Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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-=[ Rank Up Requests ]=-


You've yeed your last haw
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Shadow Owner

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.+ Blessed achieved June 22, 2021
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine.+ Attended the event Blightlands Excursion, fighting a minion of Qlippoth, a weird mass of worms. Got a head wound. She rushed towards the monster as it attacked Aelyth, intent on protecting her (before getting side-tracked with possible ear-worm death.) [Tenets II, V, and the aspect of Hunting]

+ Hosted and attended the event My Request, wherein a simple hunt of a deer led to the finding of a note, written in a language she didn't understand. During the attendance of the event A Pumpkin Problem (where she got 1st place :)) she asked around, obtaining a translation through the help of a stranger who could read it. After much more recently finding a group she feels comfortable hunting with again, she plans on tracking the note's source down, and finding out what is in store. (This is the beginning of an event arc, which has not yet concluded.) [Tenets VI, VII, aspects of Hunting and Wilderness.]
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)+ Literally only wears green, keeps small carvings that she's made on her almost always, and consistently keeps daggers and bows with her when she travels (some of which have Theodran imagery, with carved leaves, prayers, etc.)
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering.'Individuals may find that they can become Blessed or rank up in tiers by finding other paths away from every guideline.'

Personally, I feel like Candice has done so many acts that exceed what is needed for T2 that a shrine is not needed -- however, it is being currently worked upon, and will likely be ready within the month, if it is required.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.+ She attended the event Dusk, which involved protecting Storm's Landing from a giant bird (which turned into a woman ??) that could shoot out feathers like arrows to cause immense pain.

+ She began to work heavily on carpentry and carving, preparing herself to learn how to make bows. At the journeyman level, she has made a few ones by herself, planning to give them out to the Silver Conclave as training gifts for the kids. (This has been an ongoing thing, and is thusly slightly out of order from the chronology of everything else.)

+ Finding herself in a state of mental unrest, Candice decides to try to do her best to rekindle old relationships, particularly with Aelyth and Aryn Ithildran, whilst finding a new meaning of self. This eventually led to her joining the Silver Conclave, headed by Aelyth.

+ Attended the event Fledgling Outing, wherein she joined some of those in the Conclave on a fairly benign natural obstacle course and hunted a boar. While primarily meant for the kiddos, it was a fun little retreat wherein she got some hunting experience that wasn't insanely violent.

+ Attended the event Elimination, wherein she and others in the Conclave were asked to take down an enemy camp that was constructed as part of the Eldpoint Revolution. She helped to shoot down multiple enemies, as well as one unfortunate scout that they couldn't distinguish from the rest from far away. She got shot in the side, before being healed by Valtae.

+ Attended the event Casual Hunting, wherein a few Silver Conclave members joined Nwalme Fuvur in his attempt to find a delicacy thought to be lost to man; CASHEWS. A large boar came after the group, leading to Candice getting absolutely impaled in the leg. This was later healed by Thryss.

(Also technically attended the event Unwelcome, however I had to oocly log off halfway through, so I am not counting it towards the rest of the instances.)

EDIT: (if possible, in-game would be nice!)
Denied for now- the shrine is required, but you're alright apart from that.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
+ Achieved on 1/12/2022​

Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine.
+ [Wildfire Hunt] Cieren's first hunt, Som guided the younglings in tracking the invasive animals that had spread out from the Ashlands. They were ambushed by some hungry ash hounds and defended themselves.​
+ [Wandering Hills] A surprising outing with Lysander and Rhyla. A quest. Perhaps a test. Stayed her hand when death was not needed, recognized a beast out of place, and the trio was rewarded for their wisdom with an unexpected sighting.​

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
+ A blooded silver feather that she wears in her hair. She picked it up off the ground when she was tracking impossible things with Lysander and Rhyla. She believes this to be .. a sign of approval, of sorts, and a reminder at the very least.​
+ A holy symbol, carved and consecrated to hunt effigies which draw the undead.​

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
+ Som wasn't sure what drove her to erect a shrine of the huntress, except that she can remember the Huntress's influence even through times where she cannot remember anything else. And so, in the far north, near where the only family that she can remember made their home, Som found several hulking slabs of rock. Through ingenuity, perseverance, and patience, she managed to establish them as a pair of worn standing stones flanking a moss-covered stone table. On the standing stones, she carved scenes in deceptively simple pictograms. One stone depicts woodlands and plains teeming with creatures, including some wolves which stalk the other creatures; the other depicts a brutal hunt of a creature that she intentionally leaves vague. Is it a hunter singling out one of the creatures from the other stone? Or a woodland protector bending their bow in defense of them? It is unclear. Next to the standing stones, she stacks smaller stones in precarious balance. They are intended to fall and be replaced, signifying the constant struggle to survive in the wilderness, even when there is a natural balance. Moss takes to the ground around the stones, and Som does what she can to encourage it's spread, finding the silence the wild carpet provides fitting to a shrine of the goddess of the hunt.​
+ On the stone table, Som fills a clay bowl with the elixir of survival: water, clear and cold from a spring. She then sought a knife. A silver knife, at least. When she ran into a stranger in Storm's Landing with a blooded silver knife that he willingly gave, she was triumphant. The dagger was placed next to the bowl of water, and she visits periodically to ensure the little shrine is maintained.​


Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
+ Carves bows for those around her who need them, and teaches others in their use. She views bows as a necessary tool for survival in the wilderness, as they provide both defense and sustenance.​
+ Relies on her wits and bodily strength to survive in the wilderness, as she spends most of her time trekking the continent. Usually dragging others along.​
+ Hunts and dismantles effigies, which are the source of the undead scourge up on the continent. Her ability to track them is tied to her faith, and she is diligent about this because she views the undead as an encroachment into the territory of the Huntress (i.e. the wilds).​
- There was another effigy hunted and destroyed after the T1 application but before it was approved. I don't remember the date, but it was solo. Honestly shocked that it was my only solo one for so long.​
- [December 21st] Effigy of Skraag dismantled with Bennett witnessing.​
- [January 18th] Hunted an effigy with Lysander, Cieren, and Nywyn after Cieren's restoration of the Theodran Shrine. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 19th] Hunted an effigy that had encroached on Silver Conclave land with Frost. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 22nd] Tracked an effigy with Lysander after the feather hunt. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 23rd] Tracked an effigy with Marian in the Central Forests. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 26th] Hunted an effigy alone within The Vortex. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 31st] Trekked ACROSS THE TUNDRA with Podric, so he could use his phoenix wings to get to the top of an obscenely tall statue and dismantle an effigy.​
- [February 5] Hunted an effigy to the northwest of Boltnthar. Successfully destroyed.​
+ Teaches others how to hunt effigies, directing them to Ashna when they need holy symbols blessed.​
- Taught Cieren how to dismantle effigies, and showed Lysander and Nywyn what to look for.​
- Showed Frost how to track and dismantle effigies, and told her to see Ashna in order to bless her holy symbol, which subsequently spread the information to the Silver Conclave.​
> Fronslin literally said "learning this plugin IC is really cool," so do with that what you will
- Technically showed Podric IC, too.​
+ [Into the Tundra] It was cold, and Som did not expect much trouble. But some leftover undead emerged from the woods, and Som swiftly dispatched one with her bow, and another later that came from beneath the snow.​
+ [Hungry Winter] Again, it was cold, and the survival of an old woman is being threatened by the harassment of a wendigo. Along with some... questionable hunting partners, they dispatch the wendigo, and Som helps gather supplies for the woman to survive the winter. This one doesn't sit quite right with Som, for a couple reasons. But she did what had to be done in the moment, and is determined to be more selective of her hunting party in the future.​
+ [Northern Festival] Won the archery competition. Som does not compete for competition's sake, but because the motions are the most familiar thing in the world. For her, archery is like meditation, or perhaps more accurately, a physical prayer, as she has been grateful for the renewed presence of her divine patron, finding that it fills a gap in her heart that her forgotten memories left behind.​
+ [Firebreak] Som, Marian, and the youngsters went to finish the work of clearing the invasive ash hounds from the woodlands to the west of the Ashlands. They laid traps for the large pack, and successfully eliminated the threat.​
+ [Foragers Wanted!] Som went with Lysander and some others through the Rift in search of crimsonwart. She did not go because she sought the fungus herself, but in case something were to happen. The Rift is dangerous, after all. And sure enough, the party inadvertently provoked a pair of boar-like creatures which made the hellish landscape their home. Shoulder to shoulder with some of the others, Som stood her ground, defending her friends from the vicious-looking tusks. Everyone made it home relatively unscathed.​

