Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Port Silver Underworld


Retired Staff
Sorry to derail your thread slightly shotwell buuut I find it Ironic how your now a Bandit Lord when your old character started the Equilibrium :p

I love this organisation by the way, it really makes me want to create an Alt so I can get a Greyling Bandit...
The Equilibrium?


The Kingdom Crusher
IGN: (Soon to come, when I get the account) goldengem24

RP name: "The Birdman"

Link to Character Thread (if you have one): Sorry, don't have one :C

Type of Crimes you specialize in: Arms dealing, fraud, fixed gambling, "whackin" people, ect... However, I usually get others to do my dirty work.

Anything Else: The Birdman is a excellent black marketeer. He specializes in all kinds of "legitimate" business. His qualities usually lie within his leadership and people skills, as he is physically terrible in combat. He is also influenced by the Arkham City variant of the Penguin, and he can offer a outpost for the underworld via his cover up operation in Aeroch Nor.


Lord of Altera
Welcome Birdman! (we are gonna rule the skies with all these air pirates and bird men :D)

And yes seth, it is very ironic :p However, I did always say that I was fighting for a balance, and now that the old bandits are gone I have to fight for the bandit side. See, I'm still part of the equilibrium!


Lord of Altera
IGN: overlord2304
RP name: (self proclaimed) High elven king Estel Saeradan
Link to Character Thread (if you have one): Nopedy nope
Type of Crimes you specialize in: Nothing realy, need to get things set up first
Anything Else: I own a "smal" mansion about a half minecraft day awey from PS, willing to let it be used as a safe house


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
IGN: BLargtheAwesome
RP name: Nwalme Fuvur
Link to Character Thread (if you have one): Signature.
Type of Crimes you specialize in: Conspiracy to murder, conspiracy to riot, conspiracy to form a conspiracy....
Anything Else: Nwalme, essentially, is the type of person who will plan something until he cannot properly see, from staring at blueprints too long. But he will completely refuse any active involvement in a heist or murder after that. At least, not unless he's forced and several other varying factors in his decision-making process.

That, and he will consider this a sort of trade. "Oh, you give me this amount of people to command and boss around, and depending on their quality, you get a cut of whatever I've conspired to create."

He, at all times, will at least attempt to remain incognito. He is, lastly, apathetic and neutral to the point of being completely and utterly chaotically unpredictable. At one point in time, he was plotting Lord Icecloak's death and would of happily remained on the good side of things. And now he's joining the Port Silver Underground.


He, at all times, will at least attempt to remain incognito. He is, lastly, apathetic and neutral to the point of being completely and utterly chaotically unpredictable. At one point in time, he was plotting Lord Icecloak's death and would of happily remained on the good side of things. And now he's joining the Port Silver Underground.
I miss this guy....

Basil Brush Hawklight. We will remember you.


Lord of Altera
*has known blarg longer thann all of you (we were rebells against the old kings! :D)*
Nwalme, your In!!!

Btw everyone, our current HQ is the Sunk'n Norwegian cause, you know, I own it. But the Underground claims that entire district past the creek. That's the bad side o town foo!!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Basil burned himself alive in a depressed madness. Best thing of all, in his unstable state, he someone managed to botch his own suicide. He was planning to use enough energy forming the fire that would kill himself that he would pass out during the actual burning. How hilariously bad he failed.


Lord of Altera
Probably should do a formal one of these despite, y'know, being in before any of you n00bs. ( :p Just kidding, brothers in crime. Love ya.)

IGN: erlewis1111
RP name: Lins Lightfoot (However, has given no one in Altera his real name yet, and instead goes by either "No one of real importance" or "Jans Deftmove" when dealing with authorities.
Link to Character Thread (if you have one): Enjoy.
Type of Crimes you specialize in: Sneaking, skulking, stealing, etc. If he has to kill in order to accomplish something, he rarely consents, unless he has some form of justification.
Anything Else: Enjoys hanging out at the Norweigan, and cannot wait to meet his fellows.

"The crow flies."


Lord of Altera
IGN: Ray1333

RP name: Raygrimm (although as of now is undercover, and is going by the name Hugus Gearhead)

Link: yeeeeeaaa-nope

Specialization: black marketeering, consorting with known wanteds, herecy, copyright infrigment, usage of illegals force, torture (though if you ask him, it's just "testing" his inventions), everything else not on the top of my head

Anything else: he is an inventor, so always has some sort of gadget be it anything from flows planters to bombs, dropped on head as a baby, has three identitys: Black, Hugus, and himself, natural leader