Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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New World, Last Round Claims


The White Mage
Also it's a new world so how would that work?
If you mean it as in "How would transferring whole cities work realistically?" i'd love to point at the Immortal Kings here, but didnt they strike a deal with the gods to lessen their pwer in exchange for the Exodus?
I had a point to begin with, now i've just confused myself :S


Lord of Altera
I am going to refund my tiny town Staadnau, which is like 16 plots but i can buy more if it would help. i have 2 areas im looking at on the large northern island, both in the mountains on either river.


Lord of Altera
Ok, i used the other map so i could track myself and the coord is 13153,65,3119 if that makes any sense?
Minecraft said i was at X 13153, 38415 y 63,000 z 3119, 50158

This is for just claiming when my current town is refunded, not to copy it


Lord of Altera
I plan on refunding my town Dwin'ghymn (aka Oppidum) which has 43 plots at the moment. I have to wait for Azur to get on so we can look at an area