If possible, I would like the rank-up to be in-game.
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Lord of Altera
Blessed titlecard.png
Tier 3
Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
T2 since 6/2/2021 with continued worship in Hospital Log
  • For the Children - While Landing falls to Chaos and spiders Tae found a group of children following a trail of feathers. Luna, Avalyn, and Andrew were wandering the streets. She had a feeling this wasn't a good idea and followed them at a short distance given the number of patients who lost eyes recently and the death of one of Korog's blessed that very day. A good thing too as one of the children wandered close to a fountain after hearing the voice of a recently deceased parent from within and got pulled in by an Eel. The creature fully intended to drown the girl and Tae was the first into the fountain to drag Luna free while the others were there to haul Luna out once she was in reach.
  • Saving the past - While a challenge, Valtae worked to assemble a group to enter the ruined Cathedral to salvage what they could from the Cathedral to preserve the past artifacts it held for Shallerana, While most couldn't make it Valtae and Granny came upon the animancer Mourin who was amicable to the invitation to save artifacts. A fight was the last thing on Tae and Granny's mind but looters found them and despite being outnumbered they remained non lethal. Injuries did occur but All were treated and were invited to come to the Hospital in the future if they ever suffered injury, they were also offered food to satiate their hunter and funds so they could leave town as it's something one of there number wished. Ultimately the looters refused and left with bandaged bodies and bruised pride
  • Bloom - Despite her fears Valtae fo0llowed the tug towards a Fragment of Life to a village where most of the search part were people she knew to be killers or, by association with the ones she knew were killers, were also not the best people to be alone with. She saw a small someone in full armor that she thought might be Hellman but after talking to the dwarf after her revival she's slowly coming to wonder just how much she can actually depend on Hellmann if it came down to Branko's desires to kill and the Blessed's desire to not be killed. She stuck by Briarwood and Kehtron on their search. They didn't ultimately find the fragment, but they also weren't assaulted by bees thanks to her quick thinking to use Atfax secretions on her group before approaching the big hive. It seems Branko didn't have the Fragment in the end and they lived so that is some kind of victory right?
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
  • Even as a Lover Vyre, Tae stayed resolute in following the faith. Refusing to feed on living people consciously and trying to stay the path by subsisting on Bloodvine and Lifeblood. In the end, she had to resort to help from the only friendly Skraagite she knew to avoid Starvation and the hunger driven hysteria that would come with it until ultimately she sought out a cure as a Gravewalker since her pleas to the Divine for another option were unanswered. It is fortunate that the Grey Lady was offering aid to the restoration of life so that she need not feel guilty for taking this cure for her ailment.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)
  • Tae had her first lesson about Shallerena with her student Anisar. While she had little in the way of a lesson plan ready before hand she knew enough from her conversations with the young Moor enough to have an idea on hand. They discussed Self care and it's importance not just to Shallerana's teachings but in life as a whole. Anisar seemed to come to a realization and is tasked to actively practice it
  • Not long after gaining her new Student, Tae went to work trying to educate Aki on the Grudges, their purpose, how to maintain one in the Book, and that a grudge should not be made frivolously or for petty reasons. As the student is young she anticipates she'll have to work on this more, but the Healer does hope that through repetition that she can encourage the young elf to be a well rounded association with Shallerana and others.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
  • Grudges - Tae found out about a Jishimite that tried to tempt a child of Linistel who had once upon a time been tormented. The Jishimite was a Vyre who tried to convince the child that their adopted parents were poison and toxic and that Jishim was the only way the child would ever find love and acceptance for who they were. The vyre was in Fronslins Grudge Book and Tae went along to ensure that the offender surrendered peacefully and submitted to the judgement in Linlea as written in the Tenets of the First Grudge.
  • After returning home for the first time since the divine conflict struck Landing with Overgrowth and madness Tae, Frost and Granny Jade revel in the shade of the Eldnari where her twins have been kept safe and secluded from the worlds dangers. There with Frosts consent Granny Jade and Tae baptized the twins, with Tae personally holding onto Dolce and offering Mothers Embrace for the ceremony before marking her with water to help the growth be one of gentle breezes and sun washed flowers as she grows into a Woman
  • Tae reached out to Alani a shaman to be to share her insights on the All mother, Tae admitted that while her faith was colored by her parents raising that it let her see a depth of all faiths and the greatness they can achieve if they were to work together. She shared that even in the same faith people can focus on different Aspects of their god in pursuit of their expression of the faith.
  • Valtae and Frost Visited Jenette to see how the woman was doing after the incident that lead to the Cathedrals collapse. their discovery was concerning but instead of admonishing the older elf mother they elected to craft a common dish from Linistel in it's vegetable version so that all could stay within the faith of the Goddess. Prayer was given before the meal. While Tae may not know the Mothers pain of loss she could empathize and didn't want to leave her mentor and friend to e alone at this time of grief.
  • Tae helped Granny make a shrine to Shallerana in her house in the way of supplying a hand made dedication to the goddess and followed this up with a lesson on general shrine upkeep and maintenance as well as encouraging Granny to customize it to fit her views on Shallerana so that the shrine is not just a place to worship, but a place for the Dwarfs worship
[To Guide Another]
Ultimately they must guide another into the rank of T1 and showcase at least ten ways they assisted doing so. This can be through lessons, discussions, or other ways you feel are significant in the journey of the student. They must reach T1 before you can apply for T3.
Anisar and Granny
  • Anisar - 6/30 , 8/20, 9/19, 1/30 , Displaying self care with a Picnic in a secret Garden​
  • Granny - 7/25, 8/21, 3 ooc month training for Surgery​
  • Aki - 8/1,​
  • Sycamore - 1/30, 2/9​
Edot: if this qualifies I'd prefer in game ranking?
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Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
If possible, in game rank up please.

Theodra-Tier ThreeAchievements
Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.Achieved Tier Two 8/9/21
Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.The Cursed Being:
Sought out for old work that had been done, Marian and a group of somewhat experienced hunters set off to take on one of the most dangerous beasts Altera had to offer. A garulf that had deemed the forests south of Storms Landing as its own. After a long and grueling battle, the hunting party came out victorious. Battered, bruised, but very much alive.

A sight of Undeath:
During a seemingly normal trip to the tavern of the Landing, Marian found herself enlisted by Ashna and an Angel of The Grey Lady to deal with a new threat conjured up by Skraag. After tracking the effigy corrupting the lands and dealing with the cultists protecting and fostering it, the next goal was to see the piece of Skraag destroyed. But upon the attempt of bringing the effigy down, an aspect of Undeath came to deal with the party. With a little help from an angel, and skills put truly to the test, the aspect was felled.

Given New Form[x]:
The artifact Desiccate had potential to be a useful tool in the fight to reclaim Life, though the touch of Skraag prevented the weapon from seeing true use. After a deal struck with Daeron, the artifact would be reclaimed and reforged with the aid of Theodra. After calling upon her aid, and battling the spirit locked within the weapon itself it was born anew under the Huntress. A tool to be used both in the battle against undeath, and for the coming hunts and trials of its wielder.
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.Marian was raised in a split faith of Theodra and Shalherana within her home, her parents devout of the two gods. After arriving in the world at large, she kept true to the teachings and beliefs of her home and deepened her understanding and belief with the two sides of nature. While both were necessary, Marian dipped further into the ferocity of the wilds, and the teachings of Theodra.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.To Marian, Theodra is a teacher and mentor, the ferocity of the wilds and the perfect hunter, what all should strive to be. Her tenants are guidelines to follow in her footsteps, and she does not require much in turn for her teachings. While others of the faith focus on the aspect of survival, Marian sets stock in proving oneself to be the best hunter they can be. Striving day in and day out to become as close to the apex as one can be.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)After an archery contest with the silver elf Rhyla, Marian took her on as a student to hone her skills and guide her through faith in the Huntress. She has worked with Rhyla on skills in ranged weaponry, as well as tracking and the many facets of it.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.Return to the Cold[x]:
A long and grueling journey through the frozen tundras of the north, survival skills and hunters awareness tested every step of the way, before culminating in a hike to a mountain peak, uncovering a lost shrine.
The party of hunters search for answers to atrocities committed within the wilds. After a long and tense conversation with the village calling the northern wastes home, a deal is struck that their ways would be changed.
The Lost Child:
Being a relatively well known and accomplished tracker, a favor is called in to find the Earthspawn Suzi who had run away from home. With knowledge of the wilds around the Landing, time, and patience the child is found and returned to her adoptive family.
Strange occurrences began in Sanardu, occurrences that lined up with Jishrimite activity. This culminated in the corpse of a horse being left in the cities residential district, and an ambush enacted. The party survived the ambush with minimal injury, and dealt with the ambushing party efficiently.
An Unexpected Entrance:
During the harvest festival, Skraag and his minions attacked. Sending a large horde of undead to disrupt the festivities, as well as a larger and more powerful undead to cause further mayhem. Fighting alongside Aryn to defend those at the festival, the larger undead was dispatched with relative ease.
The Glade[x]:
A contract was put forward by concerned parties in the Landing for the creature last seen at the Harvest Festival. Along with a party of other hunters, the large undead was dealt with swiftly and without major injury.
The Jishrim Tree:
Along with the ranger Somnastra, a new form of wildlife was found in the world. A tree believed to be created by the god Jishrim. Study was taken of the odd flora, and information has been spread to relevant individuals of the potential dangers the tree may pose.
While the pack was thinned, it was still a problem to the wilds they had migrated to. The hunting party bands together again to study their movements, and begin placing traps to deal with a further thinning of the pack.
[To Guide Another]
Ultimately they must guide another into the rank of T1 and showcase at least ten ways they assisted doing so. This can be through lessons, discussions, or other ways you feel are significant in the journey of the student. They must reach T1 before you can apply for T3.
Marian was the mentor for Cieren, who achieved T1 on 1/8/22. Below are notable acts taken to guide Cieren along her path to T1:

-Teaching and discussion of the tenants. Both discussion on Marians own beliefs, as well as the understanding that Cieren had given her limited time within the faith.
-Marian saw fit to see Cieren equipped for her journey by utilizing connections made. Upon Cierens first day of proper tutoring, she was gifted a bow, seax, and set of simple armor to start her along her journey.
-Marian introduced Cieren to the ranger Somnastra, who aided in both lessons and practical utilization of her skills.
-Marian upon request from Cieren taught her of the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of melee weapons, especially when faced against a human opponent.
-In order to teach aid Cieren with her journey through the wilds, Marian worked to teach her the importance of plants and herbs in the wild, focusing heavily on the hunting effectiveness of Atfax especially within tracking.
-With aid from Somnastra, Marian taught Cieren the basics of tracking and began working on her observation skills of the world around her.
-In order to aid with Cieren's wandering of the wilds, Marian began to teach her of the many dangers within the world. Both the mundane as well as the more fantastical beings, including Figments.
-To continue training Cieren in the necessities of the hunt, Marian works with her on skills associated with moving and stalking quietly throughout the wilds of the world.
-After believing she had broken a promise, Marian has a discussion with Cieren on the first hunt that she embarked upon on her own which happened to be a deer near the valley. The discussion revolved around the skills utilized during the hunt, as well as the reasoning behind the promise which Marian reaffirmed was necessary given the scenario.
-[x]Marian along with Somnastra and Nywyn accompanied Cieren on her first hunt of the more fantastical beasts of the world hunting down a pack of displaced Ash Hounds. The hunt proved a test of skills learned, and application with Somnastra and Marian simply observing and aiding where needed, but not leading.
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Legend of Altera
(if approved, OOC rank up is fine :) )
TIER TWO-Journey and Request
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine.
+Restorative Worship - Reinvigorated a shrine with a gathering of Theodrans or allies to Theodra.
+Unwelcome - Elimination of invaders of New Riseport who also stole a wolf head from a Theodran shrine.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally.
+Idol of the Huntress-a blooded silver symbol of the White Wolf, crafted by Frost Menguar. Trinket'd by Ashna!
+Fleet of Spirit-a simple, pine pendant carved to resemble a peregrine falcon. Crafted by Cieren with guidance from Frost Menguar.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item)
+Restorative Worship -Commissioned a banner and sign for the event. Left a potted flower and a deer skull at the Shrine.
+Another shrine was made in her tent/home in the Verdant Valley--to it she's offered the skull of an ash hound from "In Search of Answers"

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
+Blightlands Excursion - The Silver Conclave's trek for clues about Praes Divina, and the ashen blooms spread within.
In Search of Answers - The hunt for answers about Mockingbay's Queen leads to a tumble of riddles and puzzles. Cieren took down an ash hound and aided with another's demise, but did not leave unmarred--scars obtained.
+Trained Maple in the art of archery. A guiding in the principles of tenets 5 and 6.
+Eliminated an effigy to Skraag with the guidance of Somnastra--thus leading her to meet Ashna with a group dedicated to the Skraag threat. Her Idol of the Huntress was given blessing as a result.
Firebreak - An end to the fight against invading ash hounds to the Southwest of the Ashlands. Traps were set, and an organized fight ended the packs that terrorized locals--and slaughtered a honeymooning couple.
+Carving a Future - Attended a lesson in carving by Frost Menguar. Cieren was able to make Fleet of Spirit as dedication to her faith in the Huntress.


