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[Official] The Church of Might


Lord of Altera
The Church of Might
General Informations:
The Church consists of the worshipping of the three Gods of Might:

-Harateth, God of Justice, the prime ''good'' God.

-Korigon, God of Honor and war, a ''good'' God.

-Rahas, God of Valor and neutral justice, neutral God.

In the trinity we believe, their Valor, Honor and Justice follow us everywhere we go, and light our path in the darkness. The holy three will remain and will protect their holy believers.

Founded by the venerable Archbishop Magnus Arcturus, Lord of the Holy town of Harlaus, previously Lord of the House of Arcturus and grand-master of the Golden Crusade, which was for a time the largest standing army of Altera, The Church of Might seeks to harbor the faithful and protect the innocent in its holy grounds. Its holy Cathedral's construction will begin in a matter of weeks, and its size will rivalize the cathedral of Port Silver.

The Church of Might seeks to build several Monasteries and missions throughout all the realms, should it be in the Wilds, on the Frontier or in the northern realms, in order to protect, spread its holy words and prepare for Altera's defence along with the Inquisition.
We call the Ancient Crusaders from the old times, members of House Arcturus, members of all the houses that seek protection and to serve the holy goals to join us!

The Church of Might is much alike its brother church the High-Church of Altera, however, It doesn't base itself on the words of an oracle, but rather on traditions, written lore and valors. It also isn't a neutral organisation, but strongly falling into the ''Good'' class, as it worships good and good-oriented gods. Our Church also supports the reasonable worshipping of other good gods, respects neutral gods and despises dark gods, who, to the Church's members do not help nor benefit to our vision of the Alteran society.

Goals: Support and contribute to the worship of good and helpful gods, mainly the Trinity of Might (described above). The church also seeks to build several missions, monasteries and churches all over Altera to maintain its helpful grasp over the faithful who desire and deserve it. As our monks and priest are also part-time warriors, we sometimes use military might to fight what can be considered evil and is a nuisance to life itself (such as Queen Grief, the now double-deceased King Corbenic and cults/dark agents in general). Unlike the Golden Crusade, the Church of Might will not actively seek to combat any opposing force, but can use violence only if necessary.

The Church wishes to build a Grand Cathedral, where its ruling council would sit and discuss about the future of Altera. Smaller churches and missions are planned in almost all the towns where the Church of Might will be welcomed, such as Helios, Harlaus, Donmor, Aeroch, Riddleport and many others.

All of the Churches buildings and possessions and also to be used as safe havens for those unjustly pursued or attacked. We will harbor the defenseless and the innocent, until their culpability or their innocence has been truly proved.

(IMPORTANT) Please note that it is not necessary to actively be a soldier or a priest to be in the Church. We also welcome all the denizens and commoners of Altera that wish to worship the words of the Trinity to do so by joining us. The Church of might will never ask anyone to take an active role or to fight, but is glad that some wish to believe in our religion.


White Hand: Only the mightiest and those that are deemed honored within the ranks of the Church of Might can hope to join the higher council that is known as the White Hand. Composed of the three emissaries of the Gods (The Holy, The Valorous and The Honorable) and also of the leading members of the Church itself, such as the Archbishop and the Commander, the White Hand takes all the important decisions towards the actions of the church and its missionaries.

Grey Hand: A division of the Church, the Grey Hand is composed of the guardians and crusaders of the Church, whose goals are the protection of the holy grounds and the safety of the monks and priests that are sent throughout the realm. It has all powers deemed necessary to achieve the work of the Gods.

Purple Hand: The Purple Hand, perhaps the largest and most known part of the Church, is composed of all the missionaries, monks, priests and bishops that spread the Trinity's holy words around the known world. Emissaries from the Purple Hand can be seen around all the lower churches and missions that we own and build.


White Hand:

-The Holy: Lord-Archbishop Magnus Arcturus
-The Valorous: -----
-The Honorable: -----

Commander of the Grey Hand: Commander Turalyon Arcaro
High-Archbishop: Lord-Archbishop Magnus Arcturus
Grand Priest/Priestess (leader of the purple hand):

Grey Hand:

-Commander of the Grey Hand: Turalyon Arcaro
-Centurions: Storm Arcturus
Castellan Menelmacil Othar

Lieutenants: -----
Vindicators: -----
Paladins: -----
Squires: -----

Purple Hand:

-Great Priest/Priestess: -----
-Bishops: Ash Natrizi'ma Elumeril
Diplomats: -----
Missionaries: -----
Priests: -----
Monks: -----

Followers of the Church:

Julius Nightblade (Samchrist)
Elazar Arcturus (Angryboy2k11)
Magnus Arcturus (duh...)
Aloan Dileon (Deathmoron)
Lord Dracon Darknight (same thing)
General Storm Arcturus (Catalystftw)
Lord Marcus Arcturus (Kaza125)
Sinclair Arcturus (Lord_Sinclair)
Professor Dav'id Engem (Goldengem25)
Turalyon Arcaro (Flashkillerz)
Lord Castellan Menelmacil Othar (Menel)
Ash Natrizi'ma Elumeril (Yoda)

And a bunch of lovely people who will have to put their names here so i can continue the list.

Visual appearance:
Wherever this flag is present and can be seen, it means that you are entered The Church of Might's grounds and that you are temporarily protected by its military forces.

(Sorry if the pic is quite large.)

Even More to come!

(Taken from several sources.)

Church of Might 1..jpg
Church of might 2.png


-Application for the Purple Hand:
Rp Name:​
Why the Purple Hand?:​
Are you active?:​
Give two reasons/opportunities about why should you join the Church/Purple division?:​
-Application for the Grey Hand:
Rp Name:​
Why the Grey Hand?:​
Are you active?:​
Give two reasons/opportunities about why should you join the Church of Might/Grey division?:​
-Application to join to Church (only as a faithful member and believer):
Rp name:​
Why joining the Church?:​
(Notes on the applications: You can be a believer of the Church's precepts and still be in any house/organisation you want. Joining the White Hand is on invitation only. We strongly prefer Active over Unactive members.)​


Lord of Altera
The monastery of Harlaus is almost finished, and the Church just established a new headquarters in the cathedral of Moonlight. We are currently building and managing, please stay put.​
Remember buddies, we would like more members! ;)
List of holdings:
-Lower Church of Harlaus: built.
-Monastery of Might - Harlaus: built.
-Lower Cathedral of Might - Moonlight: Built/purchased
(with the help of Lord Dracon August)
-church of Might - Helios: Planned
-monastery of Might - Helios: Planned
-chapel of Might - Dunmor: Planned.
-Seat of Might, The God's Hand: Planned.
(More to be planned in the future)​


Lord of Altera
If we're gonna build it, we're gonna build it right. I don't care if it takes 6 months and a million rads; I'm not building a "half-decent" cathedral!


Legend of Altera
Username: Samchrist
Rp name: Julius Nightblade
Why joining the Church?: Alteran religion contains many gods wich some are good and some are bad.
Julius however prefers The good ones.