Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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No Whitelist Saturdays

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Lord of Altera
I will never die!

*sneak sneak*

Since I made the announcement I felt responsible if anything bad happened to the server, plus I was waaayyy too excited to sleep. Seeing the same thing Living Ghost saw, I just wanted to see more and more. When the players wouldn't listen, I threw em in jail and actually talked to some of them.. just amazing


Whaaaaaaat, I haven't seen you for long time, Victor.. I know I met you back in 1.8.....


Lord of Altera
I'm glad it went so well, good job everyone. But of a shame I wasn't here for it, but thanks a lot to Silent and Sally for putting so much work into it. :)


Maybe there could be ports set up leading to different landmarks or nice places? Last time it was more like they were getting lore rammed down their throat instead of seeing the server.


Lord of Altera
Well I know we're setting up a newbie island so we can make sure they have a medieval skin before we let them into the world. Should be easy enough to set up some temp ports or just command blocks to send em around Altera to look around.


Lord of Altera
what do the tour guides think? Can you handle it every week? Would you like some more tour guides?


Lord of Altera
Some of them would just like to wander around xD..

If anything, it's fun handling them with Quinn, so if they have appropriate skins when they go to him, he can ask em if they need a guide and I can call any available mods/admins to help em out :D.


Lord of Altera
I'm very glad we're not being overwhelmed; exhausting our staff(and helpful players) and making their experience uncomfortable is unnecessary when there are plenty of other things we can do to take the weight off you.

Dark Auras

I was suppost to get some tour guides together. I can still do this for next saturday.


We demons of our solemn hour
You could always call 911 in case of a emergency. .
The heroes and heroines of the rptc will be there in no time!
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