Storm's Landing Wanderer

Sallana Tier 2

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving blessed status:
Yes, Achieved blessed status on 01/08/2022
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their rank up: Guided home a dozen of slaves after having freed them to reunite them specifically with their family and created a museum of the arts in the new town of Keg's Hearth.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally: Here
Must create a small shrine to their divine, and grant it an offering: Done, Offering located at: X: 6676 Y: 42 Z: 2521
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their divine separate to the events above: Here



Events Staff
Very Sweet
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
+ Achieved on 1/12/2022​

Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine.
+ [Wildfire Hunt] Cieren's first hunt, Som guided the younglings in tracking the invasive animals that had spread out from the Ashlands. They were ambushed by some hungry ash hounds and defended themselves.​
+ [Wandering Hills] A surprising outing with Lysander and Rhyla. A quest. Perhaps a test. Stayed her hand when death was not needed, recognized a beast out of place, and the trio was rewarded for their wisdom with an unexpected sighting.​

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
+ A blooded silver feather that she wears in her hair. She picked it up off the ground when she was tracking impossible things with Lysander and Rhyla. She believes this to be .. a sign of approval, of sorts, and a reminder at the very least.​
+ A holy symbol, carved and consecrated to hunt effigies which draw the undead.​

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
+ Som wasn't sure what drove her to erect a shrine of the huntress, except that she can remember the Huntress's influence even through times where she cannot remember anything else. And so, in the far north, near where the only family that she can remember made their home, Som found several hulking slabs of rock. Through ingenuity, perseverance, and patience, she managed to establish them as a pair of worn standing stones flanking a moss-covered stone table. On the standing stones, she carved scenes in deceptively simple pictograms. One stone depicts woodlands and plains teeming with creatures, including some wolves which stalk the other creatures; the other depicts a brutal hunt of a creature that she intentionally leaves vague. Is it a hunter singling out one of the creatures from the other stone? Or a woodland protector bending their bow in defense of them? It is unclear. Next to the standing stones, she stacks smaller stones in precarious balance. They are intended to fall and be replaced, signifying the constant struggle to survive in the wilderness, even when there is a natural balance. Moss takes to the ground around the stones, and Som does what she can to encourage it's spread, finding the silence the wild carpet provides fitting to a shrine of the goddess of the hunt.​
+ On the stone table, Som fills a clay bowl with the elixir of survival: water, clear and cold from a spring. She then sought a knife. A silver knife, at least. When she ran into a stranger in Storm's Landing with a blooded silver knife that he willingly gave, she was triumphant. The dagger was placed next to the bowl of water, and she visits periodically to ensure the little shrine is maintained.​


Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
+ Carves bows for those around her who need them, and teaches others in their use. She views bows as a necessary tool for survival in the wilderness, as they provide both defense and sustenance.​
+ Relies on her wits and bodily strength to survive in the wilderness, as she spends most of her time trekking the continent. Usually dragging others along.​
+ Hunts and dismantles effigies, which are the source of the undead scourge up on the continent. Her ability to track them is tied to her faith, and she is diligent about this because she views the undead as an encroachment into the territory of the Huntress (i.e. the wilds).​
- There was another effigy hunted and destroyed after the T1 application but before it was approved. I don't remember the date, but it was solo. Honestly shocked that it was my only solo one for so long.​
- [December 21st] Effigy of Skraag dismantled with Bennett witnessing.​
- [January 18th] Hunted an effigy with Lysander, Cieren, and Nywyn after Cieren's restoration of the Theodran Shrine. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 19th] Hunted an effigy that had encroached on Silver Conclave land with Frost. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 22nd] Tracked an effigy with Lysander after the feather hunt. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 23rd] Tracked an effigy with Marian in the Central Forests. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 26th] Hunted an effigy alone within The Vortex. Successfully destroyed.​
- [January 31st] Trekked ACROSS THE TUNDRA with Podric, so he could use his phoenix wings to get to the top of an obscenely tall statue and dismantle an effigy.​
- [February 5] Hunted an effigy to the northwest of Boltnthar. Successfully destroyed.​
+ Teaches others how to hunt effigies, directing them to Ashna when they need holy symbols blessed.​
- Taught Cieren how to dismantle effigies, and showed Lysander and Nywyn what to look for.​
- Showed Frost how to track and dismantle effigies, and told her to see Ashna in order to bless her holy symbol, which subsequently spread the information to the Silver Conclave.​
> Fronslin literally said "learning this plugin IC is really cool," so do with that what you will
- Technically showed Podric IC, too.​
+ [Into the Tundra] It was cold, and Som did not expect much trouble. But some leftover undead emerged from the woods, and Som swiftly dispatched one with her bow, and another later that came from beneath the snow.​
+ [Hungry Winter] Again, it was cold, and the survival of an old woman is being threatened by the harassment of a wendigo. Along with some... questionable hunting partners, they dispatch the wendigo, and Som helps gather supplies for the woman to survive the winter. This one doesn't sit quite right with Som, for a couple reasons. But she did what had to be done in the moment, and is determined to be more selective of her hunting party in the future.​
+ [Northern Festival] Won the archery competition. Som does not compete for competition's sake, but because the motions are the most familiar thing in the world. For her, archery is like meditation, or perhaps more accurately, a physical prayer, as she has been grateful for the renewed presence of her divine patron, finding that it fills a gap in her heart that her forgotten memories left behind.​
+ [Firebreak] Som, Marian, and the youngsters went to finish the work of clearing the invasive ash hounds from the woodlands to the west of the Ashlands. They laid traps for the large pack, and successfully eliminated the threat.​
+ [Foragers Wanted!] Som went with Lysander and some others through the Rift in search of crimsonwart. She did not go because she sought the fungus herself, but in case something were to happen. The Rift is dangerous, after all. And sure enough, the party inadvertently provoked a pair of boar-like creatures which made the hellish landscape their home. Shoulder to shoulder with some of the others, Som stood her ground, defending her friends from the vicious-looking tusks. Everyone made it home relatively unscathed.​

If possible, I would like the rank-up to be in-game.
T2 Approved - Please send in a ticket to discuss a time that works for something to happen in game as well as sending in your T2 artifact proposal.

Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.
Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
T2 since 6/2/2021 with continued worship in Hospital Log
  • For the Children - While Landing falls to Chaos and spiders Tae found a group of children following a trail of feathers. Luna, Avalyn, and Andrew were wandering the streets. She had a feeling this wasn't a good idea and followed them at a short distance given the number of patients who lost eyes recently and the death of one of Korog's blessed that very day. A good thing too as one of the children wandered close to a fountain after hearing the voice of a recently deceased parent from within and got pulled in by an Eel. The creature fully intended to drown the girl and Tae was the first into the fountain to drag Luna free while the others were there to haul Luna out once she was in reach.
  • Saving the past - While a challenge, Valtae worked to assemble a group to enter the ruined Cathedral to salvage what they could from the Cathedral to preserve the past artifacts it held for Shallerana, While most couldn't make it Valtae and Granny came upon the animancer Mourin who was amicable to the invitation to save artifacts. A fight was the last thing on Tae and Granny's mind but looters found them and despite being outnumbered they remained non lethal. Injuries did occur but All were treated and were invited to come to the Hospital in the future if they ever suffered injury, they were also offered food to satiate their hunter and funds so they could leave town as it's something one of there number wished. Ultimately the looters refused and left with bandaged bodies and bruised pride
  • Bloom - Despite her fears Valtae fo0llowed the tug towards a Fragment of Life to a village where most of the search part were people she knew to be killers or, by association with the ones she knew were killers, were also not the best people to be alone with. She saw a small someone in full armor that she thought might be Hellman but after talking to the dwarf after her revival she's slowly coming to wonder just how much she can actually depend on Hellmann if it came down to Branko's desires to kill and the Blessed's desire to not be killed. She stuck by Briarwood and Kehtron on their search. They didn't ultimately find the fragment, but they also weren't assaulted by bees thanks to her quick thinking to use Atfax secretions on her group before approaching the big hive. It seems Branko didn't have the Fragment in the end and they lived so that is some kind of victory right?
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.
  • Even as a Lover Vyre, Tae stayed resolute in following the faith. Refusing to feed on living people consciously and trying to stay the path by subsisting on Bloodvine and Lifeblood. In the end, she had to resort to help from the only friendly Skraagite she knew to avoid Starvation and the hunger driven hysteria that would come with it until ultimately she sought out a cure as a Gravewalker since her pleas to the Divine for another option were unanswered. It is fortunate that the Grey Lady was offering aid to the restoration of life so that she need not feel guilty for taking this cure for her ailment.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)
  • Tae had her first lesson about Shallerena with her student Anisar. While she had little in the way of a lesson plan ready before hand she knew enough from her conversations with the young Moor enough to have an idea on hand. They discussed Self care and it's importance not just to Shallerana's teachings but in life as a whole. Anisar seemed to come to a realization and is tasked to actively practice it
  • Not long after gaining her new Student, Tae went to work trying to educate Aki on the Grudges, their purpose, how to maintain one in the Book, and that a grudge should not be made frivolously or for petty reasons. As the student is young she anticipates she'll have to work on this more, but the Healer does hope that through repetition that she can encourage the young elf to be a well rounded association with Shallerana and others.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
  • Grudges - Tae found out about a Jishimite that tried to tempt a child of Linistel who had once upon a time been tormented. The Jishimite was a Vyre who tried to convince the child that their adopted parents were poison and toxic and that Jishim was the only way the child would ever find love and acceptance for who they were. The vyre was in Fronslins Grudge Book and Tae went along to ensure that the offender surrendered peacefully and submitted to the judgement in Linlea as written in the Tenets of the First Grudge.
  • After returning home for the first time since the divine conflict struck Landing with Overgrowth and madness Tae, Frost and Granny Jade revel in the shade of the Eldnari where her twins have been kept safe and secluded from the worlds dangers. There with Frosts consent Granny Jade and Tae baptized the twins, with Tae personally holding onto Dolce and offering Mothers Embrace for the ceremony before marking her with water to help the growth be one of gentle breezes and sun washed flowers as she grows into a Woman
  • Tae reached out to Alani a shaman to be to share her insights on the All mother, Tae admitted that while her faith was colored by her parents raising that it let her see a depth of all faiths and the greatness they can achieve if they were to work together. She shared that even in the same faith people can focus on different Aspects of their god in pursuit of their expression of the faith.
  • Valtae and Frost Visited Jenette to see how the woman was doing after the incident that lead to the Cathedrals collapse. their discovery was concerning but instead of admonishing the older elf mother they elected to craft a common dish from Linistel in it's vegetable version so that all could stay within the faith of the Goddess. Prayer was given before the meal. While Tae may not know the Mothers pain of loss she could empathize and didn't want to leave her mentor and friend to e alone at this time of grief.
  • Tae helped Granny make a shrine to Shallerana in her house in the way of supplying a hand made dedication to the goddess and followed this up with a lesson on general shrine upkeep and maintenance as well as encouraging Granny to customize it to fit her views on Shallerana so that the shrine is not just a place to worship, but a place for the Dwarfs worship
[To Guide Another]
Ultimately they must guide another into the rank of T1 and showcase at least ten ways they assisted doing so. This can be through lessons, discussions, or other ways you feel are significant in the journey of the student. They must reach T1 before you can apply for T3.
Anisar and Granny
  • Anisar - 6/30 , 8/20, 9/19, 1/30 , Displaying self care with a Picnic in a secret Garden​
  • Granny - 7/25, 8/21, 3 ooc month training for Surgery​
  • Aki - 8/1,​
  • Sycamore - 1/30, 2/9​
Edot: if this qualifies I'd prefer in game ranking?
The 'Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith' section seems to have been merged into another and missed/not answered. We'd also like some information about how/what you have taught the students, and some of the 'five instances' to include something a bit more substantial (events for example).

