Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Port Silver Underworld


Lord of Altera
Ohh err... I was just looking for the.. err.. kings guard thread ehh... * slowly walks out of the thread *

( I know who you are »:I)


Lord of Altera
Thought I might as well join this, Shrike's more of a Lout more than anything else but he grew up in the "slum" district of PS so he knows his way around there pretty well.
IGN: snipero1
RP name: Shriuken Natsura (shrike for short)
Link to Char thread: don't got one
Types of crime you specialise in: burglary, informing, consorting with just about any wanted person.
Anything else? Dan Janus is not back, so he's safe from getting owned by you :p


Lord of Altera
Maybe we should have a sanctuary or something in ps slums/poor district to hide from those troublemaking silvercloaks... after asking Moochick of course


Lord of Altera
IGN: PsycoCreep
RP name: Adoga Grort
Link to Character Thread (if you have one):nope dont have one
Type of Crimes you specialize in: Moslty just fighting, because of someone annoying her or just because she feels like doing so.
Anything Else: She isn't impressed by anyone...Only when they have proven them worhty of being feared.


Lord of Altera
A psyco and a creep? Little redundant but your in! And yes snipero,, we do have a couple safe houses around the city as well as our main base of operations, the Sunk'n Norwegian (a pub down a ways in PS) and we claim that whole district past the little river as our slums.


Lord of Altera
Fraid the only way to get chest permission is by talking to heerkarel or kvothe or someone like that. You can however rent rooms if you wish.


Lord of Altera
Will there be illegal weapon dealers?

I need a new supplier who I can get weapons from... I'm low again. My old one was killed in a bank robbery...