Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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No Whitelist Saturdays

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The Arbiter of the Gods
Soup hut!!!
I remember that :d
It was after the no whitelist period too, for quite a while actually.


Lord of Altera
I think this is a really good idea, many of my friends have not bothered to play with me on hollowworld because they simply dont feel like its worth it writing such a big application when they dont even know what they are signing up for. This will be a really good preview for people who are thinking about joining and i think it will ensure a good growth of players on our wonderful server :3


Then all the little noobs get teleported to a room, last one alive gets whitelisted.... No? Ok... *crawls back under rock*


Lord of Altera
It's going well so far :D we have 2 new players being very well behaved and attentive. The one above^ has disappeared..

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