T3 is denied for these reasons.

If possible, in game rank up please.

Theodra-Tier ThreeAchievements
Show extended worship, with two months OOC since achieving T2.Achieved Tier Two 8/9/21
Describe the three most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.The Cursed Being:
Sought out for old work that had been done, Marian and a group of somewhat experienced hunters set off to take on one of the most dangerous beasts Altera had to offer. A garulf that had deemed the forests south of Storms Landing as its own. After a long and grueling battle, the hunting party came out victorious. Battered, bruised, but very much alive.

A sight of Undeath:
During a seemingly normal trip to the tavern of the Landing, Marian found herself enlisted by Ashna and an Angel of The Grey Lady to deal with a new threat conjured up by Skraag. After tracking the effigy corrupting the lands and dealing with the cultists protecting and fostering it, the next goal was to see the piece of Skraag destroyed. But upon the attempt of bringing the effigy down, an aspect of Undeath came to deal with the party. With a little help from an angel, and skills put truly to the test, the aspect was felled.

Given New Form[x]:
The artifact Desiccate had potential to be a useful tool in the fight to reclaim Life, though the touch of Skraag prevented the weapon from seeing true use. After a deal struck with Daeron, the artifact would be reclaimed and reforged with the aid of Theodra. After calling upon her aid, and battling the spirit locked within the weapon itself it was born anew under the Huntress. A tool to be used both in the battle against undeath, and for the coming hunts and trials of its wielder.
The character must have earnest and genuine faith to their Divine.Marian was raised in a split faith of Theodra and Shalherana within her home, her parents devout of the two gods. After arriving in the world at large, she kept true to the teachings and beliefs of her home and deepened her understanding and belief with the two sides of nature. While both were necessary, Marian dipped further into the ferocity of the wilds, and the teachings of Theodra.
Evidence of a more unique understanding and outlook towards their own faith.To Marian, Theodra is a teacher and mentor, the ferocity of the wilds and the perfect hunter, what all should strive to be. Her tenants are guidelines to follow in her footsteps, and she does not require much in turn for her teachings. While others of the faith focus on the aspect of survival, Marian sets stock in proving oneself to be the best hunter they can be. Striving day in and day out to become as close to the apex as one can be.
Must show evidence in their log of teaching another something thematic to their Divine. (Hunting, Fighting, Dancing, etc)After an archery contest with the silver elf Rhyla, Marian took her on as a student to hone her skills and guide her through faith in the Huntress. She has worked with Rhyla on skills in ranged weaponry, as well as tracking and the many facets of it.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.Return to the Cold[x]:
A long and grueling journey through the frozen tundras of the north, survival skills and hunters awareness tested every step of the way, before culminating in a hike to a mountain peak, uncovering a lost shrine.
The party of hunters search for answers to atrocities committed within the wilds. After a long and tense conversation with the village calling the northern wastes home, a deal is struck that their ways would be changed.
The Lost Child:
Being a relatively well known and accomplished tracker, a favor is called in to find the Earthspawn Suzi who had run away from home. With knowledge of the wilds around the Landing, time, and patience the child is found and returned to her adoptive family.
Strange occurrences began in Sanardu, occurrences that lined up with Jishrimite activity. This culminated in the corpse of a horse being left in the cities residential district, and an ambush enacted. The party survived the ambush with minimal injury, and dealt with the ambushing party efficiently.
An Unexpected Entrance:
During the harvest festival, Skraag and his minions attacked. Sending a large horde of undead to disrupt the festivities, as well as a larger and more powerful undead to cause further mayhem. Fighting alongside Aryn to defend those at the festival, the larger undead was dispatched with relative ease.
The Glade[x]:
A contract was put forward by concerned parties in the Landing for the creature last seen at the Harvest Festival. Along with a party of other hunters, the large undead was dealt with swiftly and without major injury.
The Jishrim Tree:
Along with the ranger Somnastra, a new form of wildlife was found in the world. A tree believed to be created by the god Jishrim. Study was taken of the odd flora, and information has been spread to relevant individuals of the potential dangers the tree may pose.
While the pack was thinned, it was still a problem to the wilds they had migrated to. The hunting party bands together again to study their movements, and begin placing traps to deal with a further thinning of the pack.
[To Guide Another]
Ultimately they must guide another into the rank of T1 and showcase at least ten ways they assisted doing so. This can be through lessons, discussions, or other ways you feel are significant in the journey of the student. They must reach T1 before you can apply for T3.
Marian was the mentor for Cieren, who achieved T1 on 1/8/22. Below are notable acts taken to guide Cieren along her path to T1:

-Teaching and discussion of the tenants. Both discussion on Marians own beliefs, as well as the understanding that Cieren had given her limited time within the faith.
-Marian saw fit to see Cieren equipped for her journey by utilizing connections made. Upon Cierens first day of proper tutoring, she was gifted a bow, seax, and set of simple armor to start her along her journey.
-Marian introduced Cieren to the ranger Somnastra, who aided in both lessons and practical utilization of her skills.
-Marian upon request from Cieren taught her of the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of melee weapons, especially when faced against a human opponent.
-In order to teach aid Cieren with her journey through the wilds, Marian worked to teach her the importance of plants and herbs in the wild, focusing heavily on the hunting effectiveness of Atfax especially within tracking.
-With aid from Somnastra, Marian taught Cieren the basics of tracking and began working on her observation skills of the world around her.
-In order to aid with Cieren's wandering of the wilds, Marian began to teach her of the many dangers within the world. Both the mundane as well as the more fantastical beings, including Figments.
-To continue training Cieren in the necessities of the hunt, Marian works with her on skills associated with moving and stalking quietly throughout the wilds of the world.
-After believing she had broken a promise, Marian has a discussion with Cieren on the first hunt that she embarked upon on her own which happened to be a deer near the valley. The discussion revolved around the skills utilized during the hunt, as well as the reasoning behind the promise which Marian reaffirmed was necessary given the scenario.
-[x]Marian along with Somnastra and Nywyn accompanied Cieren on her first hunt of the more fantastical beasts of the world hunting down a pack of displaced Ash Hounds. The hunt proved a test of skills learned, and application with Somnastra and Marian simply observing and aiding where needed, but not leading.
T3 is pending a discussion with divine staff - Please send in a ticket so we can talk about some things.

(if approved, OOC rank up is fine :) )
TIER TWO-Journey and Request
Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine.
+Restorative Worship - Reinvigorated a shrine with a gathering of Theodrans or allies to Theodra.
+Unwelcome - Elimination of invaders of New Riseport who also stole a wolf head from a Theodran shrine.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally.
+Idol of the Huntress-a blooded silver symbol of the White Wolf, crafted by Frost Menguar. Trinket'd by Ashna!
+Fleet of Spirit-a simple, pine pendant carved to resemble a peregrine falcon. Crafted by Cieren with guidance from Frost Menguar.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item)
+Restorative Worship -Commissioned a banner and sign for the event. Left a potted flower and a deer skull at the Shrine.
+Another shrine was made in her tent/home in the Verdant Valley--to it she's offered the skull of an ash hound from "In Search of Answers"

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.
+Blightlands Excursion - The Silver Conclave's trek for clues about Praes Divina, and the ashen blooms spread within.
In Search of Answers - The hunt for answers about Mockingbay's Queen leads to a tumble of riddles and puzzles. Cieren took down an ash hound and aided with another's demise, but did not leave unmarred--scars obtained.
+Trained Maple in the art of archery. A guiding in the principles of tenets 5 and 6.
+Eliminated an effigy to Skraag with the guidance of Somnastra--thus leading her to meet Ashna with a group dedicated to the Skraag threat. Her Idol of the Huntress was given blessing as a result.
Firebreak - An end to the fight against invading ash hounds to the Southwest of the Ashlands. Traps were set, and an organized fight ended the packs that terrorized locals--and slaughtered a honeymooning couple.
+Carving a Future - Attended a lesson in carving by Frost Menguar. Cieren was able to make Fleet of Spirit as dedication to her faith in the Huntress.
T2 Approved:
+ Cieren dreams, of the expanse of the Blightlands. Of the jungles of Riseport. Of the open plains, and the ashlands, and the woods in between. A venture, and at the end she finds herself face to face with a great wolf with gleaming silver eyes. She almost reaches out, until she feels herself falling, and then awakening abruptly to the sounds of great howls. She struggles to return to sleep, alert and powerful, but feeling graces with a blessing. She is now T2, you may send in a divine ticket with your T2 artifact proposal.+

Sallana Tier 2

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving blessed status:
Yes, Achieved blessed status on 01/08/2022
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their rank up: Guided home a dozen of slaves after having freed them to reunite them specifically with their family and created a museum of the arts in the new town of Keg's Hearth.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally: Here
Must create a small shrine to their divine, and grant it an offering: Done, Offering located at: X: 6676 Y: 42 Z: 2521
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their divine separate to the events above: Here

T2 is denied at this time - Several events overlap and should be different (you have 4 'instances' if the other two are used for two most prominent deeds). You're almost there, though, but some more instances are required at this time.


