Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Newsletter: November 2022

Sergeant Freedom

Lord of Altera
Lovelyninja567 - Delightful as always to be around you, interacting and just generally chatting with you. Being able to share real world troubles with someone that I've very quickly became friends with is a rare thing for me but I'm all the more grateful to you because of it. From the random screaming gifs, to our war over fight gifs, it's an enjoyable time to simply talk with you. Continue being cool :cool:

Elz - As you remind me of so often, I used to be scared to talk to you when I first rejoined the server. Thankfully I overcame that fear because you have become one of my closest friends and someone I can talk too about such insignificant things to most, but mean so much to me. Most of the time I think I treat you like a therapist but your insistence to continue to play league with me suggests otherwise. 9.6/10 support

blargtheawesome - You are in the exact same boat as Elz. Quickly becoming one of my closest friends I rely on you what feels like a great deal. From your witty humor, to your seemingly endless amounts of names for me you are a joy to have around. I'm glad to be your friend and share the moments we've made together, and cannot wait until we have more to look back upon

Lannis - Gym talk is the best talk. The second best player we have on our LoL Esports team, and someone who will give me the advice I need to hear even if I don't want it.

Kostadim - My clone. The most random discussions get brought up with you around and we always seem to be thinking the EXACT same things for every situation. Don't think I'll easily forget how you tried to get rid of me, you know my strength stat is higher

Moosh - Interacting with your characters are a blast my dear friend. From Adda being the nerdy soft spoken boy or the earthspawn that actively calls me "twat" it's an enjoyable experience. I'll get around to watching those shows eventually, I swear

Tot - Thank you for getting me into modded RoR2, it's been a blast playing with you. Laughing over the dumbest situations in vc's or just deciding to hold hands randomly to see others reactions is the greatest. "Hey it's me, Goku"

Solus - Thank you for the amazing events you continue to do and all the hard work you continue to put in. I'm sure Kosta and I make you pull your hair out constantly, but being able to enjoy playing games with you is an experience I treasure. Oh and the vendetta for Pummel Party will live on...

Cho - Thank you for the very interesting RP and the new taste of character development you've taken. Though I wish you'd tell me what those songs mean...

JustTheEngineer - Cassius is simply too outlandish and too enjoyable to play with. Thank you for spending late nights talking with both me and the group, even though we both know you have to wake up early for work. Know it's appreciated always

Juvix_ - You're okay I guess


Legend of Altera
Thanks Cukie1 for being a comfort when I feel awful about my skills and pushing me to be better
Thanks Azur for being a firm voice when I start making bad decisions
Thanks Kaoiyr for staying by my side when I need it most
Thanks blargtheawesome for inviting me to your group when you didn’t know me
Thanks Elz for being a role model to look up to and an inspiration.
Thanks Suhkoiza for not telling anyone.
Thanks hayhaiya for being so excited for my character, and not thinking my banter is weird.
Thanks Kostadim that despite the pumpkins every day at 6:00pm pst, I still haven’t been banned.

I’m not good at touchy feely things. I also want to mention a general thanks to everyone else that I talk to on at least a semi-regular basis for just existing. Keep on keeping on.
Sergeant Freedom no I won't elaborate, thanks for falling into my trap.


Ur mom
Retired Staff
Kostadim - when I left the server a few months back, you were one of the few people who continued to reach out and beg me to come back - that meant a lot to me. if I am going to listen to anyone rant and rave consistently, I'd rather it be you. thank you for reaching out, and thank you for being you, you gremlin

Baron2537 - you… you, my good sir, are a saint. you have helped me through my darkest, darkest moments without hesitation, for over a DECADE. our friendship is one I will cherish forever, truly. I can’t thank you enough for the unconditional support, advice, and laughter

LordMomOfRussia - I am so glad we have gotten to reconnect, and that I can still call you one of my best friends after over a decade. I truly have missed gaming with you, and listening to your laugh! thank you for being a sister I never got :heart:

Electric - I am also glad we reconnected, because I never want to hear a “deez nuts” joke from anyone except you - yours are exceptionally horrid. thank you for being the most annoying rat one of my best friends, and pls keep the jokes coming

JustTheEngineer - I know we had our falling out, but thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my best friend for so long. you have made me laugh on countless occasions and helped me on some god awful days, I only hope I can return the favor.

Sergeant Freedom - who’da thought we’d be here, from a coincidental rp to a full blown friendship.. you have become one of my very very good friends, and one of my favorite people, so quickly. thank you for being so patient with me and showing me so much kindness even though you and wes bully me for fun

hayhaiya - you beautiful soul, I am so glad we have become friends so quickly, it was like we clicked immediately! we share a lot in common, and I love hearing you ramble about your character and how much you love her I love her too. thank you for being such a pleasant person, I hope our friendship is a long lasting one


Legend of Altera
Retired Staff
Thank you xVigil for... How many years has it been now? Oh no, I'm getting old. Thanks for being there along the way.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
13. Thank you Retro for letting me become Alexanda. She's quickly become one of my favorite characters to use on the server.


