts were along the lines of say quests to visit every town or select sights in/across Altera (can pop an NPC in each town/site that have to talk to check in with) and get like: Pilgrim, Excursionist, Sight-Seer, etc.

That a) can get Older players out of their nitch and see some towns sights they haven't or don't visit
and b) give new players to Altera incentive to really check out all the towns to get a special title right off the bat.

just tossing stuff out there :)
Yeah that's a good idea. I was planning a quest already with rewards, might aswel stick a title in there too ;)


Legend of Altera
I have a Suggestion :p


It's basically like an Old Person XD

or an Old Adventurer, good for RolePlay :D
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