Better than sliced bread
J A X - Tier 4

Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.
T3 since June, 2019

Must have a significant presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either significant personal acts or active participation in events.
Cymic is a living embodiment of Jax's tenets and outward acts. When i created the character, he simply fit right under Jax's tenets and became blessed under the first event he hosted for Jax. He has acted as the main Jax blessed ever since the divine system was first released years ago, being transferred between each divine magic rework until current. He mostly acts 'The Fool', but also 'The Merchant' as Sangria began as a mercenary and brewing business. He is likewise always happy and jovial, jestful- Perhaps even to his own downfall sometimes. His riskful outlook and bold moves also place him as 'The Gambler', taking part and hosting many gambles. Official, and off the records.

Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine.
Although previously, in an event a few years ago he explained at a sermon that combat was within Jax's regards considering his taste for adventure from back in the day, he received pushback from Jax. Nowadays, Jax seems to have embraced this.
Alternatively, with the event linked, he explained that Jax isn't inherently greedy, nor should his followers be.

In Cymic's eyes, when Jax ate Bilworth and absorbed his domains, he lost the quality of greed and became a side of a two faced coin. He still believes in self indulgence and hedonism but with Bilworth in the picture, that you maintain some level of control, and perhaps give back to maintain good karma.

An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church.

Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally.
Through many events, sermons, and OOC years serving the deity of luck, Cymic has spoken on every single aspect and what they mean, and explaining how to follow them. Jax is a god that following means living. To follow Jax, it could be a rags-to-riches kind of story, a self-made (wo)man. To follow Jax means to indulge yourself in the pleasures of Altera and look after yourself first, before others. You follow the laws when they apply to you, and you break them when they don't. Or, you start a kingdom, and you make your own laws.

Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
+ [The Gift of Giving] - Cymic for the longest time held a pair of ice-blue eyes. He still misses them to this day, as i do OOCly, but he granted his wish for eyes in likeness of 'The Gambler' and his pupils glossed over into a golden color. [Dec. 2020]
+ [Tumultuous Seas] - For a sailing adventure hosted by a fellow Jax blessed, Umbra, Cymic blessed their ship which aided in traversing the ocean for their adventure. Despite things happening on-board that perhaps were not so lucky, no harm was caused by the sea itself. A successful cast. [Jan. 2021]
+ [Immortal Adventure] - During the times of the stasis, when your wounds would not heal, Cymic took advantage of his status of undying and led a kraken hunt. including those under his faction, The Fortune Runners. A cult-before-cults devoted to Jax.
+ Cymic was challenged by the leader of the Storm's Landing Guard, and Valiant blessed, Uriel to a duel. Being the risky fellow, he only would agree if it were to the death. When Cymic bested Valiant's champion in single combat, a feat that was risky enough on it's own- He spared the man, proving that he risked death on his own end only.
+ During a divination hosted by Eliss Cuttingthorne, 'The Merchant' showed up. Previously, when accepting offerings for the ceremony, Cymic offered up an Immortal Dust. [Jan 2022]
+ When meeting with the fellow Jax-Blessed and faithful, he offered them the holy book he once had officialized by Jax. A compilation of Gambling games originally penned by the owner of Rogue's Hearth. [Jan. 2022]
+ After attending a few Taproom Boondays hosted at the Tilted Whale and Anchor Taproom, Cymic offered Ruvan a copy of the Gamblers Grimoire, further spreading the holy book of gambling games to a popular bar. [Jan. 2022]
+ [Of Luck And Mirth] - Cymic hosted one of the first baptisms of children within the pantheon, that being the child of Agnar Freyr and Milah Sicarus. The child was granted a birthmark of Jax.
+ The Invoker of Jax constructed a large gambling hall underneath Halbed. It's warm, hosts a bar, and hosts eight games that can be used without the /roll command so that chat could not be clogged. 6/8 of these gambling machines are unique in that i made them up myself. A card machine that allows for games like blackjack or poker (full deck of unique cards), a game akin to horse racing done with carts, and several different stake slot machines. [Jan. 2021 - Jan. 2022]
+ Cymic offers a craft from Thordil, Korog Blessed. A large compass shaped slab of rich metals. While seeming fit since they both got blessed in the same event, at some point in their journey Thordil crafted him a work of art. It now rests in the grand cathedral within Storm's Landing. [Feb 2022] (Hopper is full)
+ Cymic attends Abraham's event, [An Opinion on Jax] - Cymic attends this under the attire of Jax. He makes note of the man's points in a notebook, expanding on such to return to the man so that he may reflect on some of the in-between-the-line aspects of his own preachings.
+ During an adventure to the Ashlands for the event, [Drako-go!] - Cymic used his spell to aid a fellow adventurer, Amund Khrarstein from the attack of a Drakodo. It seemed to prove effective. Him and Branko were grateful they had brought a Jaxite, specifically. [Feb 2022]
+ [Streets of Serendipity - Gambling Hall Opening] While Cymic has hosted games within his gambling hall for a few close friends, this one was finally open to the public. Large stakes prizes including Drakodo pieces, multiple Immortal Dust, Radiant Lump Sums, Ancient Tideborne Weaponry (beyond repair), A bottle of Alcohol from the year 500, and Volatile Obsidian, amongst smaller things such as Glimmersteel Ore and some Jewelry. [Feb 2022]
+ Beat the figment, 'The Gambler', in a game of luck. [Feb 2022]
+ Has taken Targ under his wing in the worship of Jax. He has also supplied him with the Gambler's Grimoire, that he may use for future events on his journey with Jax. [Feb 2022]

An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine. Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.
High Tier Loot, i have owned these items OOCly and ICly for years, and i am sad to see them go.
[Ardaric's Saber] - Acquired IC after pilfering through the Cove. It was an adventurous event with many traps laid and such. This is one of his greatest treasures. He offers it due to Jax's distaste of Visage, especially in recent events.
[Maceo's Family Ring] - After a 'Greyling Style' gamble with Balatro, Cymic attained this simple ring. He's held onto it ever since. This is one of his greatest treasures. He offers it due to Jax's distaste of Ignis.

(Hopper is overflowing atm, only managed to put Maceo's Ring in there.)

An Oath of personal and religious significance must be sworn in the name of their God.

[The Contract] - Upon reaching tier 3, a fine contract and golden ink were provided by Jax. Within this contract, it was stated that he was bound to Jax as his blessed. Cymic takes this oath further, his ways set deeper than stone to always live under Jax's ways.
[Oath of Opportunity] - Cymic has vowed to provide for the poor of his people, the rags of his city. A stand in accordance to Bilworth is set within the walls offering food for those without. It warns against taking too much. A promise to give a more charitable view was made as well. [March, 2019]

I would prefer in-game if possible.
Last edited:


don't sit on ladybugs
Lore Staff

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.+ Blessed achieved June 22, 2021
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host at least two events which are of thematic significance to their divine.+ Attended the event Blightlands Excursion, fighting a minion of Qlippoth, a weird mass of worms. Got a head wound. She rushed towards the monster as it attacked Aelyth, intent on protecting her (before getting side-tracked with possible ear-worm death.) [Tenets II, V, and the aspect of Hunting]

+ Hosted and attended the event My Request, wherein a simple hunt of a deer led to the finding of a note, written in a language she didn't understand. During the attendance of the event A Pumpkin Problem (where she got 1st place :)) she asked around, obtaining a translation through the help of a stranger who could read it. After much more recently finding a group she feels comfortable hunting with again, she plans on tracking the note's source down, and finding out what is in store. (This is the beginning of an event arc, which has not yet concluded.) [Tenets VI, VII, aspects of Hunting and Wilderness.]
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)+ Literally only wears green, keeps small carvings that she's made on her almost always, and consistently keeps daggers and bows with her when she travels (some of which have Theodran imagery, with carved leaves, prayers, etc.)
Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering.'Individuals may find that they can become Blessed or rank up in tiers by finding other paths away from every guideline.'

Personally, I feel like Candice has done so many acts that exceed what is needed for T2 that a shrine is not needed -- however, it is being currently worked upon, and will likely be ready within the month, if it is required.
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.+ She attended the event Dusk, which involved protecting Storm's Landing from a giant bird (which turned into a woman ??) that could shoot out feathers like arrows to cause immense pain.

+ She began to work heavily on carpentry and carving, preparing herself to learn how to make bows. At the journeyman level, she has made a few ones by herself, planning to give them out to the Silver Conclave as training gifts for the kids. (This has been an ongoing thing, and is thusly slightly out of order from the chronology of everything else.)

+ Finding herself in a state of mental unrest, Candice decides to try to do her best to rekindle old relationships, particularly with Aelyth and Aryn Ithildran, whilst finding a new meaning of self. This eventually led to her joining the Silver Conclave, headed by Aelyth.

+ Attended the event Fledgling Outing, wherein she joined some of those in the Conclave on a fairly benign natural obstacle course and hunted a boar. While primarily meant for the kiddos, it was a fun little retreat wherein she got some hunting experience that wasn't insanely violent.

+ Attended the event Elimination, wherein she and others in the Conclave were asked to take down an enemy camp that was constructed as part of the Eldpoint Revolution. She helped to shoot down multiple enemies, as well as one unfortunate scout that they couldn't distinguish from the rest from far away. She got shot in the side, before being healed by Valtae.

+ Attended the event Casual Hunting, wherein a few Silver Conclave members joined Nwalme Fuvur in his attempt to find a delicacy thought to be lost to man; CASHEWS. A large boar came after the group, leading to Candice getting absolutely impaled in the leg. This was later healed by Thryss.

(Also technically attended the event Unwelcome, however I had to oocly log off halfway through, so I am not counting it towards the rest of the instances.)

EDIT: (if possible, in-game would be nice!)
1645292566760.png now have the shrine, (you can't see the sign from the front but there's a sign specifying the kind of skull, an ashhound skull, which has been offered to Theodra. The skull is from In Search of Answers.


Metaiyyehmorphosis Master
Retired Staff
Mylohk Danik
Valiant - Tier Two

Character Name: Mylohk Danik
IGN: PurpleKnoife
Character Profile:
Divine Profile: [X]

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.

Achieved Tier One on the 8th of January, 2022

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.