Lord of Altera
She/Her, They/Them
Oh boy, let's see here. I don't think I could fit everyone I want to thank in the character limit, so I'll just do what I can!

Thanks Electric for tolerating my degenerate dad jokes, RPing Luna with you has been a joy (even if they have had their ups and downs!)
Blorbis83 , you've been a pretty much constant presence in my HW life and I continue to just be baffled by how good your writing is??? Like what??? The campaigns you make are an absolute blast to play with and I know it's been two fucking years (??!!?) but I continue to see SOJ as perhaps Maple's finest moment to this day.
Juvix_ is absolutely unfair to us all. You're one of the funniest, nicest, and most creative people I know, and to top it off your writing is absolutely superb-- like jeez save some cool for the rest of us!! :mad:
Manakamana you were one of the only people that kept me motivated to log on at my lowest point and the RPs we've had are always fantastic, maple and nilsa will always be partners in crime (and arson!)
Warwolf I look up to you so much you're like a cool RP uncle if that makes sense?? I hope I'll one day be as awesome as you are at combat, but in the meantime the CRP lessons you gave me will hold me over till then! (no joke that document is still a bookmark to this day lmfao)
adam_unavailable it's like ridiculously unfair how nice you are jesus christ. if anwar was real we would be best friends (me and u.) also im in love with your art style and i look at the hogwarts!luna u drew every day < 3
TheDeester you are my other cool RP uncle /pos. I think my favorite RP I've had with you is a tie between Luna waking up from the dead and Maple throwing a bag of caramels at Bennett's head so hard she knocked him off a bench but abfsdhjbsf you've made me feel so included and reassured here and I owe so much of my HW life to you!!
And lastly, Galaxy , you were my first friend on this server ever since Maple met Rai in that tavern, and oh my god I do not regret it. You're the closest friend I have here and I just owe so much to you and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I know this is getting super cheesy but like I feel like I don't say this enough?? You've helped me improve in my writing and RP abilities so much and I adore our conversations even if we're just spamming instagram reels back and forth, please keep being great sbdhfgjds!!!


Events Staff
Lore Staff
Arget Istalri
You've been a blast to plan RPs with. Everything from trying to turn our characters into villains, to then swapping our ideas to vyres, and now our current plans? It's all great stuff. You always manage to make me excited about whatever is over the next hill, in anticipation for what will come next in Altera between the circle of characters we see. I love your rants, your blabbering of character ideas and those long long stories about whatever that damn book is that you talk so much about. People riding into the sky on pennies- what? It's all charming to me. Don't stop nerding out, I love it. Thank you for being my friend.

You are a weird person, you know that? From the memes you recite to the DMs you send me. It's all absolute chaos. I don't know what's happening half the time and that's perfectly okay. You make me smile alot and I know you can't see it because you're on the other side of a computer, maybe that's a good thing (For my own pride of not looking like a dork constantly). Not once have I ever had the feeling your arms weren't open to me. It makes me feel welcome in your presence, like I belong, and I thank you for it. Swing around Storm's Landing more, it's a pain not to see your chaotic energy in the most chaotic of Alteran Cities. Thanks for making me feel like I belong, Kao.

First of all; H. Second of all, thanks. I wish I could keep up with replying to your DMs more. I smile every time my phone's lock screen is populated by your single letter greetings. I admire and maybe envy your creativity when it comes to writing. Everything from your characters to your posts are always very quality and I hope to meet that skill level eventually. Don't stop sending me "H" At ungodly hours, and do keep messaging. Thank you for teaching me where Lorem Ipsum comes from, and how to write pickup lines in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. You're always this tome of unexpected chaotic knowledge and it's great. Thank you for sparking a smile into my daily life.

Magic Intern
I'm going to be completely honest, we sorta kinda just met and I don't know much about you so I'm not gonna act like I do. However, when we sneak RPs into our horribly mismatched availabilities I get these bursts of creativity that I can only explain as being inspired by you. Your RP is immaculate. I love the fortune readings, I love the way you type that sort of old-world speech Maebh does, I love the way you hold your 'punches' in a thematic way IRP. You make me want to turn into a spooky witch, and you've made me want to start telling fortunes. Although I've yet to come to know you well, I can say; Thank you for the quality RP. Thank you for being an inspiration to me.

Hey Cho, I'm glad we're getting to know each other, you're always fun to be around. Whether it's Sorrows mining or that.. GarlicPhone game, your presence always amplifies the mood for me. Despite the fact you claim to only "do low effort RP" I tend to perceive the opposite. Your character seems very real to me, and much like OOC you, Amelie is always a positive addition to any interaction. If only Amelie would come down from that damn cathedral every so often I'd see her more in the chaos of the SL Tavern. Oh and uhh- when commissions? When auction? Your art is pristine, let me have some. Thank you for the fun times, I am blessed to call you a friend.

I've a long long long list of people to post thank you's for- so if you aren't here and you feel like you should be, you're probably coming soon.
:heart: - Soup


Legend of Altera
I somehow completely forgot to thank people that really define HW experience for me, and I bet, for others too.
I thank I_am_Wake for his most sincere and admirable passion to refine lore of the server despite its complexity and many changes it had been through, and for delivering it in one hell of entertaining, immersive way. The Evenfall Academy is the ultimate tribute to HW that embodies Wake's passion for the server, and it, even before the academy's opening, it feels already like an integral part of player experience.

One, of course, while talking about the Academy, can't forget the genius behind the build, the legendary Bartooliinii, or simply, Bart, himself. I hadn't been here on the server for that long, but I know - Bart is the foundation of HollowWorld - his creativity is imbedded in the very fabrics of this world, and it knows no boundaries, for he pushes onward and onward upon reaching it. I do not know how he finds times to be a professional singer, an artist, and at the same time, contributes this mindbogglingly energetic creativity into the server - where does he draw this seemingly unexhaustive infinite powah, and the ruthlessly efficient scheduling - is he a CEO of Time?!

Another creative powerhouse of HW that I think hadn't been mentioned is Solus. I do not know Solus as well as Wake and Bart, but I know she is the brain behind extremely refreshing and inspiring Hellscape lore, and is one of the most devout DMs and creative builders on this server. Her passion project - Linlea, is a sight to behold, the build is insane, and lore behind it is nothing but inspiring. For example, the amount of research put into Ashlands climate had been the utmost helpful to me, as someone who has a passion project of his own on the other side of the region. These little details show the depth of commitment Solus has for her projects, and server as a whole. The Ivory King's stronghold for the demon campaign is crazy, I cannot conceive of any other event build of that scale and level of detailing! And event DMing - I can't think of anyone else who would had put up with three clueless, unprepared newbies, exploring the Ashlands cave for that long XD

There is another villain on the server other than Branko with a mythical status, one that is gone, but who's legacy lives on. Whitespoor, the brainchild of a very caring about the server and its people man, no, not just man, but the man - Whitespoor, or simply Jase! I know not in depth the legacy behind his work - but the projects I had seen attest to his unyielding passion for the server. I think he is one of the best DMs on the server - the events handled by him have unprecedented level of attention, distributed evenly among all the people, which makes for unbiased and perfect player experience - and oh my, I hadn't talked about features in the said events, they are action packed, with entertainment and cool features Jase always comes up with - he really brings the lustre to anything he works on.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
Shoot I fell behind. This next song goes out to my two favorite antagonists:

15. LuxTop Thank you, thank you, thank you for an incredibly compelling, incredibly rage inducing, incredibly Sauron character that makes me want to pull my hair. Reinhard’s got some tangible drip from all that drama coming off him.

16. Thank you Kostadim for just being you. I don’t know how you manage to intimidate almost every character by being a man with an eyepatch, but I have mad respect for it. Also, turning my friends into ferals on their first day. Without that, it would’ve been way harder for me to get them to stay.


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Shoot I fell behind. This next song goes out to my two favorite antagonists:

15. LuxTop Thank you, thank you, thank you for an incredibly compelling, incredibly rage inducing, incredibly Sauron character that makes me want to pull my hair. Reinhard’s got some tangible drip from all that drama coming off him.

16. Thank you Kostadim for just being you. I don’t know how you manage to intimidate almost every character by being a man with an eyepatch, but I have mad respect for it. Also, turning my friends into ferals on their first day. Without that, it would’ve been way harder for me to get them to stay.
So, you are saying turning people into vyres is a PR tactic? *Evil laugh*


Lord of Altera
Since I hate pointing fingers, both for negative and positive reasons so. Here fones another batch of, *collective praising*.

cracks knuckles

Thank you Lore Team for shaping the server and making it unique for all of us, giving us the chance to play in a unique setting. Not to mention all the work you guys put into the server to keep everyone and everything in check to keep the immersio rolling.(Even despitr time-to-time we go berserk to get handgoons.)

Thank you Divine Team for providing us the divine system and covering all those divine logs. I can’t imagine how much work is put into checking all those rank up requests, not to mention writing all the flavourful rank ups, divine presences and the list goes on. It’s truly amazing.

Thank you Staff Team for generally being out there and helping everyone with their problems and troubles. It’s a huge boost of morale to know that you can depend on the staff and get things sorted out in a professional manner without hiccups.

And all the thanks to each and every person who provides us, the community, the server campaigns. It’s an incredible work and truly, just truly amazing the efforts that are put into it, resulting in amazing scenes and narratives so, everyone can have fun and sink into the rp.

And most of all, need to thank the community again for being here. Everyone who plays on the server, not only plays for their own enjoyment, but allow everyone else to be part of the experience. All the relations the characters builds up, all the interactions, positive and negative, it all culminates into a shared bundle of fun.

Cutting to the chase. I could go on and on for much longer. But I can all sum it up this way:
Thank you everyone for the effort you put into the server, it wouldn’t be the same without you.

*drops mic*

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
17. Thank you Baron2537 for being so great to talk to. Yrdl is an absolute joy to have conversations with, and that extends to you as well. Stay cool.

Arget Istalri

Legend of Altera
Lore Staff
I want to @ Joe too!

18. Thank you JoeJoe for being such a delight. We don’t talk much but I thoroughly enjoy the times that we do when talking about spells. I look forward to bullying you further!