  1. Sieged Eldpoint with the rest of the Realmsguard. During the initial attack, Mylohk dedicated himself to protecting a couple of the unarmoured attackers; Aesi Ro’van and Ralia. After pushing into the city, he remained focused on providing an unbreaking shield to those who needed it; Ralia after receiving an arrow, moving to shield her from further fire; Aesi, as he believed them to be unarmoured before being informed of their mirrorwood attire, moving to cover them as they retrieved their dagger and tended to a civilian; Aesi again after a crossbolt was sent their way; Storm Arcturus, shielding the man as he recovered from a wound to the chest; Raelur Fen’Shal, after he had been injured in a prior engagement, he kept close to the man, still holding his faltering shield to offer what protection he could as they advanced on the routing forces. Additionally, Mylohk called out numerous times to the citizens of Eldpoint, utilizing his Valiant Cult Passive to assist him and his comrades in clearing the citizens from the streets, seeing that as few innocents as possible were harmed. When the matter of Erwin Elindriol's heinous war crime was being discussed, Mylohk asked, along with Byrne, that he be given over to Eldpoint to face their justice for the murder of one of her people, as the Realmsguard was not yet equipped to deal with a judgement of this ilk. Erwin regrettably died from his wounds before facing such justice, a fact that incenses Mylohk.
  2. During a journey to Nid Arach, Mylohk assisted the Realmsguard in searching for slaves; whom they intended to liberate from their bondage. Mylohk suggested going to the Ignite camp for information, where he instructed his fellows to follow his lead when interacting with the paranoid soldiers. He was able to prove himself to the soldiers, learning that some slaves had been seen near the Pits of Magic. After following leads with the rest of the Realmsguard, they discovered a large group of slaves, set to work by slavers of the Necromancer. The group charged upon the slavers; killing 3 of the 4; Mylohk, with the help of Aesi, was able to beat one in hand to hand combat, taking them alive to be tried in Storms Landing for their crimes.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

Mylohk usually always wears a dark blue Mirrorwood undershirt. Additionally, he keeps a silver coin on him emblazoned with a single lightning bolt; if not given by Valiant himself, surely one of his angels.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)

Mylohk’s Personal Shrine, located within his bedroom in Blackrush. He asks Raelur to make him an Earkstone Idol, carved in the image of the Inheritor’s Sword and Shield. He offers the tattered remains of the shield he used to defend the fellow liberators of Eldpoint.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.

  1. Attended the First of the Realmsguard meetings, where many topics were brought up; The Eldpoint Rebellion and the Realmsguard role in assaulting the city; the ongoing situation of the kidnapping and torture of Athryl Mithtanil; Nid Arach and efforts to free slaves from the cursed land, and finally, the use of Starblood within their organisation. Mylohk brought up what he perceived as a need for the members of the Realmsguard to swear Oaths to truly dedicate themselves to their primary goal; the defense of the Realm. Anyone can claim to be acting in the best interests of the "Realm", or the majority; only by swearing an Oath, with clearly defined tenets can one truly be held accountable for their actions.
  2. Stood amongst others at Bennett’s attempt to cleanse Kilrox’s influence from the Helm; was present for the appearance of Valiant himself, reassuring Bennett, stopping his anger from becoming that which he hated; akin to Kilrox. Having only recently being Blessed, the appearance of his patron himself came as a shock to Mylohk, but helped to reinforce that his decision in paying homage to Valiant was a righteous one, and one he would not walk alone.
  3. Helped to mediate a terse initial interaction with a group of Ignites within Nid Arach; using a recovered and repaired Ignite banner recovered by Byrne Valhart in a previous trip, Mylohk and the group of Realmsguard made contact with the Ignite camp. Was able to talk down the untrustworthy soldiers, convincing them that their intentions were pure, and not guided by trickery. The soldier accepted the banner, and agreed to spread word to their superior that the Realmsguard had offered their partnership in helping to cleanse the accursed land.
  4. Showed courage toward an antagonistic Uriel during the Summoning of the Warrior at Blackrush. After he claimed he followed the will of Valiant in regards to the brutal maiming of Athryl Mithtanil, Mylohk pointed out the perceived hypocrisy of his statement (that being that Uriel had committed such on someone old and frail; someone who by all definitions was someone who ought to be protected) despite the tension that wracked his body. Ultimately, it fell on deaf ears, but the act in of itself was significant for Mylohk, who had always remained very reserved in such heated matters. Additionally, Mylohk was not afforded the full truth on the events surrounding the incident. Regardless, his desire to protect those unable to protect themselves was firmly cemented through this act.
  5. In an expedition to both explore Nid Arach, and show Kepesk Arc, a potential member of the Realmsguard, the ropes as it were, the group found themselves in the lair of a cave wendigo, unbeknownst to them at the time. The diminutive creature was drawn to the groups light sources, making combating it, and rescuing Byrne and Raelur, who had both fallen into a pit trap, difficult. As the creature lunged for Kepesk, Mylohk attempted to strike it in the back, only for his club-like sword to connect with Kepesk instead, due to the poor visibility and closeness of both Kepesk and the Wendigo. Mylohk immediately shifted to shielding his fellow delver, the blow he had inflicted leaving him concussed, planting himself firmly between the elf and the creature. Not wanting to risk further harm to him, Mylohk dragged the man from the cave, confident his allies would make short work of the beast. This unfortunate mistake solidified two things for Mylohk; first, raising his blade, even in the defense of another, meant someone was going to end up injured. Secondly, raising his blade risked the one at the end of it dying; an eventuality that had not yet come to pass. As a way of apology for concussing Kepesk, Mylohk forged him a refined irzis-fyr arming sword, with an eizholz hilt wrapped in leather.
  6. Reforged Sparksong for Byrne Valhart; after Byrne located Sparksong, a sword of great personal significance to Byrne, Mylohk was asked by the man to reforge the blade for Byrne, marking the third time it had been reforged. Mylohk pushed his skills to their utmost, remaking Sparksong into an arming sword of Viridescence, replete with a hilt of Archblossom wood. Mylohk's work would seemingly go on to be blessed by the Inheritor himself, becoming Byrne Valhart's Divine Artifact.
  7. Swore his Oath to the Realm, officially swearing himself to the Realmsguard. The Realmsguard are part Valiant Cult, part Order dedicated to the Protection of the Realm, along with its inhabitants. Mylohk was one of the Founding Members, as mentioned back in his T1 Application.
  8. Mylohk's daily training has not wavered; instead, since moving to Blackrush, where there is a "gym" set up in the Realmsguard building, Mylohk's stamina and strength has only continued to grow. Additionally, he has benefited from the proper meals and wellness check ups of Anisar Valhart immensely, who has tended to both his burns, which he has had since childhood, and leech bites after a trip to Nid Arach. Besides the combats he has been involved in, decked head to toe in plate armour, the fruits of his labours were most apparent at the Astremnian Eldpoint liberation festival, where Mylohk participated in both the Tug of War, and Hoplon Footrace. With Raelur Fen'shal on his team, Mylohk was able to secure victory over Byrne Valhart and Silf in a test of their strength during the Tug of War. Mylohk additionally came in second place for the Hoplon Footrace, which involved carrying a heavy bronze shield in a sprint to the finish, losing only to Byrne.

If successful, Forum emote is fine :)


Storm's Landing Wanderer

Sallana Tier 2

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving blessed status:
Yes, Achieved blessed status on 01/08/2022
Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their rank up: Guided home a dozen of slaves after having freed them to reunite them specifically with their family and created a museum of the arts in the new town of Keg's Hearth.
The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally: Here
Must create a small shrine to their divine, and grant it an offering: Done, Offering located at: X: 6676 Y: 42 Z: 2521
Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their divine separate to the events above: Here

Added an extra divine deed to meet the 5 quota, that being the Sallana's Caring Gifts.

Should have everything done for this tier.
Forum emote is fine.


You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
In-Game Tech Staff
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Server Owner
Shadow Owner
J A X - Tier 4
Approved, IG emote will happen when schedules align

View attachment 127282 now have the shrine, (you can't see the sign from the front but there's a sign specifying the kind of skull, an ashhound skull, which has been offered to Theodra. The skull is from In Search of Answers.
Approved, IG emote will happen when schedules align

If possible, in game rank up please.
Approved, IG emote will happen when schedules align

Forum emote is fine.
A fleeting melody sounds on the wind, heard only by Aesi. Aesi is now T2

Mylohk Danik
Valiant - Tier Two

Character Name: Mylohk Danik
IGN: PurpleKnoife
Character Profile:
Divine Profile: [X]

Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.

Achieved Tier One on the 8th of January, 2022

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.

  1. Sieged Eldpoint with the rest of the Realmsguard. During the initial attack, Mylohk dedicated himself to protecting a couple of the unarmoured attackers; Aesi Ro’van and Ralia. After pushing into the city, he remained focused on providing an unbreaking shield to those who needed it; Ralia after receiving an arrow, moving to shield her from further fire; Aesi, as he believed them to be unarmoured before being informed of their mirrorwood attire, moving to cover them as they retrieved their dagger and tended to a civilian; Aesi again after a crossbolt was sent their way; Storm Arcturus, shielding the man as he recovered from a wound to the chest; Raelur Fen’Shal, after he had been injured in a prior engagement, he kept close to the man, still holding his faltering shield to offer what protection he could as they advanced on the routing forces. Additionally, Mylohk called out numerous times to the citizens of Eldpoint, utilizing his Valiant Cult Passive to assist him and his comrades in clearing the citizens from the streets, seeing that as few innocents as possible were harmed. When the matter of Erwin Elindriol's heinous war crime was being discussed, Mylohk asked, along with Byrne, that he be given over to Eldpoint to face their justice for the murder of one of her people, as the Realmsguard was not yet equipped to deal with a judgement of this ilk. Erwin regrettably died from his wounds before facing such justice, a fact that incenses Mylohk.
  2. During a journey to Nid Arach, Mylohk assisted the Realmsguard in searching for slaves; whom they intended to liberate from their bondage. Mylohk suggested going to the Ignite camp for information, where he instructed his fellows to follow his lead when interacting with the paranoid soldiers. He was able to prove himself to the soldiers, learning that some slaves had been seen near the Pits of Magic. After following leads with the rest of the Realmsguard, they discovered a large group of slaves, set to work by slavers of the Necromancer. The group charged upon the slavers; killing 3 of the 4; Mylohk, with the help of Aesi, was able to beat one in hand to hand combat, taking them alive to be tried in Storms Landing for their crimes.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)

Mylohk usually always wears a dark blue Mirrorwood undershirt. Additionally, he keeps a silver coin on him emblazoned with a single lightning bolt; if not given by Valiant himself, surely one of his angels.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)

Mylohk’s Personal Shrine, located within his bedroom in Blackrush. He asks Raelur to make him an Earkstone Idol, carved in the image of the Inheritor’s Sword and Shield. He offers the tattered remains of the shield he used to defend the fellow liberators of Eldpoint.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine separate to the event(s) above.

  1. Attended the First of the Realmsguard meetings, where many topics were brought up; The Eldpoint Rebellion and the Realmsguard role in assaulting the city; the ongoing situation of the kidnapping and torture of Athryl Mithtanil; Nid Arach and efforts to free slaves from the cursed land, and finally, the use of Starblood within their organisation. Mylohk brought up what he perceived as a need for the members of the Realmsguard to swear Oaths to truly dedicate themselves to their primary goal; the defense of the Realm. Anyone can claim to be acting in the best interests of the "Realm", or the majority; only by swearing an Oath, with clearly defined tenets can one truly be held accountable for their actions.
  2. Stood amongst others at Bennett’s attempt to cleanse Kilrox’s influence from the Helm; was present for the appearance of Valiant himself, reassuring Bennett, stopping his anger from becoming that which he hated; akin to Kilrox. Having only recently being Blessed, the appearance of his patron himself came as a shock to Mylohk, but helped to reinforce that his decision in paying homage to Valiant was a righteous one, and one he would not walk alone.
  3. Helped to mediate a terse initial interaction with a group of Ignites within Nid Arach; using a recovered and repaired Ignite banner recovered by Byrne Valhart in a previous trip, Mylohk and the group of Realmsguard made contact with the Ignite camp. Was able to talk down the untrustworthy soldiers, convincing them that their intentions were pure, and not guided by trickery. The soldier accepted the banner, and agreed to spread word to their superior that the Realmsguard had offered their partnership in helping to cleanse the accursed land.
  4. Showed courage toward an antagonistic Uriel during the Summoning of the Warrior at Blackrush. After he claimed he followed the will of Valiant in regards to the brutal maiming of Athryl Mithtanil, Mylohk pointed out the perceived hypocrisy of his statement (that being that Uriel had committed such on someone old and frail; someone who by all definitions was someone who ought to be protected) despite the tension that wracked his body. Ultimately, it fell on deaf ears, but the act in of itself was significant for Mylohk, who had always remained very reserved in such heated matters. Additionally, Mylohk was not afforded the full truth on the events surrounding the incident. Regardless, his desire to protect those unable to protect themselves was firmly cemented through this act.
  5. In an expedition to both explore Nid Arach, and show Kepesk Arc, a potential member of the Realmsguard, the ropes as it were, the group found themselves in the lair of a cave wendigo, unbeknownst to them at the time. The diminutive creature was drawn to the groups light sources, making combating it, and rescuing Byrne and Raelur, who had both fallen into a pit trap, difficult. As the creature lunged for Kepesk, Mylohk attempted to strike it in the back, only for his club-like sword to connect with Kepesk instead, due to the poor visibility and closeness of both Kepesk and the Wendigo. Mylohk immediately shifted to shielding his fellow delver, the blow he had inflicted leaving him concussed, planting himself firmly between the elf and the creature. Not wanting to risk further harm to him, Mylohk dragged the man from the cave, confident his allies would make short work of the beast. This unfortunate mistake solidified two things for Mylohk; first, raising his blade, even in the defense of another, meant someone was going to end up injured. Secondly, raising his blade risked the one at the end of it dying; an eventuality that had not yet come to pass. As a way of apology for concussing Kepesk, Mylohk forged him a refined irzis-fyr arming sword, with an eizholz hilt wrapped in leather.
  6. Reforged Sparksong for Byrne Valhart; after Byrne located Sparksong, a sword of great personal significance to Byrne, Mylohk was asked by the man to reforge the blade for Byrne, marking the third time it had been reforged. Mylohk pushed his skills to their utmost, remaking Sparksong into an arming sword of Viridescence, replete with a hilt of Archblossom wood. Mylohk's work would seemingly go on to be blessed by the Inheritor himself, becoming Byrne Valhart's Divine Artifact.
  7. Swore his Oath to the Realm, officially swearing himself to the Realmsguard. The Realmsguard are part Valiant Cult, part Order dedicated to the Protection of the Realm, along with its inhabitants. Mylohk was one of the Founding Members, as mentioned back in his T1 Application.
  8. Mylohk's daily training has not wavered; instead, since moving to Blackrush, where there is a "gym" set up in the Realmsguard building, Mylohk's stamina and strength has only continued to grow. Additionally, he has benefited from the proper meals and wellness check ups of Anisar Valhart immensely, who has tended to both his burns, which he has had since childhood, and leech bites after a trip to Nid Arach. Besides the combats he has been involved in, decked head to toe in plate armour, the fruits of his labours were most apparent at the Astremnian Eldpoint liberation festival, where Mylohk participated in both the Tug of War, and Hoplon Footrace. With Raelur Fen'shal on his team, Mylohk was able to secure victory over Byrne Valhart and Silf in a test of their strength during the Tug of War. Mylohk additionally came in second place for the Hoplon Footrace, which involved carrying a heavy bronze shield in a sprint to the finish, losing only to Byrne.

If successful, Forum emote is fine :)
Denied for now, we'd like to see a few more substantial instances for the five:
1&2: Counting these together as one, we're looking for a bit more than what sounds like mostly attending events.
3: Good
4: The sentiment's good but in the context of there also being an angel there that was backing up Uriel's stance, this instance doesn't earn favor with Valiant
5: Sentiment's good, but will only count when he demonstrates that he's learned from it. The friendly fire incident itself doesn't win favor.
6: Not really Valiant-related outside of the context of the theme, and doesn't count as a significant act
7: Alright
8: Alright


Lord of Altera
Abraham Solivu - Tier 0 -> Jax Tier 1 - Rankup Request


In order to first become Blessed, the following requirements should be met;

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread: {✓}
The character must be at least two months old OOC: {✓}
The character must be at least sixteen years of age: {✓}
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine: {✓}
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above: {✓} {✓} {✓}
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.): {✓}

- [6/26/2021] Takes up learning more from a colleague; begins regular prayer
- [June/July 2021] Begins taking regular advice on Jax practices
- Goes to an auction in Halbed, almost wins a rare artifact, but is outbid by 50,000 radiants (thematic signifcance event (contributed more to the event here than in the other auction)/notable act in line with divine)
- Goes to a separate auction in Storms Landing and secures 2 items (notable act in line with divine)
- Secures a Jax artifcact, Trove (notable act in line with divine)
- Hosts a sermon on Jax (notable act in line with divine/hosting event)
- A gold coin, found along the shore of the island with the Trove artifact, offered to the shrine of Jax at Storms Landing (one offering of an item; the hopper do be full)

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Legend of Altera
V. Gerharde (Victor, formerly Valerie) - T1 to T2 Visage


Show extended worship, with one month OOC since achieving Blessed status.
29/11/2021 - Achieved T1

Describe the two most prominent relevant deeds they've done since their last rank up.
1 - Sick of being puppeted by Branko, Valerie has taken to feeding information to The Realmsguard to help their cause, double-crossing the Skraagite in the process.

2 - When asked if she would die for her faith, and to protect the ocean within Visage's grasp, she said that she would. And she lived up to that promise when she told Briarwood to leave the Sermon that was quickly turning hostile and stayed to ensure her escape, at which point she was struck down by Cymic.

The character should keep something on them that represents their Divine personally. (Items, Clothing, etc)
An earkstone pendant with a holy symbol of Visage.

Must create a small shrine to their Divine, and grant it an offering. (Must be an item, check notes at the top of the page.)
The basement of her home in Drakenport
Coords: 7924 30 -7123
Item: A Lightning Bug Trophy that Valerie gained from the Slayer Tower. She won the trial using illusions and trickery on the bugs, managing to catch one without violence or injury.

Must have at least five instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant seen favourably by their Divine.
1 - Attended a Sallana gathering, as part of the effort to improve relations and favour with other divine followers.
2 - Offered an Arachian Pendant during a divination event, gained during repeated excursions to Nid Arach, where Valerie is trying to learn about the mysterious land and gain favour with 'The Necromancer'.
3 - Gave information about Reinhard's breach of loyalty to Nwalme, got paid for it. Did so using her Disguised Alias, Echo.
4 - Gave information about the Realmsguard camp to Branko and his crew, leading to his victory.
5 - Fought in the Eldpoint siege from a boat on behalf of Drakenport, demonstrating the city's, and the cult's, strength when it comes to the ocean.
6 - Exchange of information about corruption within the Landing with Storm Arcturus

If accepted, in-game is preferred if possible.
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friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Amund Khrarstein - Valiant Tier One

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine
Amund has worshipped Valiant (and Kilrox) for a great deal of time but took a break in his worship for a time to pursue a potential blessing in Theodra. Realizing the folly in this false faith, he has since returned to Valiant. (It has been exactly one month today since he began worshipping Valiant again OOCly)
The character must be at least two months old OOC.The character is several years old OOC, having initially been made back in 2017-2018.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.Amund is thirty-two years old.
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.Directly following the reigniting of his faith in Valiant, Amund took place in a battle against the Realmsguard. His actions in this battle showed prowess in combat. Multiple blessed of Valiant struck at Amund's back while he was committed to combat with the Earthspawn, Izhmoz. He held his own against a physical more imposing opponent, his knee being dislocated in the process. Towards the end of the battle, he personally killed one member of the Realmsguard after they killed one of his comrades. A skull is taken as a trophy on this day.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.1. Accompanied a hunt for Drakodos in the Ashlands, despite the fact that one wrong step would result in his immediate death should he be caught on fire. Proceeded to personally slay one of the Drakodos with assistance from two allies present. Took its skull as a trophy, allowing others to take the more useful parts of the animal.
2. His career as a smith has begun to bear fruit in terms of actual skill, and he now dedicates his crafts to Valiant. The first of which was a helmet for personal use- A hounskull/pig-faced bascinet helmet, a lightning bolt enveloped in chains adorning either side of the helmet.
3. Following being told that a comrade of his had their weapon stolen from them in Nid Arach, Amund confronted a group of Arachians. He brought them to heel without violence, having the entire group surrender except for one Arachian, who refused to return the weapon. After giving an ultimatum to surrender or die, this Arachian was the only one that was killed-Amund cleaved their head off with a single swing of his axe. His skull is taken as a trophy.
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.) After being gifted a new axe made of Glimmersteel, Amund sacrificed his old Dane Axe. This occurred at sea during a storm while he travelled from Storm's Landing to Halbed on a trip into the Tundra. (I have the prop, will send it wherever is required)
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Lord of Altera
Rhylantra Andriel - Tier 0 -> Theodra Tier 1 - Rankup Request


In order to first become Blessed, the following requirements should be met;

Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine profile/thread: {✓}
The character must be at least two months old OOC: {✓}
The character must be at least sixteen years of age: {✓}
Must significantly contribute to (by attending) or host an event which is of thematic significance to their divine: {✓}
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above: {✓} {✓} {✓}
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.): {✓}

> 2021
- Begins looking and tracking for a murderer with an uncertain start, finding little from the visagite Antiquity other than a lead on bows. Eventually leads to a talk on the huntress.
- Meets with Marian, a Theodran. Has an archery competition, takes a few lessons, and makes an arrangement to be trained in theodran-like skills at Verdant Valley
- Takes on the lessons about Theodra with Marian
- Given a yew bow of her own
- Learns the tenets
- Views the tail end of a Theodran shrine restoration, meets some more Theodrans, agrees to learn to track with Marian
> 2022
- Tracking training from Marian, identifying tracks, clues, scents directions, and learns about useful gear
- Tracks blooded silver feathers with Lysander and Som
-Wrestles and frees a maulerkin
- Helps with tracking during an expedition in the ashlands; fights and skins drakado, and applies her ranging skills on undead creatures
- Gives prayer to Theodra during the siege of Eldpoint
- Contributes to the saving of Eldpoint through actionable deeds ("You shall defend your family and home, and teach them well the ways of the world." "Do not sit idle in the face of a threat.")
- Helps to reduce deer population with Rhothomir, forced to kill a mountain lion as it attacked them
- Offers a carving of a wolf to the shrine of Theodra in Storms Landing (hopper be full again)

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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
In order to first become tier four, the following requirements should be met;

Show extended worship, with three months OOC since achieving T3.
T3 Achieved 29/11//2021
Must have a significant presence in the world as an embodiment of the virtues of their divine. Must make a constant effort to guide and foster their faith through either significant personal acts or active participation in events. Actively holds events such as [Enactment] and [Naval Tactics] while additionally, they make a consistent strive for their faction and elsewhere to hold Visage in a greater esteem. This is shown in her strive to extend Visage's worship to public places such as Drakenport, Eldpoint and Astrakhan. While otherwise she consistently is building a further connection to the sea and Visage, driving her own people to embrace the seas as their second home.
Must hold at least one sermon in which they explain their own unique views and understanding of their Divine. [Summer under the sea]
An event held to sanctify an area/region in the name of their Divine, or the creation of a larger secondary shrine/church. [Dominion across the oceans]
Must show further evidence of having a unique view and understanding of their Divine and their faith. To truly show how they differ, and what faith means to them personally. Briarwood actively shows a peaceful, non-violent stature in spite of what lies are spread of her. Opting to offer people warnings and mercy instead of the harshest, immediate punishments. She regards the worship of Visage to be something akin to the sea, serene and calming. While she may still resort to violence, it is only during absolute necessities and even then, through the use of others and not by her own hand:
Oath of the puppeteer
Briarwood has sworn never to be the direct cause of death of a single mortal soul. To intentionally render someone dead will be a result of manipulation, power and strategy. To forever give a display of one's power over others and their ability to maintain their own identity discrete from it. Only hard exception being during ones own defense.
(This oath was taken during her ascension to T1 and has been upheld since)
Must have at least ten instances in their divine log where they have personally done something significant in the name of their faith separate to the event(s) above.
1. Is actively teaching Branko Callas and lecturing him into something else. Somebody else. Slowly, allowing his worship not only to exist for Skraag but also for Visage.
2. Through her vast infuence and support, managed to become a council member of Storm's Landing. Even as she's known to publicly worship Visage. A true example of her ability to rule and appeal to others.
3. Establishes support for interests in Knowledge sharing or with siding Visage for the sea across different houses (House Fuvur, Clan Kov'Gra'Sek, House Solivu)
4. Aids in the construction of a new Village intended to serve as divine ground for Visage. It is largely due to her that it is possible at all.
5.Through the information of her allies, Briarwood managed to chew out a spy (Reinhard von Strussenblud). Though beyond going through the ordinary method of capturing him, she allowed Reinhard to decide on what to do, beyond her own demand that he follow the standard procedure of Kaltic Law. Meaning to find who he will talk to first and what. A show of grand manipulation and strategy without losing an ounce if he should do as she told him. Upholding her oath of the puppeteer as such.
6. Gives birth and baptizes her children in the Celestial reservoir during a sermon and meeting dedicated to this [Newborn Seaborn]. Granting her children a birthright to represent Visage and his connection to the sea from the moment they've been birthed, while setting them on his a path in an ultimate score of legacy.
Baptized children:
- Heloise von Briarwood
- Alexandra von Briarwood
- Bernard von Briarwood
7. Aids in the siege of Eldpoint. While naturally this is done out of political deeds, an exchange between the Count of Eldpoint and Countess of Drakenport (Briarwood) was made to lighten up the position of Visage as their aid should be recognized by the council of Eldpoint. Allowing for more free worship of Visage in an entire Kingdom.
8. Through her skill in diplomacy and manipulation, she cordially convinces Charles Roberts to swear fealty to King Asher Varyn, adding to the powers of her faction. Moving one state away from Halbed, a faction lead by a Jaxite Oracle, Cymic. While also, she convinces Charles to contribute to her fight against the Apostles of the Sea, through commissioning Charles to utilize his shipbuilding skills for the Sealords of Drakenport. Furthermore, she instills ideas and offers spiritual aid to Charles to Visage. Meaning to spark his faith and further bolster Visage.
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Briarwood accompanies Charles to the Celestial Reservoir, where she bestows a vision to Charles where he can see his own reflection being projected to different faces in the shards of a mirror.
Projecting Charles as different people and with different faces, allowing him to realize that he can affect the world without ever having to fear for judgement. For he can always hide in the faces of
others through Visage. To be nobody and still earn everything.
9. Through her efforts in statecraft and diplomacy, Briarwood convinces Theodosius Herennius to give those of Visage room to publicly worship, transcending her efforts from maintainin Drakenport as the only place of such public worship, to now two regions.
10. Lead the event for {Rolling in the Deep} where the Reflection's Truth Cult sucessfully receive the "Unknown Depths" figment to join the divine court of Visage. A total of 11 sacrifices from herself were given during this event. While others gave their own fair share. Her oath of the oceans was upheld during this event.
11. Due an attack on one of her faithfuls perpetrated by one blessed by Jax, she convinces the King of the Imperium to support her bring them to trial and punishment. Even if by force. While also rallying support from the council of Storm's Landing and other allies. Showing her absolution for the faith, bringinh entire factions to war over offenses mde against it.
An offering of something of great personal value to the character themselves given to their Divine. Include evidence of why this offering is of importance and significance.
Briarwood offers [Promise] A letter written to her by her beloved, formerly of Visage, along with her [Mollusca memoire} both are figuratively important in her love to those around her. She sacrifices the letter in her final farewell to romance as she proceeds to a greater worship, unbound by such things. While her mollusca memoire allowed her to remember moments with her firstborn child and other inherently important figures to her. Doing so in her wish to show her ability to look past her mortality in worship to the divinity of Visage.
The sacrifices are placed in the Great Ocean temple of the East at: 9217 21 -6734
An Oath of personal and religious significance must be sworn in the name of their God. [Oath of the oceans]
Briarwood has sworn to help and deliver the oceans to Visage and to always defend its sanctity as one of Visage's domains. In perpetuity
- This oath was upheld and given credit during the event: {Rolling in the Deep}
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You've yeed your last haw
Staff member
Events Staff
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Server Owner
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Abraham Solivu - Tier 0 -> Jax Tier 1 - Rankup Request


In order to first become Blessed, the following requirements should be met;
Rhylantra Andriel - Tier 0 -> Theodra Tier 1 - Rankup Request


In order to first become Blessed, the following requirements should be met;
Both approved, but for future reference please include links to the event posts.

V. Gerharde (Victor, formerly Valerie) - T1 to T2 Visage
Approved, we'll try to catch you online!

In order to first become tier four, the following requirements should be met;
Approved, ditto.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
I'll be taking over for a few days to try and clear some backlog and help Lannis. Whilst this may be disappointing to some of you, I am going to ask all pending on 'in game rankups' accept that for the moment, it'll be a forum emote instead - I'll get them written up when I can. You're formally already approved already, but please send me a PM or make a ticket if you need changes in game!
For the rest of the month I will ask for no in game rank up requests as well on applications as we simply don't have the time to work around a growing list of schedules. We'll reintroduce things likely next month and onwards, this isn't a permanent change.

Thanks for your patience.


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Amund Khrarstein - Valiant Tier One
(version 2.0 - additions in italics)
Show worship of a Divine for at least one month OOC from the creation of a divine
Amund has worshipped Valiant (and Kilrox) for a great deal of time but took a break in his worship for a time to pursue a potential blessing in Theodra. Realizing the folly in this false faith, he has since returned to Valiant. (It has been exactly one month today since he began worshipping Valiant again OOCly)
The character must be at least two months old OOC.The character is several years old OOC, having initially been made back in 2017-2018.
The character must be at least sixteen years of age.Amund is thirty-two years old. (i think, he might be older)
Describe the most prominent relevant deed they've done since their last rank up. This can be a hosted event, a significant achievement, or similar spectacle, but it should tend towards acts that demonstrate their faith to others.Directly following the reigniting of his faith in Valiant, Amund took place in a battle against the Realmsguard. His actions in this battle showed prowess in combat. Multiple blessed of Valiant struck at Amund's back while he was committed to combat with the Earthspawn, Izhmoz. He held his own against a physical more imposing opponent, his knee being dislocated in the process. Towards the end of the battle, he personally killed one member of the Realmsguard after they killed one of his comrades. A skull is taken as a trophy on this day.
Three notable acts in line with their Divine (Hunting, Healing, Bartering, etc) separate to the event(s) above.1. Accompanied a hunt for Drakodos in the Ashlands, despite the fact that one wrong step would result in his immediate death should he be caught on fire. Proceeded to personally slay one of the Drakodos with assistance from two allies present. Took its skull as a trophy, allowing others to take the more useful parts of the animal.
2. His career as a smith has begun to bear fruit in terms of actual skill, and he now dedicates his crafts to Valiant. The first of which was a helmet for personal use- A hounskull/pig-faced bascinet helmet, a lightning bolt enveloped in chains adorning either side of the helmet.
3. Following being told that a comrade of his had their weapon stolen from them in Nid Arach, Amund confronted a group of Arachians. He brought them to heel without violence, having the entire group surrender except for one Arachian, who refused to return the weapon. After giving an ultimatum to surrender or die, this Arachian was the only one that was killed-Amund cleaved their head off with a single swing of his axe. His skull is taken as a trophy.
4. Amund chases after Frost Menguar after they near fatally injure Melarue Lydril. This prevented Frost from killing Melarue in cold blood in broad daylight while giving Melarue time to be treated by others present in the Tavern.

5. After being confronted by a Spirit of the Exalted of The Grey Lady, Branko Callas appeared to begin an attempt to murder two bystanders- Candice Kane and Jacob. While he was sure the two likely could've handled themselves, Amund did not wish to take this chance. Despite their previous history, Amund unsheathed his weapons and made ready to fight Branko in defence of the two. It is here that Amund, at least in his mind, must cut most ties with Callas, finding the attempted deaths of non-combatants an unacceptable action.
One offering of an item to their Divine at a shrine/church/etc (Log its OOC location for collection.) After being gifted a new axe made of Glimmersteel, Amund sacrificed his old Dane Axe. This occurred at sea during a storm while he travelled from Storm's Landing to Halbed on a trip into the Tundra. (I have the prop, will send it wherever is required)